Dr. C.M. (Cornélie) Westermann

Willem C. Schimmelgebouw
Yalelaan 114
Kamer 1.136
3584 CM Utrecht

Dr. C.M. (Cornélie) Westermann

Associate Professor
Equine Internal Medicine
+31 30 253 1111

Cornélie Westermann is a veterinarian and is Dutch and European Specialist/ Diplomate on Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM). Her PhD research was on equine muscle metabolism and atypical myopathy. 


Clinical work: Department of Equine Sciences: Internal Medicine: patient care, clinical teaching within this patient care

Management: Director of Education Veterinary School

Teaching: Bachelor and Master in all (Equine) subjects, but mostly Equine Master students

Research: Respiratory Diseases, Muscle Diseases, Education


In my opinion our Master is a success  if a student that graduates from our Master of Veterinary Science ...

...is a self-confident, socially capable, communicative person with a good memory of the time he/she spent in a safe environment at our Faculty,

with  a community network, lots of intra- and extra-curricular experiences and a bag full of relevant knowledge and skills

...knows what to do in a veterinary emergency situation

...knows where to find knowledge in an efficient and evidence based way for situations without emergency

...is eager to spend a life full of learning

...is capable to flourish in a changing world and in changing work situations

...knows very well what his/her own boundaries are and when to refer a patient or ask for help

...knows a lot of  aspects of the veterinary working field

...tries to teach and coach other people during his or her career