

Scholarly publications

de Jong, F., Van Uytvanck, D., Frontini, F., van den Bosch, A., Fišer, D., & Witt, A. (2022). Language Matters: The European Research Infrastructure CLARIN, Today and Tomorrow. In D. Fišer, & A. Witt (Eds.), CLARIN: The Infrastructure for Language Resources (pp. 31-57). (Digital Linguistics; Vol. 1). DeGruyter.


Scholarly publications

Wittenburg, P., de Jong, F., Van Uytvanck, D., & al, E. (2020). State of FAIRness in ESFRI projects. Data Intelligence, 2(1-2), 230.
de Jong, F. M. G., Maegaard, B., Fišer, D., Van Uytvanck, D., & Witt, A. (2020). Interoperability in an Infrastructure Enabling Multidisciplinary Research: The case of CLARIN. In Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (pp. 3406-3413). European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Wissik, T., Edmond, J., Fischer, F., de Jong, F., Scagliola, S., Scharnhorst, A., Schmeer, H., Scholger, W., & Wessels, L. (2020). Teaching Digital Humanities Around the World:An Infrastructural Approach to a Community-Driven DH Course Registry. 图书馆论坛 Library Tribune, 2020(6), 1-27.
Wissik, T., Schmeer, H., Fischer, F., de Jong, F., Scholger, W., & Wessels, L. (2020). DH Teaching Activities as a Resource for Research: Accessing the DH Course Registry Data via an API. Poster presented at DH2020. Paper presented at Digital Humanities Conference.


Scholarly publications

de Jong, F. M. G. (2018). The Scope of CLARIN: From Language as Linguistic Data to Language as Social and Cultural Data. In G. Stickel (Ed.), National Language Institutions and National Languages: Contributions to the EFNIL Conference 2017 in Mannheim. Budapest: Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (pp. 63-69). EFNIL.
de Jong, F. M. G., Maegaard, B., De Smedt, K., Fišer, D., & Van Uytvanck, D. (2018). CLARIN: Towards FAIR and Responsible Data Science Using Language Resources. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018) (pp. 3259-3264)


Other output

Schouten, K., Frasincar, F., & de Jong, F. M. G. (2017). COMMIT at SemEval-2017 Task 5: Ontology-based Method for Sentiment Analysis of Financial Headlines. 883-887. Paper presented at 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017), Vancouver, Canada.
Schouten, K., Frasincar, F., & de Jong, F. M. G. (2017). Ontology-Enhanced Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. 302-320. Paper presented at ICWE 2017, Rome, Netherlands.


Scholarly publications

Hogenboom, F., Frasincar, F., Kaymak, U., de Jong, F. M. G., & Caron, E. (2016). A survey of event extraction methods from text for decision support systems. Decision Support Systems, 11-22.
de Jong, F. M. G., & Nguyen, D. (2016). Computational Sociolinguistics: A Survey. Computational Linguistics, 42(3), 537-593.


Scholarly publications

Hogenboom, A., Frasincar, F., de Jong, F. M. G., & Kaymak, U. (2015). Using rhetorical structure in sentiment analysis. Communications of the ACM, 58(7), 69-77.


Scholarly publications

Bagheri, A., Saraee, M., & De Jong, F. (2014). ADM-LDA: An aspect detection model based on topic modelling using the structure of review sentences. Journal of Information Science, 40(5), 621-636.
Truong, K., Westerhof, G., Lamers, S., & de Jong, F. M. G. (2014). Towards modeling expressed emotions in oral history interviews: Using verbal and nonverbal signals to track personal narratives. Literary and Linguistics Computing, 29(4), 621-636.


Scholarly publications

Bagheri, A., Saraee, M., & de Jong, F. (2013). Latent Dirichlet Markov allocation for sentiment analysis. In In Proceeding of the Fifth European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations (pp. 90-96)
Bagheri, A., Saraee, M., & De Jong, F. (2013). Care more about customers: Unsupervised domain-independent aspect detection for sentiment analysis of customer reviews. Knowledge-Based Systems, 52, 201-213.
Bagheri, A., Saraee, M., & De Jong, F. (2013). An unsupervised aspect detection model for sentiment analysis of reviews. In Natural Language Processing and Information Systems - 18th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2013, Proceedings (pp. 140-151). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 7934 LNCS).
Bagheri, A., Saraee, M., & De Jong, F. (2013). Sentiment classification in Persian: Introducing a mutual information-based method for feature selection. In 2013 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2013 [6599671] (2013 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2013).

Selected publications from before 2015:

Hogenboom, A., Frasincar, F., de Jong, F.M.G. and Kaymak, U. (2015) Using rhetorical structure in sentiment analysis. Communications of the ACM, 58 (7). pp. 69-77.
Truong, K.P., G. J. Westerhof,  S. M. A. Lamers and F.M.G. de Jong (2014)  Towards modeling expressed emotions in oral history interviews: Using verbal and nonverbal signals to track personal narratives. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing, Vol. 29, No. 4.
F.M.G. de Jong , van Hessen, A.J.,  Petrovic, T. and Scagliola, S.I. (2014) Croatian Memories; speech, meaning and emotions in a collection of interviews on experiences of war and trauma. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Iceland. ELRA.
Moniz, A and de Jong, F.M.G.(2014) Sentiment analysis and the impact of employee satisfaction on firm earnings. In: 36th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. pp. 519-527. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8416. Springer Verlag.
Aly, R.B.N. and Doherty, A. and Hiemstra, D. and de Jong, F.M.G. and Smeaton, A. (2013) The uncertain representation ranking framework for concept-based video retrieval. In: Information Retrieval, 16 (5). pp. 557-583.
Aly, R.B.N. and Hiemstra, D. and de Jong, F.M.G. and Apers, P.M.G.(2012) Simulating the Future of Concept-Based Video Retrieval under Improved Detector Performance. In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 60 (1). pp. 203-231.
Truong, K.P. , van Leeuwen, D.A. and de Jong, F.M.G.(2012) Speech-based recognition of self-reported and observed emotion in a dimensional space.In: Speech communication, 54 (9). pp. 1049-1063
F.M.G. de Jong and Ordelman, R.J.F. and Scagliola, S.(2011) Audio-visual Collections and the User Needs of Scholars in the Humanities: a Case for Co-Development. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Supporting Digital Humanities (SDH 2011), Denmark. Centre for Language Technology, Copenhagen.
Trieschnigg, R.B., P. Pezik, V. Lee, F.M.G. de Jong, W. Kraaij  and D. Rebholz-Schuhmann (2009) MeSH Up: effective MeSH text classification for improved document retrieval. In: Bioinformatics, 25 (11),  pp. 1412-1418
F.M.G. de Jong  (2009) NLP and the Humanities: The Revival of an Old Liaison.  In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL 2009), key note lecture, Athens,  pp. 10-15
F.M.G. de Jong et al, (2008) Access to Recorded Interviews: a Research Agenda. In: ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 1 (1).