Inhalation Toxicology is the discipline that deals with the study of adverse effects on the body by inhaling substances. Thorough knowledge of the behavior of substances (gases, vapors, particles, fibers) in air is essential. This makes it also a very special form of toxicology. Inhalation Toxicology combines knowledge of inter alia, physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and biology to understand what the relationship between an external concentration, internal exposure and toxic effects of an agent. To require studies considerable expertise in the laboratory can carry out is for inhalation toxicology for controlled dispensing of cells, tissues, animals or volunteers. The chair inhalation toxicology will focus on the toxicology of particles and fibers in the air. In addition, I distinguish four areas: nanotechnology, pollution, alternative and toxicokinetics.
Air pollution and health, risk of airborne nanomaterials, toxicology of mixtures, particle dosimetry