Educational research output:
· Bijlsma EY, Van Nuland M, Koster A, Meijerman I. Interplay between sense of community and study success in ethnic minority and majority students in a Dutch Bachelor of Pharmacy program. Manuscript in prep
· Bijlsma EY, Koster A, Meijerman I. The effect of fixed teaching groups on sense of community and study success in ethnic minority and majority students. Manuscript in prep
· Bijlsma EY, Hogenkamp A, Kirschner FC. Usefulness of self-study with e-learning modules to improve collaborative learning during workshops. Manuscript in prep
· Bijlsma EY, Hogenkamp A, Kirschner FC. Usefulness of self-study with e-learning modules to improve collaborative learning during workshops. Presentatie ESLTIS (juli 2019)
· Meijerman, I & Bijlsma, EY. Enhancing student engagement through research-based learning. Workshop ESLTIS (juli 2019)
· Bijlsma EY, Hogenkamp A, Kirschner FC. Usefulness of self-study with e-learning modules to improve collaborative learning during workshops. Poster presentatie Utrecht SoTL conference (Maart 2019)
· Bijlsma EY, Van Nuland M, Koster AS, Meijerman I. Community gevoel van studenten van Nederlandse en niet-Nederlandse origine binnen de bachelor Farmacie. Validatie van Rovai’s Classroom Community Scale. Poster presentatie NVMO (november 2017)
· Voordracht inspiratie café Teaching & Learning Lab: Beter voorbereid naar werkcollege? (november 2017).
· Liesbeth Bijlsma, Merel van Nuland, Andries Koster, Irma Meijerman Sense of community of native and ethnic minority students in the Utrecht Bachelor of Pharmacy programme. Validation of Rovai’s Classroom Community Scale. Presentatie Monash Pharmacy Education Symposium (juli 2017)