Drs. Corine den Hamer

Study Adviser
Study Advisers
+31 30 253 6340
Full name
Drs. Corine den Hamer
Contact details
Building: Transcomplex
Trans 10
Room 1.26 B
3512 JK Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone number (direct) +31 30 253 6340
Phone number (department) +31 30 253 8000
Mo Tu We Th Fr

Email Address for students: studieadviesTLC.gw@uu.nl

Changes to office hours
The study advisors of Languages, Literature and Communication have DAILY TELEPHONE HOURS between 10-12h through the telephone number 030-253 2440.

Appointments will be held in my office on Trans 10 or through Microsoft Teams 
To make the appointment, please book via the online calendar tool.

Students can e-mail us at: studieadviesTLC.gw@uu.nl

Office hours

Telephone office hours (030) 253 2440

Monday 10:00 - 12:00 (rotating)

Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 (Monique van Ruyven)

Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00 (Marlou Tulfer)

Thursday 10:00 - 12:00 (Corine den Hamer)

Friday 10:00 - 12:00 (Harriët Luijendijk)


Sometimes an issue may require more time than is available during the study advisor’s office hours. For example complex study schedules, studying with a disability or chronic illness, or in case of delay due to personal circumstances. If that is the case, please book an appointment (max. 20 minutes) via the online calendar tool.