Dirk Gerritsen works at the Utrech University School of Economics as of 2005. He coordinates and lectures the course International Investment Management. In addition, he is involved in the courses Accounting for law students, Corporate Finance for science students, and on top of that he supervises several Bachelor- and Master-theses.
Next to his main appointment, Dirk has also taught at other higher education institutions. He teaches the course International Investments at the Radboud University in The Netherlands and he has given guest lectures at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and at the Nyenrode Business University. As of 2006 Dirk has also given guest lectures in South Africa at Stellenbosch Univeristy, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (Port Elizabeth) and at Rhodes University (Grahamstown).
In June 2014 Dirk finished his PhD thesis, titled "The relevance of security analyst opinions for investment decisions". Some of his chapters are published as articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
Other, more popular resarch, has been merged and published in two different books (both co-authored by Arie Buijs): Fabeltjes over beleggen: Borrelpraat en tegeltjeswijsheden nader bekeken (2008) and Eigen Schuld: Beleggingslessen uit de crisis (2010).
Dirk has held a research position at InHolland in 2007/2008 in which he focused on pension fund governance. He also contributed to the Centre for Family Businesses in the period 2007-2009. Dirk conducted research on various governance related aspects of family businesses.
On a freelance basis Dirk has worked for other persons and institutions, for example Euronext (2006) and the Province of North Holland (2009). In addition, he is a regular speaker at investment events such as "De dag van de belegger", "De beleggingsfair" en de "HCC Beleggingsdagen".
In August 2014 Dirk was appoined as External investment advisor of the Finance committee of the SABIC pension fund. As of August 2012 Dirk is a member of the AEX Indices Steering Committee. This supervisory committee is responsible for conducting the periodical reviews of the major Dutch stock indices (i.e. AEX, AMX and AScX). From October 2010 onwards Dirk has joined the editorial board of the VBA Journaal. The VBA is the Dutch association for investment professionals.