I joinded the Utrecht University in 2023 as a postdoctoral researcher. I work on the research project Theorizing Freedom from Below funded by a VIDI Grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and led by Dorothea Gädeke.
I obtained my PhD in 2023 at the Université Paris Cité for a thesis entitled Voices that matter. Mapping Social Inaudibility in Contemporary Philosophy (Butler, Honneth, Rancière). This work introduces the concept of social inaudibility to analyze subjects' unequal access to speech in the public sphere. It deploys a phenomenology of inaudibility, paying attention to the various mechanisms of silencing and proposing a review of the social science literature on the subject. The second part proposes a politics of inaudibility, highlighting the political consequences of the phenomenon, particularly from the point of view of the subjects who experience it. The final section focuses on the struggles undertaken by the inaudible to make themselves heard.
I am more broadly interested in contemporary French philosophy (particularly Foucault and Rancière), feminist philosophy, and postcolonial and subaltern studies.