The EU-funded Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global project ‘Cultural Memory in LGBTQ Activism for Rights - MemoRights’ (GA 840302) ran from 2019 to 2022. Dr. Daniele Salerno was the principal investigator with the supervision of Prof. Ann Rigney. The project was based in 2020-2021 at the University of Buenos Aires, with the supervision of Prof. Emilio Crenzel, and at the International Institute for Social History-IISG in Amsterdam.
LGBTQ activism is a key example of a transnational social movement. Activists create images, practices, texts, symbols, and narratives to shape their claims and make them socially visible; their cultural production builds on earlier social movements and struggles and may become inspiring sources for later generations.
Cultural memories of activism travel with and through activists and media, in time and space. The production, use, remediation, and recirculation of cultural memories in LGBTQ activism is the primary focus of the project. MemoRights addressed this question: how is cultural memory used as a resource in LGBTQ activism?
The project engaged with this research question by analyzing commemorations, memorials, and archives as settings and tools in LGBTQ activism from a transnational perspective.
You can find the outputs from the project listed and accessible below, as soon as they will become available.
You can follow the project also on Instagram and Facebook or subscribe the newsletter.
Daniele Salerno (2023) Memoryscapes of liberation: activist mnemonic labor in the queer press, Cultural Studies, online first, 1-27.
Daniele Salerno (2023) An instituting archive for memory activism: The Archivo de la Memoria Trans de Argentina, Memory Studies, Online first, 1-17.
Daniele Salerno & Marit van de Warenburg (2023) ‘Bella ciao’: A portable onument for transnational activism, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 26(2), 164-181.
Daniele Salerno (2023) Stories that shape spatialities: Lieu and milieu de mémoire through the Lens of Narrativity, in Cristina Demaria and Patrizia Violi (eds) Reading Memory Sites Through Signs. Hiding into Landscape, Amsterdam University Press.
Daniele Salerno (2021) A semiotic theory of memory: between movement and form, Semiotica, 241, 87-119.
Daniele Salerno (2021, ed) Omosessualità tra forme di educazione e sistemi legislativi, Bibliomanie, 51.
Daniele Salerno (2020) L. Szulc, 2018, Transnational Homosexuals in Communist Poland, Studi Culturali, 1/2020, 132-134.
Daniele Salerno (2021) I. Cosse, 2019, Mafalda. A Social and Political History of Latin America’s Global Comic, Studi Culturali, 1/2021, 149-151.
Ciclo de paneles virtuales: Memoria cultural y disidencia sexo-genérica en Argentina, Online, March 26 and April 9, 16, 23, 30 de 2021
Memoria, género y activismo. Resistencia a la dictadura y lucha por el aborto legal, with Elizabeth Jelin (CONICET CIS-IDES), Bárbara Sutton (SUNY-Albany) and Emilio Crenzel (CONICET), 26 March 2021
Bailando sobre cenizas - Fiesta y resistencia en las memorias de la disidencia sexo-genérica, with Nicolás Cuello (Instituto de Investigación Gino Germani, University of Buenos Aires and CONICET), Mariano López Seoane (UNTREF - New York University), Cecilia Sosa (Goldsmiths - University of London) and Martín Zícari (KU Leuven), 9 April 2021
‘Con discriminación y represión no hay democracia’. Protestas y activismos sexo-genéricos en el proceso de democratización en Argentina, with Josefina Fernández (Coordinator of the Secretaría Letrada de Género y Diversidad Sexual - MPD/CABA), Natalia Milanesio (University of Houston) and Débora d'Antonio (CONICET and Instituto de Investigaciones en Estudios de Género de la Universidad de Buenos Aires), 16 April 2021
Construir los archivos del activismo de la diversidad sexual, with María Belén Correa (Archivo Memoria Trans de Argentina), Laura Fernández Cordero (investigadora y escritora feminista), gabi herczeg (member of the digitized archive Potencia Tortillera) and Marcelo Ferreyra (Coordinator for Latin America and Caribe of Synergía - Iniciativas por los Derechos Humanos), 23 April 2021
Redes y memorias transnacionales en el activismo LGBTQ, with Javier Fernández Galeano (Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow - Center for the Humanities / Wesleyan University), Santiago Joaquín Insausti (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - Universidad de Buenos Aires) y Mario Pecheny (Docente e investigador – Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET), 30 April 2021
Archivo de la Memoria Trans: política, estética, memoria, with María Belén Correa (Archivo Memoria Trans de Argentina), Cole Rizki (University of Virginia), Mara Glozman (Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham) y Daniele Salerno (Utrecht University), 8 October 2021
Workshop: Archiving Activism in the Digital Age, November 3-4 2021, Utrecht University and International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.
Public Lecture (online): Michelle Caswell (UCLA), Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work, November 3, 2021.
Workshop Archiving Activism in the Digital Age, International Institute of Social History, November 4, 2021, Amsterdam.
Online seminar series: Memory Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives in Dialogue
Ciclo de seminarios virtuales: Estudios sobre memoria: Perspectivas europeas y latinoamericana en dialogo
Daniele Salerno (2019) #Stonewall50. Il Pride come (de-)genere discorsivo, Studi Culturali, 3/2019, 455-471.
Daniele Salerno (2020) My Grandmother the Militant: Activism as a Family Story, ReAct - Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe blog.
Daniele Salerno (2021) Il Fronte Unitario Omosessuale Rivoluzionario Italiano e il movimento transnazionale di liberazione omosessuale, in R. Mastroianni, & C. Miranda (eds) Fuori! 1971-2021. 50 anni dalla fondazione del primo movimento omosessuale in Italia, 34-39.
Daniele Salerno (2021). Trans Memory Activism and Visibility: Archivo de la Memoria Trans Argentina, ReAct - Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe blog.
Daniele Salerno (2022) The Cross-pollination of Memories between Black and LGBT+ Activism, ReAct - Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe blog.