A list of my publications is given below. Most of my papers can be accessed (and downloaded) at my personal webpage.


Highlighted publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Curtis, D., & Soens, T. (2018). Economic inequality and institutional adaptation in response to flood hazards: A historical analysis. Ecology and Society, 23(4), [30]. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-10491-230430
van Bavel, B. (2015). History as a laboratory to better understand the formation of institutions. Journal of Institutional Economics, 11.1, 69-91. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137414000216
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Rijpma, A. (2016). How important were formalized charity and social spending before the rise of the welfare state? A long-run analysis of selected Western European cases, 1400-1850. The Economic History Review, 69(1), 159–187. https://doi.org/10.1111/ehr.12111
van Bavel, B., & Curtis, D. (2016). Better understanding disasters by better using history: Systematically using the historical record as one way to advance research into disasters. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 34(1), 143-169.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2010). Manors and Markets. Economy and Society in the Low Countries, 500-1600. Oxford University Press.
van Bavel, B. J. P., Ansink, J. H., & van Besouw, B. (2017). Understanding the economics of limited access orders: Incentives, organizations and the chronology of developments. Journal of Institutional Economics, 13(1), 109-131. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137416000254
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2016). The Invisible Hand? How Market Economies have Emerged and Declined Since AD 500. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199608133.001.0001



Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B., Van Praag, M., van den Berg, G., Brussaard, A. B., Robeyns, I., Sterken, E., Stikker, M., & Subramaniam, V. (2023, Feb 27). KNAW Adviesrapport; Waarde van wetenschap: Observeren Weten en Meten. https://open.overheid.nl/documenten/ronl-a40612acc4544f579297e74cd31908003073f6f9/pdf


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B., Hardeman, S., Philips, R., Rijpma, A., Stam, E., & van Zanden, J. L. (2022). Capaciteitenbenadering biedt goede basis voor meten van welvaart. Economische Statistische Berichten, 107(4808), 168. https://esb.nu/capaciteitenbenadering-biedt-goede-basis-voor-meten-van-welvaart/
van Bavel, B. (2022). Wealth inequality in pre-industrial Europe: What role did associational organizations have? Economic history review, 75(3), 643-666. https://doi.org/10.1111/ehr.13137


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B., & Scheffer, M. (2021). Historical effects of shocks on inequality: the great leveler revisited. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8 (1)(76). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00763-4
van Bavel, B., & Scheffer, M. (2021). Historical effects of shocks on inequality: the great leveler revisited. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 1-9. [76]. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-021-00763-4
van Bavel, B., Xu, C., Mirza, M. U., van Nes, E. H., & Scheffer, M. (2021). Global inequality remotely sensed. PNAS, 118(18), 1-6. [1919913118]. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1919913118

Professional publications

van Bavel, B., & Rijpma, A. (2021). Pandemic recovery will take more than soaring growth – to fuel a more equitable economy, countries need to measure the well-being of people, too. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/pandemic-recovery-will-take-more-than-soaring-growth-to-fuel-a-more-equitable-economy-countries-need-to-measure-the-well-being-of-people-too-156621
Philips, R., van Bavel, B., Rijpma, A., & van Zanden, J. L. (2021). Welvaartsgroei blijft sinds 1950 achter bij de economische groei. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 106(4800S), 19-23. https://esb.nu/esb/20062594/welvaartsgroei-blijft-sinds-1950-achter-bij-de-economische-groei


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Curtis, D. R., Dijkman, J. E. C., Hannaford, M. J., de Keyzer, M., van Onacker, E., & Soens, T. E. G. (2020). Disasters and History: The Vulnerability and Resilience of Past Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108569743

Professional publications

Toussaint, S. J., van Bavel, B. J. P., Teulings, C. N., & Salverda, W. (2020). Nederlandse vermogens schever verdeeld dan gedacht. Economisch Statistische Berichten. https://esb.nu/esb/20059998/nederlandse-vermogens-schever-verdeeld-dan-gedacht


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2019). Why are the returns on large wealth higher? Explaining the thick tail of wealth inequality in Western market economies. Paper presented at WINIR 2019: Institutions for inclusive societies: global & comparative perspectives, Lund, Sweden.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2019). Power concentration and state capture: Insights from history on consequences of market dominance for inequality and environmental calamities. In UN Human Development Report 2019 (pp. 60-63). United Nations Development Programma (UNDP).
van Bavel, B. J. P., Curtis, D., Hannaford, M., Moatsos, M., Roosen, J., & Soens, T. (2019). Climate and society in long-term perspective: Opportunities and pitfalls in the use of historical datasets. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10(6), [611]. https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.611
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2019). Open societies before market economies: Historical analysis. Socio-Economic Review. https://doi.org/10.1093/soceco/mwz007

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Rijpma, A., & Hardeman, S. (2019). Vervolgstappen voor integrale welvaartsmeting. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 104(4772s), 22-25. https://esb.nu/esb/20051405/vervolgstappen-voor-integrale-welvaartsmeting


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Curtis, D., & Soens, T. (2018). Economic inequality and institutional adaptation in response to flood hazards: A historical analysis. Ecology and Society, 23(4), [30]. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-10491-230430
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2018). Walter Scheidel, The great leveler. Violence and the history of inequality from the Stone Age to the twenty-first century. The Economic History Review, 71(1), 369-370. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ehr.12692
van Bavel, B. J. P., Buringh, E., & Dijkman, J. E. C. (2018). Mills, cranes, and the great divergence: The use of immovable capital goods in western Europe and the Middle East, ninth to sixteenth centuries. The Economic History Review, 71(1), 31-54. https://doi.org/10.1111/ehr.12571

Popularising publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2018). De onzichtbare hand: Hoe markteconomieën opkomen en neergaan. Prometheus.


Scholarly publications

Scheffer, M., van Bavel, B. J. P., van de Leemput, I., & van Nes, E. H. (2017). Inequality in Nature and Society. PNAS, 114(50), 13154-13157. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1706412114
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Frankema, E. H. P. (2017). Wealth inequality in the Netherlands, c. 1950-2015. The paradox of a northern European welfare state. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 14(2), 29. https://doi.org/10.18352/tseg.916
van Bavel, B. J. P., Ansink, J. H., & van Besouw, B. (2017). Understanding the economics of limited access orders: Incentives, organizations and the chronology of developments. Journal of Institutional Economics, 13(1), 109-131. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137416000254


Scholarly publications

Curtis, D. R., van Bavel, B. J. P., & Soens, T. E. G. (2016). History and the Social Sciences: Shock Therapy with Medieval Economic History as the Patient. Social Science History, 40(4), 751-774. https://doi.org/10.1017/ssh.2016.30
van Besouw, B., Ansink, J. H., & van Bavel, B. J. P. (2016). The economics of violence in natural states. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 132(A), 139–156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2016.10.009
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2016). The Invisible Hand? How Market Economies have Emerged and Declined Since AD 500. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199608133.001.0001
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Rijpma, A. (2016). How important were formalized charity and social spending before the rise of the welfare state? A long-run analysis of selected Western European cases, 1400-1850. The Economic History Review, 69(1), 159–187. https://doi.org/10.1111/ehr.12111
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2016). Path dependency: Institutional change from the perspective of Economic and Social history. Economic and Social History Review, 1, 33-44.
van Bavel, B., & Curtis, D. (2016). Better understanding disasters by better using history: Systematically using the historical record as one way to advance research into disasters. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 34(1), 143-169.

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2016). De stijging en daling van het arbeidsaandeel over de lange termijn. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4743, 698-701.

Popularising publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2016). Europa moet zijn wankele fundament herzien: Op de lange termijn is de markteconomie niet te verenigen met vrijheid en sociale welvaart. Financieel Dagblad.

Other output

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2016, Aug 30). Loonontwikkeling en arbeidsinkomensquote: Notitie ten behoeve van het rondetafelgesprek met de commissie SZW.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Buringh, E., & Dijkman, J. E. C. (2015). Immovable capital goods in medieval Muslim lands: Why water-mills and building cranes went missing. (Working paper series). Centre for Global Economic History.
van Bavel, B. (2015). History as a laboratory to better understand the formation of institutions. Journal of Institutional Economics, 11.1, 69-91. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137414000216

Popularising publications

van Bavel, B. (Accepted/In press). Kloof tussen rijk en arm groeit snel in Nederland. De Volkskrant.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. (2014). 'Vermogensongelijkheid in Nederland'. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 99(4688), 392-395.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2014). New perspectives on factor markets and ancient Middle Eastern economies: a survey. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 57(2), 145-172. https://doi.org/10.1163/15685209-12341345
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2014). Vermogensongelijkheid in Nederland: de vergeten dimensie. In M. Kremer, & M. Bovens (Eds.), Hoe ongelijk is Nederland? Een verkenning van de ontwikkeling en gevolgen van economische ongelijkheid (pp. 79-100). WRR / Amsterdam University Press. http://www.wrr.nl/fileadmin/nl/publicaties/PDF-verkenningen/V28_Hoe_ongelijk_is_NL_hfdst04.pdf
van Bavel, B. J. P., Campopiano, M., & Dijkman, J. E. C. (2014). Factor markets in early Islamic Iraq, c. 600-1100 AD. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 57(2), 262-289. https://doi.org/10.1163/15685209-12341349
van Bavel, B. J. P. (Ed.) (2014). Emerging and declining markets for land, labour and capital: Iraq from c. 700 BC to c. 1100 AD. (Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient ed.) Brill.

Other output

van Bavel, B. (2014, Nov 3). Interview in Trouw: De Quote-500. Trouw.
van Bavel, B. (2014, Nov 5). Interview in de Telegraaf: Is kloof tussen arm en rijk erg? Telegraaf.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. (2013). Rural development and landownership in Holland, c.1400-1650. In The Political Economy of the Dutch Republic (pp. 167). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
van Bavel, B. J. P., Bosker, E. M., Buringh, E., & van Zanden, J. L. (2013). Economy. In P. Clark (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History (pp. 385-402). Oxford University Press.
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Thoen, E. (2013). Rural history and the environment. A survey of the relationship between property rights, social structures and sustainability of land use. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & E. Thoen (Eds.), Rural societies and environments at risk. Ecology, property rights and social organisation in fragile areas, Middle Ages-twentieth century (pp. 15-42). Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Thoen, E. (Eds.) (2013). Rural societies and environments at risk. Ecology, property rights and social organisation in fragile areas, Middle Ages-twentieth century (Brepols, Turnhout, 2013) 329 pp. (Rural History in Europe ed.) Brepols.

Popularising publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Jongerius, A., & Schenk, E. J. J. (2013). We zijn er niet met een sociaal akkoord. NRC Handelsblad, 10.

Other output

van Bavel, B. J. P., & Frankema, E. H. P. (2013). Low income inequality, high wealth inequality. The puzzle of the Rhineland welfare states. CGEH Working paper series, 50. http://www.cgeh.nl/low-income-inequality-high-wealth-inequality-puzzle-rhineland-welfare-states


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Dijkman, J. E. C., Kuijpers, H. M. E. P., Zuijderduijn, C. J., & van der A, D. (2012). The organisation of markets as a key factor in the rise of Holland from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century: a test case for an institutional approach. Continuity and Change, 27(3), 347-378. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0268416012000239


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2011). Markets for land, labor, and capital in northern Italy and the Low Countries, twelfth to seventeenth centuries'. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 41(4), 503-531. https://doi.org/10.1162/JINH_a_00201
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2011). Review of Marha C. Howell, Commerce Before Capitalism in Europe, 1300-1600. Journal of Economic History, 71.3, 803-804.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2011). Manors and Markets. Economy and society in the Low Countries (500-1600): a synopsis. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 8(2), 62-65.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2011). Recensie: Van meenten tot marken. Een onderzoek naar de oorsprong en ontwikkeling van de Gooise marken en de gebruiksrechten op de gemene gronden van de Gooise markegenoten (1280-1568). BMGN - The Low Countries Historical Review, 126.3, 93-94.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2011). The medieval Low Countries as a testing ground for new ideas on economic and social development. A reply from the author of 'Manors and Markets’. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 8(2), 125-137. https://doi.org/10.18352/tseg.324

Popularising publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2011). Vermogensongelijkheid terug op de agenda. Sociale Vraagstukken / Financieele Dagblad.

Other output

van Bavel, B. J. P., Dijkman, J. E. C., & Campopiano, M. (2011). Land, lease and labour in Iraq, 600-1100. Some preliminary thoughts on factor Markets, their Context and Effects. Paper presented at KNAW Colloquium 'The Efficiency of Markets in Pre-industrial Societies: the Case of Babylonia (c. 400-60 BC) in Comparative Perspective, Amsterdam.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., Jaspers, T., & Peet, J. (2010). SER, 1950-2010. Zestig jaar denkwerk voor draagvlak. Boom.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2010). Rural Revolts and Structural Change in the Low Countries, thirteenth – early fourteenth centuries’. In R. Goddard, JL. Langdon, & M. Muller (Eds.), Survival and discord in medieval society. : Essays in honour of Christopher Dyer (pp. 249-268). (The Medieval Countryside; Vol. 4). Brepols. https://doi.org/10.1484/M.TMC-EB.3.4217
van Bavel, B. J. P., van Cruyningen, P., & Thoen, E. (2010). The Low Countries, 1000-1750’. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & R. W. Hoyle (Eds.), Social relations: Property and power (pp. 169-197). (Rural economy and society in North-western Europe, 500-2000). Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2010). De SER als kloppend hart van de Nederlandse overlegeconomie – resultaten, bedreigingen en kansen’. In T. Jaspers, B. J. P. van Bavel, & J. Peet (Eds.), SER, 1950-2010. Zestig jaar denkwerk voor draagvlak (pp. 257-278). Boom.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2010). 'Mariënweerd en de heren van Culemborg. Machtsverhoudingen, goederenbezit en ontginningen in het gebied tussen Lek en Linge (11de-13de eeuw). In AJ. Blommers (Ed.), Rond de Kulenborg. Ridders en ontginningen in het gebied tussen Linge en Lek, 1100-1318 (pp. 43-56).
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Hoyle, R. W. (Eds.) (2010). Social relations: Property and power. (Rural economy and society in north-western Europe, 500-2000). Brepols. https://doi.org/10.1484/M.RES-EB.5.106171
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2010). The medieval origins of capitalism in the Netherlands’. BMGN - The Low Countries Historical Review, 125, 45-80. https://doi.org/10.18352/bmgn-lchr.7115
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2010). Manors and Markets. Economy and Society in the Low Countries, 500-1600. Oxford University Press.
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Hoyle, R. W. (2010). Introduction: social relations, property and power in the North Sea area, 500-2000. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & R. W. Hoyle (Eds.), Social relations: Property and power (pp. 1-23). (Rural economy and society in North-western Europe, 500-2000). Brepols.

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2010). ‘Het debat over “The Great Divergence”: een slagveld van geschiedtheorieën’. Aanzet, 25(2), 5-7.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2009). Introduction: Factor markets in global economic history. Continuity and Change, 24(Special Issue 01 (Factor markets in global economic history)), 9-21.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2009). 'Rural development and landownership in Holland, c.1400-1650'. In O. Gelderblom (Ed.), The political economy of the Dutch Republic (pp. 167-196). Ashgate.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2008). The institutional organization of land markets: introduction. Continuity and Change, 23, 9-11.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2008). The emergence of lease and leasehold in a comparative perspective: definitions, causes and consequences. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & P. R. Schofield (Eds.), The development of leaseholds in northwestern Europe, c. 1200-1600 (pp. 11-30). (CORN publication series; No. 10). Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2008). The organization and rise of land and lease markets in Northwestern Europe and Italy, c. 1000-1800. Continuity and Change, 22, 13-53.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2008). The emergence and growth of short-term leasing in The Netherlands and other parts of northwestern Europe (eleventh-seventeenth centuries). A chronology and a tentative investigation into its causes. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & P. R. Schofield (Eds.), The development of Leasehold in northwestern Europe, c. 1200-1600 (pp. 179-213). (CORN Publication Series; No. 10). Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Schofield, P. R. (2008). The development of leasehold in northwestern Europe, c. 1200-1600. (CORN Publication Series; Vol. 10). Brepols.

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2008). ‘Vrije markt vraagt meer dan ooit om maatschappelijk evenwicht’. In M. ten Hooven, & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), De kracht van zelfbeheersing. Christen-democratische verkenningen (pp. 54-63). Boom.

Other output

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2008). Markt, mensen, groei en duurzaam welzijn? Economie en samenleving van de Middeleeuwen als laboratorium. Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2008). Projectleider van het project Economic Growth and Stagnation in the Pre-Industrial Era: Iraq, Italy and the Low Countries.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2007). The transition in the Low Countries. Wage labour as an indicator of the rise of capitalism in the countryside, 1300-1700. Past & Present, 195(supplement 2), 286-303. https://doi.org/10.1093/pastj/gtm036

Popularising publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2007). De neergang is doodnormaal. Historicus probeert verklaring te vinden voor ups en downs van beschavingen. Volkskrant.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2006). Werken van Gelre. Verloren.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2006). Rural wage labour in the 16th-century Low Countries: an assessment of the importance and nature of wage labour in the countryside of Holland, Guelders and Flanders. Continuity and Change, 21, 37-72. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0268416005005631
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2006). Comparative rural history of the North Sea area. Brepols.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., & Hoppenbrouwers, P. C. M. (2004). Landholding and land transfer in the North Sea Area (late Middle Ages - 19th century). In B. J. P. van Bavel, & P. C. M. Hoppenbrouwers (Eds.), Landholding and land transfer in the North Sea Area (late Middle Ages - 19th century) (pp. 13-43). Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2004). Structures of landownership, mobility of land, and farms sizes. Diverging developments in the northern parts of the Low Countries, c. 1300 - c. 1650. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & P. C. M. Hoppenbrouwers (Eds.), Landholding and land transfer in the North Sea Area (late Middle Ages - 19th century) (pp. 131-148). Brepols.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2003). Early proto-industrialization in the Low Countries? The importance and nature of market-oriented non-agricultural activities in the countryside in Flanders and Holland, c. 1250 - 1570. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 81(4), 181-237.

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2003). The land market in the North Sea area in a comparative perspective, 13th-18th centuries. In Cavachiocci, S. (Ed.), Il mercato della terra secc. XIII-XVIII. Atti delle "Settimane di Studi" e altri convegni (pp. 119-145). (Atti delle Settimane di studi e altri convegni; Vol. 35). Prato.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2003). Early proto-industrialization in the Low Countries? The importance and nature of market-oriented non-agricultural activities on the countryside in Flanders and Holland. Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 81(4), 1109-1165. https://doi.org/10.3406/rbph.2003.4777
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2003). Landbouw, bosbouw en visserij in het hertogdom Gelre in de late Middeleeuwen (tot 1600). In E. A. Jacobs, I.D. (Ed.), Het hertogdom Gelre. Geschiedenis, kunst en cultuur tussen Maas, Rijn en IJssel (pp. 282-287).


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2002). Proto-industrie tussen de Gelderse rivieren? Een eerste verkenning naar de niet-agrarische, marktgerichte activiteiten op het platteland van het Gelderse rivierengebied, 1300-1600. In Bijdragen en mededeelingen (series Werken, uitgegeven door Gelre, ISSN 0929-9858; ed., Vol. 93, pp. 55-78). Gouda Quint.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2002). Freedom and growth. The rise of states and markets in Europe, 1300-1750. NEHA-bulletin, 80-83.
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Lucassen, L. (2002). Lange lijnen, fraaie vergezichten. Middeleeuwse perspectieven voor de sociale en economische geschiedenis. Thema-nummer Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis. Verloren.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2002). People and land: Rural population developments and property structures in the Low Countries, c. 1300 - c. 1600. Continuity and Change, (17), 9-37.
van Bavel, B. J. P., & Lucassen, L. (2002). Een differentiële grens. Over de integratie van de Middeleeuwen in de economische en sociale geschiedenis. Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis, 28(2), 129-146.

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2002). Recensie. NEHA-bulletin, 15, 80-83.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Elements in the transition of the rural economy: Factors contributing to the emergence of large farms in the Dutch river area (15th-16th centuries). In P. C. M. Hoppenbrouwers, & J. L. van Zanden (Eds.), From peasants to farmers? The transformation of rural economy and society in the Low Countries (Middle Ages - 19th century) in light of the Brenner debate (pp. 179-201). Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Bookreview Freedom and growth. The rise of states and markets in Europe, 1300-1750. NEHA-jaarboek voor economische, bedrijfs- en techniekgeschiedenis, 15, 80-83.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Land, lease and agriculture: The transition of the rural economy in the Dutch river area from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century. Past & Present, 172(3), 3-43.

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Landwirtschaft, Waldbau und Fischerei. Veroffentlichungen der staatlichen Archive des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, 30, 261-267.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Landwirtschaft, Waldbau und Fischerei. Veroffentlichungen des historische Vereins fur Geldern und Umgegend, 100, 261-267.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). De commercialisering van de landbouw in de late Middeleeuwen. In Bejczi, I (Ed.), Een kennismaking met de Middeleeuwse wereld (pp. 178).
van Bavel, B. J. P., van Herwijnen, G., & Verkerk, C. L. (2001). Land, water en bewoning: Waterstaats- en nederzettingsgeschiedenis in de Zeeuwse en Hollandse delta in de Middeleeuwen. Een keuze uit de verspreide opstellen van Peter A. Henderikx. Verloren.
van Bavel, B. J. P., van Herwijnen, G., & Verkerk, C. L. (2001). Land, water en bewoning. Waterstaats- en nederzettingsgebieden in de Zeeuwse en Hollandse delta in de Middeleeuwen. Een keuze uit de verspreide opstellen van Peter A. Henderikx. onbekend.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Elements in the transition of the rural economy: Factors contributing to the emergence of large farms in the Dutch river area (15th-16th centuries). In Z. J. L. V. Hoppenbrouwers, P.C.M. (Ed.), From peasants to farmers? : The transformation of rural economy and society in the Low Countries (Middle Ages-19th century) in the light of the Brenner debate (pp. 179-201). (CORN publication Series; No. 4). Brepols. https://doi.org/10.1484/M.CORN-EB.3.289
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Monasticism, Dutch. In Jeep, J.M. (Ed.), Medieval Germany. An encyclopedia (pp. 534-535).
van Bavel, B. J. P. (2001). Landbouw, bosbouw en visserij. In J. Stinner, & K. H. Tekath (Eds.), Gelre-Geldern-Gelderland. Geschiedenis en cultuur van het hertogdom Gelre (pp. 261-267).


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. (2000). 'Schakels tussen abdij en stad. De stadshoven van de norbertijner abdijen in de Nederlanden, ca. 1250-ca. 1600', Analecta Praemonstratensia, 76, 133-157.

Professional publications

van Bavel, B. J. P. (2000). Eendenkooien in het Hollandse en Gelderse rivierengebied. Aanleg en vroegste exploitatie. Historisch geografisch tijdschrift, (20), 16-20.


Scholarly publications

van Bavel, B. J. P., & Thoen, E. (1999). Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages - 20th century). Elements for comparison. (CORN publicaties series ed.) Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (1999). Transitie en continuïteit. De bezitsverhoudingen en de plattelands-economie in het westelijk gedeelte van het Gelderse rivierengebied (ca. 1300-ca. 1570). (Werken van Gerle ed.) Verloren.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (1999). Arable yields and total arable output in the Netherlands from the late Middle Ages to the mid-19th century. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & E. Thoen (Eds.), Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages - 20th century). Elements for comparison (pp. 85-112). (CORN publication series; No. 2). Brepols.
van Bavel, B. J. P. (1999). A valuation of arable productivity in the central part of the Dutch river area, ca. 1360 - ca. 1570. In B. J. P. van Bavel, & E. Thoen (Eds.), Land productivity and agro-systems in the North Sea Area (Middle Ages - 20th century). Elements for comparison (pp. 297-309). (CORN publication series; No. 2). Brepols.