Scholarly publications
van Aalderen, N.
, Brouwer, S., Koop, S. H. A., Hegger, D. L. T., & Mees, H. L. P. (2023).
Deliberate stakeholder engagement: a framework of considerations for integrated asset management of water utilities.
Urban Water Journal, 1-11., M. A. V. D., Hegger, D. L. T., Mees, H. L. P., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2023).
Wicked problems and creeping crises: A framework for analyzing governance challenges to addressing environmental land-use problems.
Environmental Science & Policy,
141, 168-177. 2022
Scholarly publications
Hegger, D., Driessen, P., Stouthamer, E., & Mees, H. (2022). Facilitating professional normative judgement through science-policy interfaces: the case of anthropogenic land subsidence in the Netherlands. Abstract from 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance, Toronto, Canada.
Mooren, C. E., Munaretto, S., Sievers, E., Hüesker, F., La Jeunesse, I., Hegger, D., & Driessen, P. (2022). Towards Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus governance: a Nexus Governance Assessment Tool for analyzing the fit of governance systems architecture. Abstract from 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance, Toronto, Canada.
van den Ende, M., Mees, H., Driessen, P., & Hegger, D. (2022).
Mechanisms influencing mainstreaming of adaptation in spatial development: Case studies in three Dutch municipalities.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Snel, K. A. W., Hegger, D., Mees, H., Craig, R. K., Kammerbauer, M., Doorn, N., Bergsma, E., & Wamsler, C. (2022).
Unpacking notions of residents' responsibility in flood risk governance.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
32(3), 217-231. Uittenbroek, C. J.
, Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2022).
Everybody should contribute, but not too much: Perceptions of local governments on citizen responsibilisation in climate change adaptation in the Netherlands.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
32(3), 192-202., D., Mees, H., & Wamsler, C. (2022).
The role of citizens in sustainability and climate change governance: Taking stock and looking ahead.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
32(3), 161-166. Kang, Y. H.
, Dieperink, C., & Hegger, D. (2022).
Policy translation and dynamics: The role of Dutch ideas in developing South Korea's coastal management policies.
Ocean & coastal management,
221, 1-11. [106102]., H., Triyanti, A., Hegger, D., Gilissen, H. K., Driessen, P., & van Rijswick, H. (2022).
Enriching the concept of solution space for climate adaptation by unfolding legal and governance dimensions.
Environmental Science and Policy,
127, 253-262. 2021
Scholarly publications
Triyanti, A., Dieperink, C., Hegger, D., Vu, T., Nguyen, H. Q., Luu, T. T., & Nguyen, D. C. (2021). An analysis of the actual and potential role of international boundary organizations in promoting ecosystem-based approaches in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Kang, Y. H., Dieperink, C., & Hegger, D. (2021). What motivates policy transfer in coastal management? A historical review of South Korea’s land reclamation and wetland restoration policies. Paper presented at EADI ISS 2021 General Conference , The Hague, Netherlands.
Triyanti, A., Dieperink, C., Hegger, D., Vu, T., Nguyen, H. Q., Luu, T. T., & Nguyen, D. C. (2021). The role of International Organisations (IOs) in promoting an ecosystem-based approach for coastal areas: The cases of Ca Mau and Ben Tre, Vietnam. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
van den Ende, M., Hegger, D., Mees, H., & Driessen, P. (2021). Responsibilities for the mainstreaming of climate adaptation on the ground: Lessons from five Dutch municipalities. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Matczak, P., & Hegger, D. (2021). Improving flood resilience through governance strategies – gauging the state of the art. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
van den Ende, M., Driessen, P., Hegger, D., & Mees, H. (2021). Governance challenges to wicked land-use related sustainability problems: A framework of analysis with empirical illustrations from soil subsidence in peatland areas in the Netherlands. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Mees, H., Cuppen, E., Glaas, E., Wamsler, C., Geuijen, K., Bergsma, E., Doorn, N., & Hegger, D. (2021). How do community initiatives contribute to climate action? Towards a better conceptual and empirical understanding of citizen initiatives for climate change governance. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Snel, K. A. W., Hegger, D., Mees, H., Craig, R., Wamsler, C., Kammerbauer, M., Doorn, N., & Bergsma, E. (2021). Unpacking the Notions of Residents’ Responsibility in Flood Risk Governance. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Dinesh, D.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Klerkx, L., Vervoort, J., Campbell, B. M.
, & Driessen, P. P. J. (2021).
Enacting theories of change for food systems transformation under climate change.
Global Food Security,
31, 1-11. [100583]., P.
, & Hegger, D. (2021).
Improving flood resilience through governance strategies: Gauging the state of the art.
8(4), 1-19. [e1532]., D.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Vervoort, J. M., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2021).
A Changing Climate for Knowledge Generation in Agriculture: Lessons to Institutionalize Science-Policy Engagement.
Frontiers in Climate,
3, [615463]., D.
, Hegger, D., Vervoort, J., Campbell, B. M.
, & Driessen, P. P. J. (2021).
Learning from failure at the science–policy interface for climate action in agriculture.
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,
26(1), [2]. publications
van den Ende, M., Hegger, D., & Mees, H. (2021). When plans become practice: the implementation of climate adaptation: What works and what not in terms of governance?
van den Ende, M. A., Wardekker, J. A., Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., & Vervoort, J. M. (2021).
Towards a climate-resilient future together: A toolbox with participatory foresight methods, tools and examples from climate and food governance. Utrecht University. 2020
Scholarly publications
Triyanti, A., Hegger, D. L. T., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2020).
Water and Climate Governance in Deltas: On the Relevance of Anticipatory, Interactive, and Transformative Modes of Governance.
Water (Switzerland),
12(12), [3391]. van den Ende, M. A., Mees, H. L. P., & Hegger, D. L. T. (2020). When plans become practice: the implementation of climate adaptation what works and what not in terms of governance? A monitoring and evaluation report of five pilot neighborhoods in the region of Utrecht . Utrecht University.
Matczak, P.
, & Hegger, D. L. T. (2020).
Flood Risk Governance for More Resilience—Reviewing the Special Issue’s Contribution to Existing Insights.
Water (Switzerland),
12(8), [2122]., D. L. T., Runhaar, H. A. C., Van Laerhoven, F., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2020).
Towards explanations for stability and change in modes of environmental governance: A systematic approach with illustrations from the Netherlands.
Earth System Governance,
3, [100048]. Marschütz, B., Bremer, S.
, Runhaar, H., Hegger, D., Mees, H., Vervoort, J., & Wardekker, A. (2020).
Local narratives of change as an entry point for building urban climate resilience.
Climate Risk Management,
28, [100223]., J. C. M.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Mees, H. L. P., & Driessen, P. (2020).
Opening up the Black Box of Group Decision-Making on Solar Energy: The Case of Strata Buildings in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
12(5), [2097]., E., Erkens, G., Cohen, K. M., Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Weikard, H-P.
, Hefting, M., Hanssen, R. F.
, Fokker, P. A., van den Akker, J.
, Groothuijse, F. A. G., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2020).
Dutch National Scientific Research Program on Land Subsidence: Living on Soft Soils - Subsidence and Society.
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
382, 815–819. Hegger, D., Alexander, M., Raadgever, T., Priest, S., & Bruzzone, S. (2020).
Shaping flood risk governance through science-policy interfaces: Insights from England, France and the Netherlands.
Environmental Science & Policy,
106, 157-165. Professional publications
Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., Wardekker, J. A., & van den Ende, M. A. (2020, Nov 16). Ontwerpen van participatie als een bewust maatwerkproces: Leermodule participatie en co-creatie van klimaatadaptatie factsheet. NKWK/DPRA.
Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., Wardekker, J. A., & van den Ende, M. A. (2020, Nov 16). Financiële prikkels: Leermodule participatie en co-creatie van klimaatadaptatie factsheet. NKWK/DPRA.
Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., Wardekker, J. A., & van den Ende, M. A. (2020, Nov 16). Bewoners initiatieven benutten: Leermodule participatie en co-creatie van klimaatadaptatie factsheet. NKWK/DPRA.
Scholarly publications
Dirth, E. P., Feola, G., Hegger, D. L. T., van der Hel, S. C., Kim, R., Mees, H. L. P., Thungren, G., Vervoort, J. M., & Wardekker, J. A. (2019). Between Governance and Transformations: Insights from a Meta-analysis of 180 Case Studies. Abstract from Leverage Points for Sustainability 2019 Conference, Lüneburg, Germany.
Uittenbroek, C. J.
, Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2019).
Everybody should contribute, but not too much: An exploration of citizen responsibilization for adaptation by local governments in The Netherlands. Paper presented at 4th European Climate Change Adaptation conference (ECCA 2019), Lisbon, Portugal., C. J.
, Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2019).
From public to citizen responsibilities in urban climate adaptation: a thick analysis. In C. Certomà, H. Bulkeley, & J. van der Heijden (Eds.),
Urban climate politics: agency and empowerment (pp. 171-189). (The earth system governance project). Cambridge University Press [etc.]., B.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Dieperink, C., Kim, R. E., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2019).
The potential limitations on its basin decision-making processes of granting self-defence rights to Father Rhine.
Water International,
44(6-7), 684-700., C. J.
, Mees, H. L. P., Hegger, D. L. T., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2019).
The design of public participation: who participates, when and how? Insights in climate adaptation planning from the Netherlands.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
62(14), 2529-2547., H. L. P., Uittenbroek, C. J.
, Hegger, D. L. T., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2019).
From citizen participation to government participation: An exploration of the roles of local governments in community initiatives for climate change adaptation in the Netherlands.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
29(3), 198-208. Professional publications
Wardekker, J. A., Pijnappels, M., Hofland, S.
, van den Ende, M. A., Bessembinder, J.
, Marschütz, B., Runhaar, H. A. C., Mees, H. L. P., & Hegger, D. L. T. (2019).
Verslag workshop Een veerkrachtige Vogelbuurt in een toekomstig klimaat. Universiteit Utrecht. 2018
Scholarly publications
Kundzewicz, Z. W.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Matczak, P.
, & Driessen, P. P. J. (2018).
Flood-risk reduction: structural measures and diverse strategies.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
115(49), 12321-12325., P. P. J., Hegger, D. L. T., Kundzewicz, Z. W.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Crabbé, A., Larrue, C., Matczak, P., Pettersson, M., Priest, S.
, Suykens, C., Raadgever, G. T., & Wiering, M. (2018).
Governance Strategies for Improving Flood Resilience in the Face of Climate Change.
Water (Switzerland),
10(11), 1-16. [1595]. Dinesh, D., Zougmore, R. B.
, Vervoort, J., Totin, E., Thornton, P. K., Solomon, D., Shirsath, P. B., Pede, V. O., Noriega, I. L., Läderach, P., Körner, J.
, Hegger, D., Girvetz, E. H., Friis, A. E.
, Driessen, P. P. J., & Campbell, B. M. (2018).
Facilitating change for climate-smart agriculture through science-policy engagement.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
10(8), [2616]., M.
, Koop, S., Hegger, D., Goswami, B., Oost, J.
, & Van Leeuwen, K. (2018).
Connecting water science and policy in India: lessons from a systematic water governance assessment in the city of Ahmedabad.
Regional Environmental Change,
18(8), 2445–2457., D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., & Bakker, M. H. N. (2018).
Rules and resources for flood risk governance. In T. Raadgever, & D. Hegger (Eds.),
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance (pp. 47-54). Springer. Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., & Bakker, M. H. N. (2018).
Diversification of flood risk management strategies - Necessity and importance. In T. Raadgever, & D. Hegger (Eds.),
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance (pp. 25-33). Springer. Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., & Bakker, M. H. N. (2018).
Enhancing connectivity between strategies by bridging actors, levels and sectors. In T. Raadgever, & D. Hegger (Eds.),
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance (pp. 35-45). Springer. Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., & Bakker, M. H. N. (2018).
Implications for risk governance research and practice. In T. Raadgever, & D. Hegger (Eds.),
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance (pp. 63-81). Springer. Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., & Bakker, M. H. N. (2018).
Researching flood risk governance in Europe. In T. Raadgever, & D. Hegger (Eds.),
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance (pp. 3-23). Springer. Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., & Bakker, M. H. N. (2018).
Evaluations of flood risk governance in terms of resilience, efficiency and legitimacy. In T. Raadgever, & D. Hegger (Eds.),
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance (pp. 55-61). Springer. Börner, L.
, & Hegger, D. L. T. (2018).
Toward design principles for sound e-waste governance: A research approach illustrated with the case of the Netherlands.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
134, 271-281., D., Wiering, M., Crabbé, A.
, & Hegger, D. (2018).
Explaining stability and change. Comparing flood risk governance in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Poland.
Journal of Flood Risk Management,
11(3), 281-290.
Scholarly publications
Fuchs, S., Bonnefond, F., Clarke, D.
, Driessen, P. P. J., Fournier, M., Gatien-Tournat, A., Gralepois, M.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Mees, H. L. P., Uittenbroek, C. J., Murphy, C., Servain, C., & Thaler, T. (2017).
Societal transformation and adaptation necessary to manage dynamics in flood hazard and risk mitigation (TRANS-ADAPT). Intersentia., D. L. T., Mees, H. L. P., Driessen, P. P. J., & Runhaar, H. A. C. (2017).
The Roles of Residents in Climate Adaptation: A systematic review in the case of The Netherlands.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
27(4), 336-350. Wiering, M., Kaufmann, M., Mees, H., Schellenberger, T., Ganzevoort, W.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Larrue, C., & Matczak, P. (2017).
Varieties of flood risk governance in Europe: How do countries respond to driving forces and what explains institutional change? Global Environmental Change,
44, 15-26.
Scholarly publications
Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., bakker, M.
, & Dieperink, C. (2016).
Strengthening and redesigning flood risk governance in Europe: an overview of seven key issues and how they are being dealt with in six European countries. In
E3S Web of Conference -3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016) (Vol. 7). [20010] Fournier, M., Larrue, C., Alexander, M.
, Hegger, D. L. T., bakker, M., Pettersson, M., Crabbé, A., Mees, H., & Chorynski, A. (2016).
Flood risk mitigation in Europe: how far away are we from the aspired forms of adaptive governance? Ecology and Society,
21(4)., D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Wiering, M.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Matczak, P., Crabbé, A., Raadgever, G. T.
, Bakker, M. H. N., Priest, S., Larrue, C., & Ek , K. (2016).
Toward more flood resilience: Is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward? Ecology and Society,
21(4), 1-19. [52]. Driessen, P. P. J., Hegger, D. L. T., Bakker, M. H. N., van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., & Kundzewicz, Z. W. (2016).
Toward more resilient food risk governance.
Ecology and Society,
21(4), [53]. Dieperink, C., Hegger, D. L. T., Bakker, M. H. N., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Green, C.
, & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016).
Recurrent Governance Challenges in the Implementation and Alignment of Flood Risk Management Strategies: a Review.
Water Resources Management,
30(13), 4467-4481. Other output
Hegger, D. L. T. (2016). Flood risk governance in Europe: how eight key issues are being dealt with in six European countries. Abstract from PROVIA Adaptation Futures conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Hegger, D. L. T. (2016). Strengthening and redesigning flood risk governance in Europe: an overview of eight key issues and how they are being dealt with in six European countries. Paper presented at 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management - Innovation - Implementation - Integration, Lyon, France.
Scholarly publications
Gatien-Tournat, A., Gralepois, M., Bonnefond, M., Gralepois, M., Servain, S., Clarke, D., Driessen, P. P. J., Fuchs, S., Hegger, D. L. T., Mees, H. L. P., Murphy, C., & Thaler, T. (2015). Societal transformation and adaptation necessary to manage dynamics in flood hazard and risk mitigation: Work package 1 deliverable: framework for evaluation. JPI Climate funding.
Other output
Gatien-Tournat, A., Fournier, M., Bonnefond, M., Gralepois, M., Servain, S., Clarke, D., Driessen, P. P. J., Fuchs, S., Hegger, D. L. T., Mees, H. L. P., Murphy, C., & Thaler, T. (2015). Bottom-up initiatives for flood risk management in Europe: How can we evaluate governance processes and spatial outcomes?. Paper presented at Association of European Schools of Planning Annual Congress 2015 (AESOP), Prague, Czech Republic.