Dr. ing. D.L.J. (Danny) Broere

David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
Kamer DDW 5.84
3584 CG Utrecht

Dr. ing. D.L.J. (Danny) Broere

Associate Professor
Organic Chemistry and Catalysis
+31 6 43 202 604

For additional information see: www.broerelab.com



Danny Broere obtained his bachelors degree with honors in 2010 at the HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht. He obtained his master’s degree cum laude in 2012 at the VU University Amsterdam. Subsequently, he moved to the University of Amsterdam where he obtained his PhD in Chemistry cum laude in 2016, under supervision of Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt and Joost Reek, working on redox-active ligands. After his PhD, Danny worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Patrick Holland at Yale University on a NWO Rubicon fellowship, working on the development of low-valent iron complexes for the conversion of dinitrogen into organic amines. In September 2018, Danny started as a tenure track assistant professor at Utrecht University where he will focus on the development of well defined homogeneous multimetallic catalyst systems.