Edith Desiree de Leeuw is emiritus professor of survey methodology at the department of methodology and statistics at Utrecht University. She has over 150 scholarly publications and is co-editor of 5 internationally renowned books on survey methodology: Experimental Methods in Survey Research, The International Handbook of Survey Methodology, Total Survey Error in Practice, Advances in Telephone Methodology, and Survey Measurement and Process Quality. She co-edited special issues on nonresponse and total survey error, is associate editor of the Journal of official statistics (JOS), and editor of MDA: Methods, Data, Analyses.
Edith’s publication efforts are oriented to research and policy audiences from multiple disciplines, such as market research, official statistics, and survey methodology and statistics. Special attention has been given to the dissemination of new research tools to practitioners and researchers in the fields of psychology, education, sociology, applied and policy research. Her recent publications focus on mixed-mode studies with the emphasis on online surveys, including mixed device online surveys, nonresponse, special populations such as children, and cross-national research.
She was a Fulbright scholar with Don Dillman at Washington State University and visiting scholar with Jan de Leeuw (no relative) at the Program on Social Statistics, UCLA. She is a fellow of the Interuniversities Joint Institute for Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS) in the Netherlands, and was awarded the Visiting International Fellowship at the Institute of Social Research, University of Surrey. In 2021 Edith received the Monroe G. Sirken award in interdisciplinary survey research method of AAPOR/AMSTAT). In 2017 she received the WAPOR Helen Dinerman prize for lifetime contributions to the field of public opinion and the ESRA award for outstanding services to survey research, the highest honors given by these organizations.
H-index (google Scholar)= 40.