New Book:

Van Uhm, D.P. (2023) Organized Environmental Crime: Black Markets in Gold, Wildlife, and Timber.  New York: Bloomsbury.

Zabyelina, Y. & Van Uhm, D.P. (2020) Illegal Mining: Organized Crime, Corruption, and Ecocide in a Resource-Scarce World. London: Palgrave.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2016) The Illegal Wildlife Trade: Inside the World of Poachers, Smugglers and Traders (Studies of Organized Crime). New York: Springer.

Spapens, T., White, R., Van Uhm, D.P. and Huisman, W. (2018) Green Crimes and Dirty Money. London: Routledge.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Spapens, T. (2018) Speciale editie: Groene Criminologie. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie. Boom

Van Uhm, D.P. and Siegel, D. (2021) Special Issue: Organized Crime and Animals. Trends in Organized Crime.


Dominguez, I., Hindriks, M., Janssen, J., & van Uhm, D. (2024). Online Illegal Trade in Reptiles in the Netherlands. In Sollund, RA and Lie, MSB (eds). Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene (pp. 52-69). Bristol University Press.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2024) De groene victimologie en criminologie, Victimologie in Nederland nieuwsbrief, 18: 2-3

Van Uhm, D.P. (2023) Milieucriminaliteit en groene criminologie, Justitiële verkenningen 49(4): 86-98.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Ryngaert, C.M.J. (2023) Criminalising Ecocide. In Luchtman, M, de Jong, F., Kristen, F., Ligeti, K., Lindeman, J. Tosza, S., Widdershoven, R. and Zaitch, D. (Eds.), Of swords and shields: due process and crime control in times of globalization - Liber amicorum prof. dr. J.A.E. Vervaele, The Hague: Eleven 2023.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2023) Slachtoffers en milieu: Groene criminologie en het schadebeginsel. In Doorn, A.J. van et al. (eds). Slachtoffers: Onderzoek, beleid en praktijk. Wolters Kluwer.

Petrossian, GA and van Uhm, DP (2023) Empirical approaches to wildlife crime prevention, Frontiers in Conservation Science.

Ibáñez Alonso, A. and van Uhm, D.P. (2023) The illegal trade in European eels: outsourcing, funding, and complex symbiotic-antithetical relationships. Trends in Organized Crime.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2023) The Criminalization of the Trade in Wildlife. In Nelen, H. and Siegel, D. (Eds)Organized Crime in the 21st Century. Springer

Ibáñez Alonso, A. and van Uhm, D.P. (2023) Blanqueo y ‘black-washing’ de vida silvestre: interacciones entre el comercio legal e ilegal de anguila europea y caviar negro desde la perspectiva de la Criminología verde. Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica

Van Uhm, D.P. and Zhang, M. (2022) Illegal wildlife trade in two special economic zones in Laos: Underground-open-sale fluctuations in the Golden Triangle borderlands. Frontiers in Conservation Science.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2022) Atrocity Crimes and Ecocide: Interrelations between Armed Conflict, Violence, and Harm to the Environment, In: Holá, B, Nyseth, H. , and Weerdesteijn, M. (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crimes. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2022) Groene criminaliteit en het witwassen van natuurlijke rijkdommen. Newsletter NVC, 14: 5.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2022) Green Criminology. In: Atkinson, R. and Ayres, T. (eds) Shades of Deviance: A Primer on Crime, Deviance and Social Harm. Routledge.

Van Uhm, D.P., Tjoonk, M, Bakole, E. (2022) Organized Forest Crimes: Charcoal and Timber Trade in Eastern DRC,  In: Zabyelina, Y. and Thachuk, K. (eds) The Private Sector and Organized Crime. Routlegde.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2022) Groene criminologie en georganiseerde misdaad, In: Van der Vorm, B, (Ed) Strafrechtelijke criminologie. Boom.

Oude Breuil, B., Siegel, D and van Uhm, D (2022) Smoke and Mirrors: Empirical Research into the Illegal Trade in Tobacco Products in Europe, In: Tosza, S. and Vervaele, J. (Eds) Combatting Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. Springer.

Van der Vorm, B. and van Uhm, D.P. (2022) Een groen-criminologisch perspectief op de Omgevingswet. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 21(2): 19-35.

Moreto, W.J. and Van Uhm, D.P. (2021) Nested Complex Crimes: Assessing the Convergence of Wildlife Trafficking, Organised Crime, and Loose Criminal Networks. British Journal of Criminology, 61 (5): 1334–1353.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Wong, R.Y. (2021) Chinese Organized Crime and the Illegal Wildlife Trade: Diversification and Outsourcing. Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (4): 486 - 505.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Grigore, A. (2021) Indigenous people, organised crime and natural resources: borders, incentives and relations, Critical Criminology, 29 (3): 487–503.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Siegel, D. (2021) Organised Crime and Animals, Trends in Organized Crime

Hoek, Y., Van Uhm, D.P. and Zaitch, D. (2021) Climate Change Litigation: learning from the Urgenda case, Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit 2021 (11) 1: 14-30.

Siegel, D. and Van Uhm, D.P. (2021) Illegal dogfighting in the Netherlands: sport or crime? Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (4): 563 - 580.

Van Uhm, D.P., South, N. and Wyatt, T. (2021) Connections between Trades and Trafficking in Wildlife and Drugs. Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (4): 425 - 446.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2021) Ecocentric values and enforcement in illegal environmental markets. RENFORCE Blogpost, 17 May, 2021

Van Uhm, D.P. and Zaitch, D. (2021) Defaunation, wildlife exploitation and zoonotic diseases - A green criminological perspective. In Siegel, D. (Ed) Notes from Isolation: Global Criminological Perspectives on Coronavirus Pandemic. Eleven International Publishing.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2020) Wildlife trafficking and criminogenic asymmetries in a globalized world. In Brisman, A. and South, N. (Eds) Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. Routledge.

Wyatt, T., Van Uhm, D.P., Nurse, A. (2020) Differentiating criminal networks in the illegal wildlife trade: organized, corporate and disorganized crime. Trends in Organized Crime, 23 (4): 350-366.

Van Uhm, D.P. & Nijman, C.C. (2020) The convergence of environmental crime with other serious crimes: Subtypes within the environmental crime continuum. European Journal of Criminology

Van Wijk, A., Endenburg, N., Van Uhm, D. and Siegel, D. (2020) 'De duistere wereld van hondengevechten', PROCES 2020, p. 417-425

Boekhout van Solinge, T., Van Impe, M., Janssen, J. Van Uhm, D.P. (2020) Een groen criminologisch perspectief op de COVID-19 pandemie. Newsletter NVC, 23: 4.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Spapens, T. (2020) Illegal trade in protected birds in the Netherlands: Three criminological perspectives. In P.C. Duyne, D. Siegel, G. A. Antonopoulos, J. H. Harvey, and K. von Lampe (eds) Criminal defiance in Europe and beyond. Boom.

Van Uhm, D.P., Siegel, D., Van Wijk, A. and Endenburg, N. (2020) ‘High-risk’ Dogs, Dog Fighting and Criminal Networks in the Netherlands. Newsletter CIROC, August 2020.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2020) Defaunatie en de coronapandemie: Overexploitatie bezien vanuit een groen criminologisch perspectief. Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit, 10(1): 39-54.

Siegel, D., Spapens, T. and Van Uhm, D. (2020) Regulators and villains: the dual role of private actors in diamonds and caviar. Crime, Law and Social Change, 74 (5): 509-523.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2020) The Diversification of Organized Crime into Gold Mining: Domination, Crime Convergence, and Ecocide in Darién, Colombia. In Zabyelina, Y. and Van Uhm, D.P. (eds) Illegal Mining: Organized Crime, Corruption, and Ecocide in a Resource-Scarce World. London: Palgrave.

Zabyelina, Y. and Van Uhm, D.P. (2020). The New Eldorado: Organized Crime Informal Mining and the Global Scarcity of Metals and Minerals. In In Zabyelina, Y. and Van Uhm, D.P. (eds) Illegal Mining: Organized Crime, Corruption, and Ecocide in a Resource-Scarce World. London: Palgrave.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2019) Chinese wildlife trafficking networks along the Silk Road. In T. Wing Lo, Dina Siegel, Sharon I Kwok. Organized Crime and Corruption Across Borders. London: Routledge.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Siegel, D. (2019) Green Criminology and Organized Crime. In Plywaczewski, E. and Guzik-Makaruk, E. (Eds) Current Problems of the Penal Law and Criminology. 

Van Uhm, D.P., Pires, S.F., Sosnowski, M. and Petrossian, G.A. (2019) Comparing and Contrasting Wildlife Seizures made at EU and US Entry Points, in Lynch, M.J. and Pires, S.F. Quantitative Studies in Green and Conservation Criminology: The Measurement of Environmental Harm and Crime. Routledge.

Van Uhm, D.P. and Wong, R.W.Y. (2019) Establishing Trust in the Illegal Wildlife Trade in China, Asian Journal of Criminology, Asian Journal of Criminology, 14(1): 23-40.

Musing, L., Harris, L., Williams, A., Parry- Jones, R., van Uhm, D., Wyatt, T. (2019). Corruption and wildlife crime: A focus on caviar trade. A TRAFFIC, WWF, U4 ACRC, Utrecht University, and Northumbria University report.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2019) De diversificatie van georganiseerde misdaad en groene criminologie. Newsletter NVC, 11: 2.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2018) The social construction of the value of wildlife: A green cultural criminological perspective, Theoretical Criminology, 22(3): 384–401.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2018) Wildlife Crime and Security. In Reichel, P. & Randa, R. (Eds.) Transnational Crime and Global Security. Praeger. 

Van Uhm, D.P. (2018) Wildlife and laundering: interaction between the under and upper world. In Spapens, T., White, R., Van Uhm, D.P. and Huisman, W. (Eds.) Green Crimes and Dirty Money. London: Routledge.

Van Uhm, D.P. & Spapens, A.C.M. (2018) Groene Criminologie. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 60(2): 131-141.

Van Uhm, D.P. & Spapens, A.C.M. (2018) Drie perspectieven op de illegale vogelhandel in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 60(2): 231-245.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2018) Naar een non-antropocentrische criminologie. Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit, 8(1): 35-53.

Aghilinejhad, S.M., Gorgin, S., van Uhm, D.P., et al. (2018) What are the drivers of the occurrence of illegal fishing and conservation barriers of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28(3): 690-701.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2018) Talking about Illegal Business: Approaching and Interviewing Poachers, Smugglers, and Traders. In Moreto, W.D. (Ed.) Wildlife Crime: From Theory to Practice. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Van Uhm, D.P. & Moreto, W.D. (2017) Corruption within the Illegal Wildlife Trade: A Symbiotic and Antithetical Enterprise. The British Journal of Criminology, azx032

Van Uhm, D.P. (2017) A green criminological perspective on environmental crime: the anthropocentric, ecocentric and biocentric impact of defaunation. Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal, 87(1): 323-340.

Kool, R. S. B., Emaus, J. M. & Van Uhm, D. P. (2017). The Victim’s Right to Intervene as an Injured Party in Criminal Proceedings: A Multidimensional and Interdisciplinary Assessment of Current Dutch Legal Practice, Utrecht Law Review, 13(3): 77-94.

Vervaele, J.A.E. & Van Uhm, D.P. (2017) Criminal Justice and Environmental Crime: how to tackle organized crime and ecocide? Renforce blog

Van Uhm, D.P. & Siegel, D. (2016) The illegal trade in black caviar. Trends in Organized Crime, 19(1): 67-87.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2016) Illegal trade in wildlife and harms to the world. In Spapens, A.C.M., White, R. & Huisman, W. (Eds.), Environmental Crime in Transnational Context. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 

Petrossian, G.A., Pires, S.F. & Van Uhm, D.P. (2016) An overview of seized illegal wildlife entering the United States, Global Crime, 17 (2): 181-201.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2016) De professionalisering van criminele netwerken in de illegale wildlifehandel. Centre for Information and Research on Organised Crime Newsletter, 16 (1): 1-2

Van Uhm, D.P. (2016) Monkey business: the illegal trade in Barbary macaques. Journal of Trafficking, Organized Crime and Security, 2 (1): 36-49. 

Van Uhm, D.P. (2016) De verwevenheid tussen de onder- en bovenwereld in de wildlife handel. Cahiers Politiestudies 38(1): 41-54.

Van Uhm, D.P. (2016) De illegale handel in wildlife: casestudies in China, Marokko en Rusland. In: Decorte, T. & Zaitch, D. (Eds.) Kwalitatieve methoden en technieken in de criminologie. Leuven / Den Haag: Acco. 

Van Uhm, D.P. (2015) Towards moral principles regarding non-human animals: a green criminological perspective. In: Overarching views of crime and deviancy. Rethinking the legacy of the Utrecht School. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 565-588.

Siegel, D. & Van Uhm, D.P. (2014) Zwarte kaviaar. Criminele netwerken, illegale handel en de bedreiging van de steur. In: Justitiële verkenningen, 30 (2): 54-70

Van Uhm, D.P. (2014) Criminaliteit en traditionele Chinese medicijnen. In: Proces, 93 (2): 130-143

Van Uhm, D.P. (2012) Organised Crime in the Wildlife Trade In: Centre for Information and Research on Organised Crime Newsletter, 10 (2): 2-4

Van Uhm, D.P. (2012) De illegale handel in beschermde diersoorten. In: Groene Criminologie. Justitiële verkenningen, 28 (2): 91-100



Van Uhm, D.P., Tjoonk, M, Bakole, E. (2022) Business as Usual: Illegal Charcoal and Timber Trade in Eastern DRC. Vienna: GITOC

Gore, A., Kennedy, L., Southern, N. and van Uhm, D.P. (2022) Asian Roulette: Criminogenic casinos and illicit trade in environmental commodities in South East Asia. Vienna: GITOC

Van Uhm, D.P. (2020) Crimen Organizado Ambiental en el Parque Nacional Los Katíos. Utrecht: Utrecht University.

Wijk, A. van, Lenders, A., Uhm, D.P. van, Siegel, D., Nieuwenhuizen, X. van, Endenburg, N. (2019). Hoog-risico honden, een bijtend probleem? Een fenomeenonderzoek naar bijtincidenten en hondengevechten. Beke & Universiteit Utrecht.

Oude Breuil, B.C.M., van Uhm, D.P., Graat, J.J.M., Hendrikse, M.L. & Hendrikse, Tineke (2017). Dutch Report, The Netherlands. In Tony Marguery (Eds.),  Mutual Trust Under Pressure, Transferring of Prisoners in the EU - Transfer of Judgements of Conviction in the European Union and the Respect for Individual's Fundamental Rights (pp. 177-248) (51 p.). Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, Part IV.

Kool, R.S.B., Backers, P.W., Emaus, J.M., Kristen, F.G.H., Pluimer, O.S., van Uhm, D.P. & van Gelder, Emma (2016). Civiel schadeverhaal via het strafproces - Een verkenning van de rechtspraktijk en regelgeving betreffende de voeging benadeelde partij.  (374 p.). Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.

Sluis, T. van der, Uhm, D.P. van, Frissel, J. and Henkens, R. (2014) De Nederlandse handel in soorten van de CITES conventie. In opdracht van het Ministerie van EZ (unpublished)

Van Uhm, D.P. (2014) Illegal trade in Barbary macaques. Commissioned by AAP. Utrecht: Utrecht University

Kool, R.S.B., Heblij, M.R., Van Uhm, D.P., Orvini, L., Loeve, C.R.R. & Giesen, I. (2014). Schadeverhaal na een strafbaar feit via de kantonrechter. Een verkennend dossieronderzoek. WODC

Van Uhm, D.P. (2013) Aard en omvang van de illegale wildlifehandel. Commissioned by WWF. Utrecht: Utrecht University (unpublished)

Van Uhm, D.P. (2010) De puppydossiers. Onderzoek illegale hondenhandel. Den Haag: IFAW