Dr. Carlotta Capurro

Dr. Carlotta Capurro

Assistant Professor
Cultural History

Carlotta Capurro is a historian of art and culture at the Department of History and Art History. She is a postdoctoral researcher in digital art history in the Art DATIS project and an associated researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD).

She has a PhD in Cultural History and Heritage Studies. Her thesis investigated the impact of the digital turn on European heritage institutions. Her work was part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN Action CHEurope - Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe.

Carlotta received her MA cum laude in Art History at Genoa University, with a dissertation on the artistic and economic relations between Genoa and Flanders in Early Modern times. She has broad experience in the cultural heritage sector, having extensively collaborated with several EU-funded projects on the adoption of digital technologies by heritage institutions. She has also published on the potential of 3D visualisations and digital restoration in cultural heritage communication.