Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C., Koop, S. H. A., Witjes, M.
, Van Leeuwen, K., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2023).
City-to-city learning to enhance urban water management: The contribution of the City Blueprint Approach.
135, Article 104216. van Mulken, M., Di Fant, V., van Hardeveld, H. A.
, Scheifes, D., Dieperink, C., Schot, P., & Wassen, M. (2023).
De toekomst van het Groene Hart: Een participatieve aanpak voor het verkennen van een duurzaam landschap.
40(2), 67-75. 2022
Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C., Koop, S., Witjes, M.
, Leeuwen, K. V., & Driessen, P. (2022).
City-to-City Learning to Enhance Urban Water Management: The Contribution of the City Blueprint Approach. (pp. 1-21). SSRN. Bruijn, E. D.
, & Dieperink, C. (2022).
A Framework for Assessing Climate Adaptation Governance on the Caribbean Island of Curaçao.
14(22), 1-16. Article 15092., C. (2022). Towards a Good Ecological Status? The Prospects for the Third Implementation Cycle of the EU Water Framework Directive in The Netherlands. Abstract from 2022 Toronto Conference on Earth System Governance, Toronto, Canada.
Dai, L., Dieperink, C., Wuijts, S., & van Rijswijck, M. (2022).
Assessing the soundness of water governance: lessons learned from applying the 10 Building Blocks Approach.
Water International,
47(4), 610-631. Kang, Y. H.
, Dieperink, C., & Hegger, D. (2022).
Policy translation and dynamics: The role of Dutch ideas in developing South Korea's coastal management policies.
Ocean & coastal management,
221, 1-11. Article 106102., N. V.
, Dieperink, C., Rijswick, M. V., & Domis, L. D. S. (2022).
Towards a Good Ecological Status? The Prospects for the Third Implementation Cycle of the EU Water Framework Directive in The Netherlands.
14(3), 1-20. Article 486., A., Dieperink, C., Hegger, D., Vu, T., Nguyen, H. Q., Luu, T. T., & Nguyen, D. C. (2021). An analysis of the actual and potential role of international boundary organizations in promoting ecosystem-based approaches in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Kang, Y. H., Dieperink, C., & Hegger, D. (2021). What motivates policy transfer in coastal management? A historical review of South Korea’s land reclamation and wetland restoration policies. Paper presented at EADI ISS 2021 General Conference , The Hague, Netherlands.
Dieperink, C., Witjes, M., Pfieffers, T., Van Pham Dang , T., Hoekstra, P., & Otter, H. S. (2021). Towards a better groundwater governance for the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, Some lessons from the Rise and Fall project. Paper presented at Breaking Barriers - Final Conference of Urbanising Deltas of the World (UDW) (Oniine).
Dieperink, C., van Helden, L., Triyanti, A., & Stijnen, C. (2021). Dealing with droughts in deltas, the case of the Netherlands. Utrecht University, Hub Water Climate and Future Deltas.
Triyanti, A., Dieperink, C., Hegger, D., Vu, T., Nguyen, H. Q., Luu, T. T., & Nguyen, D. C. (2021). The role of International Organisations (IOs) in promoting an ecosystem-based approach for coastal areas: The cases of Ca Mau and Ben Tre, Vietnam. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Dieperink, C. (2021). Towards synergy in multi-modal water governance; lessons from the implementation of the Water framework Directive in the Netherlands. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Dieperink, C. (2021). Enhancing urban water governance by using web based tools: Lessons from four case study areas. Abstract from 2021 Bratislava Conference Earth System Governance.
Scholarly publications
Koop, S. H. A., Koetsier, L., Doornhof, A., van Leeuwen, C. J., Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2020). Governance Capacity as premise for resilient management of water, waste and climate change. Paper presented at Dresen Nexus Conference (DNC) 2017, Dresdeng, Germany.
Hamer, T.
, Dieperink, C., Tri, V. P. D., Otter, H. S.
, & Hoekstra, P. (2020).
The rationality of groundwater governance in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta’s coastal zone.
International Journal of Water Resources Development,
36(1), 127-148.
Scholarly publications
Witjes, M., Koop, S. H. A., Mukhtarov, F.
, Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., & van Leeuwen, C. J. (2019).
The potential of Digital Social Platforms in enhancing urban water governance: Report on the UWCS governance analyses of the Key Demonstration Cities – POWER – Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges. (D4.8 ed.) Utrecht University. den Boer, J.
, Dieperink, C., & Mukhtarov, F. (2019).
Social learning in multilevel flood risk governance: Lessons from the Dutch Room for the River Program.
Water (Switzerland),
11(10), Article 2032., B.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Dieperink, C., Kim, R. E., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2019).
The potential limitations on its basin decision-making processes of granting self-defence rights to Father Rhine.
Water International,
44(6-7), 684-700., F.
, Dieperink, C., Driessen, P., & Riley, J. (2019).
Collaborative learning for policy innovations: sustainable urban drainage systems in Leicester, England.
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning,
21(3), 288-301 ., H., Leicher, A. M.
, Dieperink, C., & Van Leeuwen, K. (2019).
Understanding the costs of inaction-An assessment of pluvial flood damages in two European cities.
Water (Switzerland),
11(4), Article 801., Y.
, & Dieperink, C. (2019).
Governance conditions for successful ecological restoration of estuaries: lessons from the Dutch Haringvliet case.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
62(11), 1990-2009. publications
Tri, V. P. D., Dieperink, C., Otter, H., Nguyen, H. T., Ky Trung, P., Hiep, T. Q., Nguyen, T. B. P., & Hoekstra, P. (2019). Governing Groundwater Resources, Policy Brief 2. Rise and Fall project.
Dieperink, C., Eslami Arab, S., Hoekstra, P., van Pham, H., Minderhoud, P. S. J., Otter, H., & Tri, V. P. D. (2019). Changes for an increasingly subsiding Vietnamese Mekong Delta, Policy Brief 3. Rise and Fall project.
Witjes, M., Koop, S. H. A., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., Becker, M., Lozawa-Meida L, L., & Elelman, R. (2019).
Towards water-wise cities and the role of DSPs: Guidance for an integrative multi-objective assessment method to enhance sustainable transitions of UWCS in municipalities and regions. (D4.10 ed.) Utrecht University, POWER-project. 2018
Scholarly publications
Tri, V. P. D., Hieu Trung, N., Ky Trung, P., Dieperink, C., & Otter, H. (2018). Groundwater resources governance in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta coastal plains. Paper presented at The 6th Vietnam International Water Week - VACI 2018, Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Pinyol Alberich, J., Mukhtarov, F.
, Dieperink, C., Driessen, P., & Broekman, A. (2018).
Upscaling Urban Recycled Water Schemes: An Analysis of the Presence of Required Governance Conditions in the City of Sabadell (Spain).
Water (Switzerland),
11(1), Article 11. Eerd, M. C. J.
, Dieperink, C., & Wiering, M. A. (2018).
Opening the black box of implementation feedback: An analysis of reloading strategies in EU water governance.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
28(6), 426-440., C., Mees, H., Priest, S., Ek, K., bruzzone, S., Larrue, C., & Matczak, P. (2018).
Managing urban flood resilience as a multilevel governance challenge: an analysis of required multilevel coordination mechanisms.
Ecology and Society,
23(1), Article 31. Mukhtarov, F., Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. (2018).
The influence of information and communication technologies on public participation in urban water governance: A review of place-based research.
Environmental Science and Policy,
89, 430-438. Koop, S., Gomes, F. M., Schoot, L.
, Dieperink, C., Driessen, P., & Van Leeuwen, K. (2018).
Assessing the capacity to govern flood risk in cities and the role of contextual factors.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
10(8), Article 2869. Mees, H., Tijhuis, N.
, & Dieperink, C. (2018).
The effectiveness of communicative tools in addressing barriers to municipal climate change adaptation: lessons from the Netherlands.
Climate Policy,
18(10), 1313-1326. Ha, T. P.
, Dieperink, C., Dang Tri, V. P., Otter, H. S.
, & Hoekstra, P. (2018).
Governance conditions for adaptive freshwater management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.
Journal of Hydrology,
557, 116-127.
Scholarly publications
Koop, S. H. A., Koetsier, L., Doornhof, A., Reinstra, O.
, van Leeuwen, C. J., Brouwer, S.
, Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2017).
Assessing the Governance Capacity of Cities to Address Challenges of Water, Waste, and Climate Change.
Water Resources Management,
31(11), 3427-3443. Van Eerd, M. C. J.
, Wiering, M. A., & Dieperink, C. (2017).
Solidarity in transboundary flood risk management: A view from the Dutch North Rhine–Westphalian catchment area.
Climate Policy,
17(3), 261-279. publications
Koop, S. H. A., Mukhtarov, F., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., & van Leeuwen, C. J. (2017).
Guidance document for the analysis of UWCS governance in municipalities and regions. (D4.7 ed.) Utrecht University, POWER-project. 2016
Scholarly publications
Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., bakker, M.
, & Dieperink, C. (2016).
Strengthening and redesigning flood risk governance in Europe: an overview of seven key issues and how they are being dealt with in six European countries. In
E3S Web of Conference -3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016) (Vol. 7). Article 20010 Dieperink, C., Hegger, D. L. T., Bakker, M. H. N., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Green, C.
, & Driessen, P. P. J. (2016).
Recurrent Governance Challenges in the Implementation and Alignment of Flood Risk Management Strategies: a Review.
Water Resources Management,
30(13), 4467-4481. Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Bakker, M., Alexander, M., Beyers, J.-C.
, Buijze, A. W. G. J., bruzzone, S., Chorynski, A., Crabbé, A., Deketelaere, K., Delvaux, B.
, Dieperink, C., Hoekveld, W. J., Ek , K., Fournier, M., Ganzevoort, W.
, Gilissen, H. K., Goytia, S., Gralepois, M., ... Wiering, M. (2016).
A view on more resilient flood risk governance: key conclusions of the STAR-FLOOD project. STAR-FLOOD Consortium. van Leeuwen, C. J., Dan, N. P.
, & Dieperink, C. (2016).
The challenges of water governance in Ho Chi Minh City.
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management,
12(2), 345-352. Professional publications
Tri, V. P. D., Dieperink, C., & Otter, H. S. (2016). Fit for the future? An exploration of groundwater governance challenges in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, Urbanizing Deltas in the World, Rise and Fall. (D3.1 ed.) Can Tho University/Utrecht University/Deltares.
Other output
Dieperink, C., & Oosterloo, K. (2016). The politicization of Transboundary water governance towards a conceptual approach. Paper presented at 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance 'Confronting Complexity and Inequality'.
Dieperink, C., Mees, H., Priest, S., Ek , K., bruzzone, S., Larue, C., & Matczak, P. (2016). Enhancing urban flood resilience as a multi-level governance challenge, An exploration of multi-level coordination mechanisms. Paper presented at 2016 Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance 'Confronting Complexity and Inequality'.
Scholarly publications
Van Eerd, M.
, Dieperink, C., & Wiering, M. (2015).
'A dive into floods': Exploring the Dutch implementation of the floods directive.
Water Policy,
17(2), 187-207. output
Dieperink, C., Hegger, D. L. T., Bakker, M. H. N., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2015). Towards a diversification of Flood Risk Management in Europe: an exploration of governance challenges. Abstract from World Water Congress XV, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Scholarly publications
Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Dieperink, C., Wiering, M.
, Raadgever, G. T. T., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2014).
Assessing Stability and Dynamics in Flood Risk Governance: An Empirically Illustrated Research Approach.
Water Resources Management,
28(12), 4127-4142. Dieperink, C., Hegger, D. L. T., Bakker, M. H. N., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2014).
An exploration of the conditions for a successful diversification of Flood Risk Management Strategies. In
Deltas in times of climate change II International Conference Rojon, I.
, & Dieperink, C. (2014).
Blowin' in the wind? Drivers and barriers for the uptake of wind propulsion in international shipping.
Energy Policy,
67(April 2014), 394-402., D. L. T., & Dieperink, C. (2014).
Toward successful joint knowledge production for climate change adaptation: lessons from six regional projects in the Netherlands.
Ecology and Society,
19(2), Article 34. Hegger, D. L. T., van Zeijl-Rozema, A.
, & Dieperink, C. (2014).
Toward design principles for joint knowledge production projects: lessons from the deepest polder of The Netherlands.
Regional Environmental Change,
14(3), 1049-1062. Boon, F. P.
, & Dieperink, C. (2014).
Local civil society based renewable energy organisations in the Netherlands: Exploring the factors that stimulate their emergence and development.
Energy Policy,
69, 297-307. publications
van Eerd, M., Wiering, M., & Dieperink, C. (2014). Possibilities for transboundary climate adaptation governance: Some lessons from the Rhine and Danube Commission. Knowlege for Climate, Governance of Climate Adaptation.
van Eerd, M., Dieperink, C., & Wiering, M. (2014). Solidarity in transboundary flood risk governance: Implications of the Flood Directive’s solidarity principle for cooperation between the Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia, Knowledge gaps and policy . (Deliverable 5.2.9 ed.) Knowlege for Climate, Governance of Climate Adaptation.
Other output
Bakker, M., Dieperink, C., Hegger, D., & Driessen, P. (2014). Towards a diversification of flood risk governance in Europe: a reflection on meta-governance challenges.. Abstract from 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Hannover, Germany.
Scholarly publications
Hegger, D. L. T., & Dieperink, C. (2013). Towards design principles for successful joint knowledge production, a reflection on Dutch regional climate change projects. In The Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference
van Eerd, M., Dieperink, C., & Wiering, M. (2013). Understanding transboundary governance of climate adaptation: Enabling and constraining characteristics in the Netherlands and North Rhine Westphalia and the role of EU normative principles. In Conference 'Water and Ocean Law in Times of Climate Change'
Professional publications
Hegger, D. L. T., de Boer, Y., Offermans, A., Merkx, F., Dieperink, C., Kemp, R., van Lente, H., & Corvers, R. J. M. (2013). Kenniscocreatie: naar productieve samenwerking tussen wetenschappers en beleidsmakers. Datawys/ Universitaire Pers Maastricht.
Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., van Herten, M., Buijze, M., Tremorin, J. B., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., & Dieperink, C. (2013).
Theories on explaining policy and legal change. In C. Larrue, D. L. T. Hegger, & J. B. Tremorin (Eds.),
Researching Flood Risk Governance in Europe: background theories STAR-FLOOD Consortium. Hegger, D. L. T., Green, C.
, Driessen, P. P. J., Bakker, M. H. N., Dieperink, C., Crabbe, A., Deketelaere, K., Delvaux, B., Suykens, C., Beyers, J.-C., Fournier, M., Larrue, C., Manson, C., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Kundzewicz, Z. W., & Goytia Casermeiro, S. (2013).
Flood Risk Management in Europe: Similarities and Differences between the STAR-FLOOD consortium countries. STAR-FLOOD Consortium. Larrue, C., Hegger, D., Tremorin, J. B., Alexander, M.
, Bakker, M. H. N., Buijze, A. W. G. J., Crabbe, A.
, Dieperink, C., van Doorn, W. J., Driessen, P., Fournier, M., Gralepois, M., Green, C., van Herten, M., Liefferink, D., Manson, C., Priest, S.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Suykens, C., & Wiering, M. (2013).
Researching Flood Risk Governance in Europe: background theories. STAR-FLOOD Consortium., C., Hegger, D., Tremorin, J. B., Alexander, M.
, Bakker, M. H. N., Buijze, A. W. G. J., Crabbe, A.
, Dieperink, C., van Doorn, W. J., Driessen, P., Fournier, M., Gralepois, M., Green, C., van Herten, M., Liefferink, D., Manson, C., Priest, S.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Suykens, C., & Wiering, M. (2013).
Researching Flood Risk Governance in Europe: a framework and methodology for assessing Flood Risk Governance. STAR-FLOOD Consortium., D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., van Herten, M., Buijze, M., Tremorin, J. B., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., & Dieperink, C. (2013).
Explaining stability and change in Flood Risk Governance. In C. Larrue, D. L. T. Hegger, & J. B. Tremorin (Eds.),
Researching Flood Risk Governance in Europe: a framework and methodology for assessing Flood Risk Governance (pp. 43-53). Article chapter 4 STAR-FLOOD Consortium. van Eerd, M., Dieperink, C., & Wiering, M. (2013). Understanding transboundary governance of climate adaptation Enabling and constraining characteristics of the policy arrangements of the Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia for cross border cooperation on climate adaptation. Knowledge for Climate, Governance of Climate Adaptation.
Dieperink, C., Green, C.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Bakker, M. H. N., van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Crabbe, A., & Ek, K. (2013).
Flood Risk Management in Europe: governance challenges related to flood risk management. STAR-FLOOD Consortium. Hegger, D. L. T., Bakker, M. H., Green, C., Driessen, P. J. J., Delvaux, B.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Suykens, C., Beyers, J.-C., Deketelaere, K., van Doorn-Hoekveld, W.
, & Dieperink, C. (2013).
Flood Risk Management In Europe: European flood regulation. STAR-FLOOD Consortium. Hegger, D.
, Dieperink, C., Green, C., Driessen, P. J. J., Bakker, M. H.
, van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Crabbé, A., & Ek, K. (2013).
Flood Risk Management In Europe: an exploration of governance challenges. STAR-FLOOD Consortium.
http://www.STAR-FLOOD.euGreen, C.
, Dieperink, C., Ek, K.
, Hegger, D. L. T., Pettersson, M., Priest, M., & Tapsell, S. (2013).
Flood Risk Management in Europe: the flood problem and interventions. STAR-FLOOD Consortium. Os, V., Dieperink, C., & Wiering, M. (2013). Recommendations regarding the differences and similarities of clilmate adaptation policy across borders. Knowledge for Climate, Governance of Climate Adaptation.
Other output
Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Dieperink, C., Wiering, M.
, Raadgever, G. T., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2013).
Strengthening and Redesigning European Flood Risk Practices (STAR-FLOOD): Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance arrangements. Poster session presented at International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe, Exeter, UK. Hegger, D. L. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Dieperink, C., Wiering, M.
, Raadgever, G. T., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2013).
Strengthening and Redesigning European Flood Risk Practices (STAR-FLOOD): Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance arrangements. Abstract from The Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Bakker, M. H. N., Hegger, D. L. T., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., Raadgever, G. T., & Wiering, M. (2013).
Flood risk managment strategies across boundaries: a research approach. 1. Abstract from TWAM 2013, Transboundary Water Management Across Borders and Interfaces - present and future challange conference, Aveiro, Portugal. Dieperink, C. (2013). Towards Adaptive Watercycles. Paper presented at Co-organizer Workshop Watercycle, Ho Chi Minh Cith, Vietnam.
Scholarly publications
Hegger, D., Lamers, M., Van Zeijl-Rozema, A.
, & Dieperink, C. (2012).
Conceptualising joint knowledge production in regional climate change adaptation projects: Success conditions and levers for action.
Environmental Science & Policy,
18, 52-65. Dieperink, C., & Maas, S. (2012).
Ethanol experiences, a reflection on Brazilian biofuels production.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning,
7(1), 115-124. Driessen, P. P. J., Dieperink, C., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Runhaar, H. A. C., & Vermeulen, W. J. V. (2012).
Towards a conceptual framework for the study of shifts in modes of environmental governance - experiences from the Netherlands.
Environmental Policy and Governance,
o(3), 143-160. Dieperink, C., Boesten, R., Hovens, J., & Tonkes, H. (2012).
Sustainable Coastal Development and Open Planning? Transferring the Integrated Area Approach to Bulgaria.
Sustainable Development,
20(1), 58-70. Hegger, D. L. T., van Zeijl-Rozema, A.
, & Dieperink, C. (2012).
Towards successful joint knowledge production for global change and sustainability: lessons from six Dutch adaptation projects (e-chapter). In A. E. J. Wals, & P. Blaze Corcoran (Eds.),
Learning for sustainability - in times of accelerating change (pp. 149-166). (Chapter 9). Wageningen Academic Publisher. Dieperink, C., Raadgever, G. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Smit, A. A. H., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2012).
Ecological ambitions and complications in the regional implementation of the water framework directive in the Netherlands.
Water Policy,
14(1), 160-173. Other output
Hegger, D. L. T., & Dieperink, C. (2012). Reconciling supply and demand for knowledge through joint knowledge production: confronting theoretical success conditions with empirical evidence. Abstract from The Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Evidence for Sustainable Development, Berlin, Germany.
Hegger, D. L. T., & Dieperink, C. (2012). Patterns in joint knowledge production projects for regional climate change adaptation - lessons for project and program design. Abstract from Lund Conference on Earth System Governance, Lund, Sweden.
Hegger, D. L. T., van Zeijl-Rozema, A., & Dieperink, C. (2012). Joint knowledge production for global change adaptation and sustainability: lessons from six Dutch adaptation projects. Abstract from Symposium The Governance of Adaptation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C. (2011).
International water negotiations under asymmetry, Lessons from the Rhine chlorides dispute settlement (1931-2004).
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics,
11(2), 139-157. Raadgever, G. T., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., Smit, A. A. H., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2011).
Uncertainty management strategies: Lessons from the regional implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Netherlands.
Environmental Science & Policy,
14(1), 64-75. Hegger, D. L. T., Lamers, M., van Zeijl-Rozema, A., & Dieperink, C. (2011). Knowledge co-production in climate change adaptation projects: what are the levers for action. In 2011 Colorado conference on Earth System Governance: Crossing boundaries and building bridges
Dieperink, C. (2011).
The sustainability challenge: an anylysis of prerequisites for an integrated coastal zone management in the Netherlands. In C. Heip, & R. Laane (Eds.),
Land-Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone, Aspects of coastal research in contribution to LOICZ in the Netherlands and Flanders (2002-2010) (pp. 120-128). (LOICZ reports and studies; No. 38). Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum fur Material- und Kuestenforschung GmbH. van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Dieperink, C., Barnes, C. A., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Schot, P. P. (2011). Governing nature, man, and technology in the delta - The effects of climate on the vulnerability of marginalized communities in urbanizing deltas. In World Delta Summit
Dieperink, C., Raadgever, G. T., Driessen, P. P. J., Smit, A. A. H., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2011). Ecological ambitions and complications in the regional implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Netherlands. In ESF Research Conference on Water Governance
Professional publications
Dieperink, C., & Corvers, R. J. M. (2011). Vooruitblik - over de inhoud en opzet van de boek. In R. J. M. Corvers, & C. Dieperink (Eds.), Milieubeleid als sturingsopgave. Als de rook om je hoofd is verdwenen (pp. 11-16). Open Universiteit / Universiteit Utrecht.
Corvers, R. J. M., & Dieperink, C. (2011). Terugblik - over Pieter Glasbergen en zijn werk. In R. J. M. Corvers, & C. Dieperink (Eds.), Milieubeleid als sturingsopgave. Als de rook om je hoofd is verdwenen (pp. 213-218). Open Universiteit / Universiteit Utrecht.
Corvers, R. J. M., & Dieperink, C. (2011). Milieubeleid als sturingsopgave. Als de rook om je hoofd is verdwenen. Open Universiteit / Universiteit Utrecht.
Professional publications
Bosman, R., Gilijamse, J., & Dieperink, C. (2010). Duitse ontwikkelingen in duurzame energie; Het Duitse R&D-landschap voor fotovoltaische energie, zonnethermie en offshore windenergie in kaart gebracht. s.n.
Bosman, R., & Dieperink, C. (2010). Verdient Duits voorbeeld navolging?, Politiek reageert verdeeld op introductie feed-in tarieven. Milieu / VVM, 16(2), 21-24.
Scholarly publications
Raadgever, G. T., Smit, A. A. H., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2009).
Omgaan met onzekerheden bij de regionale implementatie van de Kaderrichtlijn Water. (Deeloz 2 UU project “Aquaterra Nederland” ed.) Leven met water, Aquaterra Nederland. Hovens, J., Dieperink, C., & Boesten, R. (2009). 12 Recommendations to improve integrated policy making in Bulgaria, First lessons from the MyCoast project. Taofes / Copernicus Institute.
van Kouwen, F., Dieperink, C., Schot, P. P., & Wassen, M. J. (2009).
Computer-supported cognitive mapping for participatory problem structuring.
Environment and Planning A,
41(1), 63-81. Koens, J. F.
, Dieperink, C., & Miranda, M. (2009).
Ecotourism as a development strategy: experiences from Costa Rica.
Environment, Development and Sustainability,
11(6), 1225-1237. publications
Brils, J. M., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., Raadgever, G. T., Smit, A. A. H., Coenen, F., & van Tilburg, M. (2009). Verbetering van kennisgebruik in regionaal waterbeheer, Eindrapportage van het Leven met Water project "Aquaterra Nederland". Leven met water, Aquaterra Nederland.
Raadgever, G. T., Smit, A., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2009). Omgaan met onzekerheden bij de regionale implementatie van de Kaderrichtlijn Water, Leven met Water projectnr. 1027. Centrum voor Omgevingsrecht.
Other output
Dieperink, C. (2009). Who's sustainability? Environmental Justice. Paper presented at Co-chair Track 5b: Global governance for Sustainability at The 15th Annual ISDR Conference ``, Utrecht.
Scholarly publications
Runhaar, H. A. C., Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2008). Policy analysis for sustainable development: Complexities and methodological responses. In L. Dennard, K. A. Richardson, & G. Morcol (Eds.), Complexity and Policy Analysis: Tools and Methods for Designing Robust Policies in a Complex World (pp. 197-214). ISCE publishing.
Smit, A. A. H., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. P. J., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2008). Een onmogelijke opgave? Een onderzoek naar de wijze waarop waterschappen invulling geven aan de regionale wateropgaven en de spanningen die zich daarbij voordoen. (Deelonderzoek 1 Kaderrichtlijn Water en Natura 2000 ed.) Leven met water, Aquaterra Nederland.
Professional publications
Harmanny, J., & Dieperink, C. (2008). Ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden geothermische energie ongekend groot. Milieu / VVM, 14(3), 27-31.
Dieperink, C. (2008). Bomen planten, aflaat of oplossing? Draagvlak voor klimaatbossen gepeild. Milieu / VVM, 14(8), 19-21.
Scholarly publications
van Duivenbode, L., Dieperink, C., & Boesten, R. (2007). Double Dutch? Transferring the integrated area approach to Bulgaria. In V. Penchev, & H. J. Verhagen (Eds.), Port - Coast - Environment (pp. 365-375)
Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2007). Gelaagde beleidsvoering. In P. P. J. Driessen, & P. Leroy (Eds.), Milieubeleid; analyse en perspectief (pp. 239-264). Coutinho.
Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2007). Academic Environmental Teaching at Utrecht University. Multidisciplinary bachelor's and master's programmes and the links between research and teaching. In Interlinkages and Policy Integration
van Kouwen, F. A., Dieperink, C., Schot, P. P., & Wassen, M. J. (2007). Improving Environmental Decision-making: Bridging the Gap between Conceptual Modelling and Quantitative Analyses with Quasta. In J. Grundy, S. Hartmann, A. H. F. Laender, & L. Maciaszek (Eds.), Proc. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007
van der Vlies, J., Puts, H., Willems, M., Graveland, J., Verkruysse, A., de Groene, A., van Kouwen, F. A., & Dieperink, C. (2007). Duurzaam leven aan zee: De Nederlandse kunst in 2080. (TNO-rapport ed.) TNO.
Miranda, M., Dieperink, C., & Glasbergen, P. (2007). Voluntary agreements in watershed protection. Experiences from Costa Rica. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 9(1), 1-19.
Faaij, A. P. C., Verdonk, M. L., & Dieperink, C. (2007). Governance of the emerging bio-energy markets. In K. Maniatis (Ed.), From research to market development : proceedings of the international conference held in Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007 (pp. 2755-2763). ETA-Renewable Energies.
van Kouwen, F. A., Dieperink, C., Schot, P. P., & Wassen, M. J. (2007).
Interactive problem structuring with ICZM stakeholders. In
FEEM Working Paper No. 52 Professional publications
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Runhaar, H. A. C., Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2006).
Policy analysis for sustainable development: The toolbox for the environmental social scientist.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,
7(1), 34-56. Miranda, M., Dieperink, C., & Glasbergen, P. (2006). Costa Rican Environmental Service Payments. The use of a financial instrument in participatory forest management. Environmental Management, 38(4), 562-571.
van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Driessen, P. P. J., Backes, C. W., Dieperink, C., de Gier, A. A. J., & Groothuijse, F. A. G. (2006). Juridisch-bestuurlijke capaciteit in het waterbeleid. Enkele toekomstschetsen voor de externe integratie van water en ruimtelijke ordening. Centrum voor Omgevingsrecht en Beleid/NILOS.
Louwes, M., & Dieperink, C. (2006). Belvedere? Interactieve planvorming in gebiedsgerichte cultuurhistorische projecten. Bestuurskunde, 15(1), 75-84.
Professional publications
Voskamp, M., & Dieperink, C. (2006). Evaluatie aanpak Zeeuwse Zwakke Schakels. H2O, 39(8), 16-17.
Lanen, M., Smit, A., & Dieperink, C. (2006). Biologisch, heel logisch? De haalbaarheid van tien procent biologische landbouw in Noorwegen en Nederland. Milieu - Het Dossier, 1(12), 27-29.
Scholarly publications
van Kouwen, F. A., Dieperink, C., Wassen, M. J., & Schot, P. P. (2005). Decision Support Systems for Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Experiences from the Netherlands. In V. Gomes Fernando, T. Pinto Francisco, D. Neves Luciana, S. Ferreira Alexandra, & Ferreira Oscar (Eds.), Proceedings of the First National Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM'05) (pp. 119-126)
Dieperink, C., & Steyn, S. A. M. (2005). In de geest van Europa? Vijf Nederlandse kustprojecten belicht vanuit de Europese Aanbeveling betreffende de uitvoering van een geïntegreerd beheer van kustgebieden. Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute.
Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C., Brand, I.
, & Vermeulen, W. J. V. (2004).
Diffusion of energy-saving innovations in industry and the built environment: Dutch studies as inputs for a more integrated.
Energy Policy,
32(6), 773-784. Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2004). Academic environmental teaching at Utrecht University, Multidisciplinary bachelor's and master's programmes and the links between research and teaching. In Interlinkages and Policy Integration
van den Hof, G. J. J., Boon, G., & Dieperink, C. (2004). Duurzaamheidsborging op Vinex locaties, Lessen uit de Leidsche Rijn. Bestuurskunde, 4, 171-180.
Faaij, A. P. C., van Vliet, O., & Dieperink, C. (2004). Forestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism? In W. P. M. van Swaaij, T. Fjallstrom, P. Helm, & A. Grassi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection (pp. 2293-2296). ETA-Florence/WIP-Munich.
Scholarly publications
Van Vliet, O. P. R., Faaij, A. P. C., & Dieperink, C. (2003).
Forestry projects under the clean development mechanism? Modelling of the Uncertainties in Carbon Mitigation and Related Costs of Plantation Forestry Projects.
Climatic Change,
61(1-2), 123-156. Dieperink, C., Boon, G. P., & Glasbergen, P. (2003). Kust in kader? Opvattingen over integraal kustzonebeleid. RIKZ/V/2003.
Scholarly publications
Arts, B., Dieperink, C., & Liefferink, D. (2002). The Netherlands: International innovator of self-interested negotiator. In P. P. J. Driessen, & P. Glasbergen (Eds.), Greening Society, the paradigm shift in Dutch environmental politics (pp. 205-226). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Pena-Neira, S.
, Dieperink, C., & Addink, G. H. (2002).
Equitably sharing benefits from the utilization of natural genetic resources: the Brazilian interpretation of the Convention of Biological Diversity.
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law,
6.3., M., Dieperink, C., & Glasbergen, P. (2002). The social meaning of carbon dioxide emission trading. Institutional capacity building for a green market in Costa Rica. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 4, 69-86.
Dieperink, C. (2002). The clean up of the Rhine as a successful international effort. In I. Al Baz, V. Hartje, & W. Scheumann (Eds.), Co-operation on transboundary rivers (pp. 67-82). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C., Brand, I., & Vermeulen, W. J. V. (2001). Diffusie van energiebesparende innovaties in industrie en gebouwde omgeving: een aanzet voor een omvattend analysekader. Milieu : tijdschrift voor milieukunde, 16, 78-91.
Dieperink, C., Freriks, A. A., Robbe, J., & van Rijswick, H. F. M. W. (2001). De betekenis van het Europees omgevingsrecht voor een duurzame Grensmaas. In P. P. J. Driessen, F. C. M. A. Michiels, & E.-J. Molenaar (Eds.), Duurzaam ruimtegebruik (pp. 71-96). Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C. (2000). The clean up of the Rhine as a successful international effort. In International water courses, potential for conflicts and prospects for cooperation
Dieperink, C. (2000). Successes in the international cooperation in the Rhine catchment area. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Part B: hydrology, oceans and atmosphere, 25, 341-347.
Arts, B., & Dieperink, C. (2000). Nederlands milieubeleid in de internationale context. In P. P. J. Driessen, & P. Glasbergen (Eds.), Milieu, Samenleving en Beleid (pp. 211-234). (Bedrijfsinformatie). Elsevier.
Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (2000). The ABCs of Dutch location policy: Lessons in logic. European Spatial Research and Policy, 7(2), 5-20.
Dieperink, C. (2000). Sucessful international cooperation in the Rhine catchment area. Water International, 25, 347-355.
Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C., & Glasbergen, P. (1999). Het beheer van onze internationale rivieren; lessen uit de ontwikkeling van de Rijn-, Maas- en Scheldecommissies. In A. van Hall, T. G. Drupsteen, & H. J. M. Havekes (Eds.), De staat van water: opstellen over juridische, technische, financiële en politiek-bestuurlijke aspecten van waterbeheer (pp. 43-54). Koninklijke Vermande.
Dieperink, C., & Driessen, P. P. J. (1999). Logische locaties? De lessen uit het ABC-locatie-beleid. Bestuurswetenschappen, 6, 462-477.
Professional publications
Brand, I., Dieperink, C., Vermeulen, W. J. V., Booij, H., Engelen, R., & Ros, J. (1999). Diffusie van milieuinnovaties. Een secundaire analyse van studies naar de diffusie van energiebesparende technologieën ten behoeve van modelontwikkeling. Novem.
Scholarly publications
Dieperink, C. (1998). Van open riool tot zalmrivier? Lessen uit de ontwikkeling van het regime inzake de Rijnvervuiling. Beleid en Maatschappij, 190-200.