Dr. Emma Everaert MSc

Affiliate Researcher
Language acquisition, processing and disorders
Completed Projects
Language impairment in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a model for SLI? 15.01.2018 to 16.01.2023
General project description

Specific language impairment (SLI) in children is characterized by severe and persistent difficulties in acquiring a native language, unrelated to intellectual disability, physical limitations, or psychosocial deprivation. The etiology of SLI, in particular the role of neurocognitive processes such as learning and information processing, is poorly understood. Progress in this domain is difficult because of the large etiologic and phenotypic heterogeneity of the SLI population. Here, we propose to address this challenge by examining a population with developmental language impairment resulting from a uniform etiology: the 22q11.2 deletion (22q11DS). Children with 22q11DS display delayed language development, and learning- and information processing deficits similar to SLI. The fact that all 22q11DS share the same genetic etiology provides us with a unique opportunity to identify the mechanisms underlying this language disorder.

NWO grant Open Competition
External project members
  • Dr. Michiel Houben; Prof.dr. Jacob Vorstman