Prof. dr. ir. B.J.C. (Bert) Janssen

David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
Kamer 2.68
3584 CG Utrecht

Prof. dr. ir. B.J.C. (Bert) Janssen

Structural Biochemistry
+31 30 253 2866


Selected Publications


L.M. Chataigner, L. Thärichen, J.W. Beugelink, J.C. Granneman, N.J. Mokiem, J. Snijder, F. Förster and B.J. Janssen. (2024) 'Contactin 2 homophilic adhesion structure and conformational plasticity.' Structure 32(1):60-73


L.M. Chataigner, C. Gogou, M.A. den Boer, C.P. Frias, D.M. Thies-Weesie, J.C. Granneman, A.J. Heck, D.H. Meijer and B.J. Janssen. (2022) ‘Structural insights into the contactin 1 - neurofascin 155 adhesion complex.’ Nature Comms 13:6607 1-17


D.H. Meijer#, C.P. Frias, J.W. Beugelink, Y.N. Deurloo and B.J. Janssen#. (2022) ‘Teneurin4 dimer structures reveal a calcium-stabilized compact conformation supporting homomeric trans-interactions.’ The EMBO Journal e107505


T.M. Wood*, M.R. Zeronian*, N. Buijs, K. Bertheussen, H.K. Abedian, A.V. Johnson, N.M. Pearce, M. Lutz, J. Kemmink, T. Seirsma, L.W. Hamoen, B.J. Janssen# and N.I. Martin#. (2022) ‘Mechanistic insights into the C55-P targeting lipopeptide antibiotics revealed by structure-activity studies and high-resolution crystal structures.’ Chemical Science 10.1039/D1SC07190D


M.R. Zeronian*, O. Klykov*, J. Portell I de Montserrat, M.J. Konijnenberg, A. Gaur, R.A. Scheltema# and B.J. Janssen#. (2021) ‘Notch-Jagged signaling complex defined by an interaction mosaic.’ Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 27;118(30)


N. Leloup, L.M.P. Chataigner and B.J. Janssen. (2018) ‘Structural insights into SorCS2-Nerve Growth Factor complex formation.’ Nature Comms 9:2979 1-10


N. Leloup, P. Lössl, D.H. Meijer, M. Brennich, A.J. Heck, D.M. Thies-Weesie and B.J. Janssen. (2017) ‘Low pH-induced conformational change and dimerization of sortilin triggers endocytosed ligand release.’ Nature Comms 8:1708 1-16


L.H.J. Kleijn*, H.C Vlieg*, T.M. Wood, J. Sastre Toraño, B.J. Janssen# and N.I. Martin#. (2017) ‘High-resolution crystal structure reveals molecular details of target recognition by the calcium-dependent lipopeptide antibiotic laspartomycin C.’ Angew Chem Int Ed  56 16546-16549


M.F. Pronker, S. Lemstra, J. Snijder, A.J. Heck, D.M. Thies-Weesie, R.J. pasterkamp and B.J. Janssen. (2016) ‘Structural basis of myelin-associated glycoprotein adhesion and signalling.’ Nature Comms 7 1-13


Y. Kong*, B.J. Janssen*, T. Malinauskas, V.R. Vangoor, C.H. Coles, R. Kaufmann, T. Ni, R.J. Gilbert, S. Padilla-Parra, R.J. Pasterkamp and E.Y Jones. (2016) ‘Structural Basis for Plexin Activation and Regulation.’ Neuron 91 548-560


M.F. Pronker, T.G. Bos, T.H. Sharp, D.M. Thies-Weesie and B.J. Janssen. (2015) ‘Olfactomedin-1 has a V-shaped disulfide-linked tetrameric structure.’ J Biol Chem 290 15092-15101

B.J. Janssen*, T. Malinauskas*, G.A. Weir, M.Z. Cader, C. Siebold and E.Y. Jones. (2012) ‘Neuropilins lock secreted semaphorins onto plexins in a ternary signaling complex.’ Nat Struct Mol Biol 19 1293-1299

B.J. Janssen*, R.A. Robinson*, F. Perez-Branguli, C.H. Bell, K.J. Mitchell, C. Siebold and E.Y. Jones. (2010) ‘Structural basis of semaphorin-plexin signalling.’ Nature 467 1118-1122

B.J. Janssen, A. Christodoulidou, A. McCarthy, J.D. Lambris and P. Gros. (2006) 'Structure of C3b reveals conformational changes that underlie complement activity.' Nature 444 213-216

B.J. Janssen, E.G. Huizinga, H.C. Raaijmakers, A. Roos, M.R. Daha, K. Nilsson-Ekdahl, B. Nilsson and P. Gros. (2005) 'Structures of complement component C3 provide insights into the function and evolution of immunity.' Nature 437 505-511


*Equal contribution, #Co-corresponding
Full publication list in PubMed




Scholarly publications

Chataigner, L. M. P., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2024). First contact(in): The complete structure of contactin 2. Structure (London, England : 1993), 32(10), 1545-1547.
Beugelink, J. W., Hof, H., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2024). CRTAC1 has a Compact β-propeller-TTR Core Stabilized by Potassium Ions. Journal of Molecular Biology, 436(18), 1-13. Article 168712.
Beugelink, J. W., Sweep, E., Janssen, B. J. C., Snijder, J., & Pronker, M. F. (2024). Structural Basis for Recognition of the FLAG-tag by Anti-FLAG M2. Journal of Molecular Biology, 436(16), Article 168649.
Gogou, C., Beugelink, J. W., Frias, C. P., Kresik, L., Jaroszynska, N., Drescher, U., Janssen, B. J. C., Hindges, R., & Meijer, D. H. (2024). Alternative splicing controls teneurin-3 compact dimer formation for neuronal recognition. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 3648.
Beugelink, J. W., Sweep, E., Janssen, B. J. C., Snijder, J., & Pronker, M. F. (2024). Structural basis for recognition of the FLAG-tag by anti-FLAG M2. bioRxiv.
Peng, W., Giesbers, K., Siborova, M., Beugelink, W., Pronker, M., Schulte, D., Hilkens, J., Janssen, B., Strijbis, K., & Snijder, J. (2024). Reverse-engineering the anti-MUC1 antibody 139H2 by mass spectrometry–based de novo sequencing. Life Science Alliance, 7(6), Article e202302366.
Chataigner, L. M. P., Thärichen, L., Beugelink, J. W., Granneman, J. C. M., Mokiem, N. J., Snijder, J., Förster, F., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2024). Contactin 2 homophilic adhesion structure and conformational plasticity. Structure, 32(1), 60-73.e5.


Scholarly publications

Peng, W., Giesbers, K. C. A. P., Šiborová, M., Beugelink, J. W., Pronker, M. F., Schulte, D., Hilkens, J., Janssen, B. J. C., Strijbis, K., & Snijder, J. (2023). Reverse engineering the anti-MUC1 hybridoma antibody 139H2 by mass spectrometry-based de novo sequencing. bioRxiv.


Scholarly publications

Zeronian, M. R., Doulkeridou, S., Van bergen en henegouwen, P. M. P., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2022). Structural insights into the non-inhibitory mechanism of the anti-EGFR EgB4 nanobody. BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, 23(1), Article 12.
Chataigner, L. M. P., Gogou, C., den Boer, M. A., Frias, C. P., Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., Granneman, J. C. M., Heck, A. J. R., Meijer, D. H., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2022). Structural insights into the contactin 1 - neurofascin 155 adhesion complex. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 6607.
Wood, T. M., Zeronian, M. R., Buijs, N., Bertheussen, K., Abedian, H. K., Johnson, A. V., Pearce, N. M., Lutz, M., Kemmink, J., Seirsma, T., Hamoen, L. W., Janssen, B. J. C., & Martin, N. I. (2022). Mechanistic insights into the C55-P targeting lipopeptide antibiotics revealed by structure–activity studies and high-resolution crystal structures†. Chemical Science, 13(10), 2985-2991.
Meijer, D. H., Frias, C. P., Beugelink, J. W., Deurloo, Y. N., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2022). Teneurin4 dimer structures reveal a calcium-stabilized compact conformation supporting homomeric trans-interactions. EMBO Journal, 41(9), Article e107505.


Scholarly publications

Su, X., Ramírez-Escudero, M., Sun, F., van den Dikkenberg, J. B., van Steenbergen, M. J., Pieters, R. J., Janssen, B. J. C., van Hasselt, P. M., Hennink, W. E., & van Nostrum, C. F. (2021). Internalization and transport of PEGylated lipid-based mixed micelles across Caco-2 cells mediated by scavenger receptor B1. Pharmaceutics, 13(12), 1-22. Article 2022.
Zeronian, M. R., Klykov, O., Portell i de Montserrat, J., Konijnenberg, M. J., Gaur, A., Scheltema, R. A., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2021). Notch–Jagged signaling complex defined by an interaction mosaic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(30), 1-12. Article e2102502118.


Scholarly publications

Denisov, S. S., Ramírez-Escudero, M., Heinzmann, A. C. A., Ippel, J. H., Dawson, P. E., Koenen, R. R., Hackeng, T. M., Janssen, B. J. C., & Dijkgraaf, I. (2020). Structural characterization of anti-CCL5 activity of the tick salivary protein evasin-4. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295(42), 14367-14378.
Chataigner, L. M. P., Leloup, N., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2020). Structural Perspectives on Extracellular Recognition and Conformational Changes of Several Type-I Transmembrane Receptors. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 7, Article 129.


Scholarly publications

Vlieg, H. C., Huizinga, E. G., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2019). Structure and flexibility of the extracellular region of the PirB receptor. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294(12), 4634-4643.
Jackson, V. A., Busby, J. N., Janssen, B. J. C., Lott, J. S., & Seiradake, E. (2019). Teneurin structures are composed of ancient bacterial protein domains. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, Article 183.
Pronker, M. F., Van Den Hoek, H., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2019). Design and structural characterisation of olfactomedin-1 variants as tools for functional studies. BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, 20, Article 50.


Scholarly publications

Janssen, B. J. C. (2018). Inside-out or outside-in, a new factor in MAG-mediated signaling in the nervous system: An Editorial for ‘High-affinity heterotetramer formation between the large myelin-associated glycoprotein and the dynein light chain DYNLL1' on page 7. Journal of Neurochemistry, 147(6), 712-714.
Jackson, V. A., Meijer, D. H., Carrasquero, M., van Bezouwen, L. S., Lowe, E. D., Kleanthous, C., Janssen, B. J. C., & Seiradake, E. (2018). Structures of Teneurin adhesion receptors reveal an ancient fold for cell-cell interaction. Nature Communications, 9(1), Article 1079.
Leloup, N. O. L., Chataigner, L. M. P., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2018). Structural Insights into SorCS2-Nerve Growth Factor complex formation. Nature Communications, 9, Article 2979.


Scholarly publications

Pronker, M. F., Tas, R. P., Vlieg, H. C., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2017). Nogo Receptor crystal structures with a native disulfide pattern suggest a novel mode of self-interaction. Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology, 73(11), 860-876.
Kleijn, L. H. J., Vlieg, H. C., Wood, T. M., Sastre Torano, J., Janssen, B. J. C., & Martin, N. I. (2017). A High-Resolution Crystal Structure that Reveals Molecular Details of Target Recognition by the Calcium-Dependent Lipopeptide Antibiotic Laspartomycin C. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 56(52), 16546-16549.
Leloup, N., Lössl, P., Meijer, D. H., Brennich, M., Heck, A. J. R., Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2017). Low pH-induced conformational change and dimerization of sortilin triggers endocytosed ligand release. Nature Communications, 8(1), 1708.


Scholarly publications

Pronker, M. F., Lemstra, S., Snijder, J., Heck, A. J. R., Thies - Weesie, D., Pasterkamp, R. J., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2016). Structural basis of myelin-associated glycoprotein adhesion and signalling. Nature Communications, 7, 1-13. Article 13584.
Van 't Veer, I. L., Leloup, N., Egan, A., Janssen, B., Martin, N., Vollmer, W., & Breukink, E. (2016). Site specific immobilization of the peptidoglycan synthase PBP1B on a surface plasmon resonance chip surface. ChemBioChem, 17(23), 2250-2256.
Kong, Y., Janssen, B. J. C., Malinauskas, T., Vangoor, V. R., Coles, C. H., Kaufmann, R., Ni, T., Gilbert, R. J. C., Padilla-Parra, S., Pasterkamp, R. J., & Jones, E. Y. (2016). Structural Basis for Plexin Activation and Regulation. Neuron, 91(3), 548-560.
Burgers, P. P., Bruystens, J., Burnley, R. J., Nikolaev, V. O., Keshwani, M., Wu, J., Janssen, B. J. C., Taylor, S. S., Heck, A. J. R., & Scholten, A. (2016). Structure of smAKAP and its regulation by PKA-mediated phosphorylation. The FEBS journal, 283(11), 2132-2148.


Scholarly publications

Pronker, M. F., Bos, T. G. A. A., Sharp, T. H., Thies-Weesie, D. M. E., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2015). Olfactomedin-1 has a V-shaped disulfide-linked tetrameric structure. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290(24), 15092-15101.


Scholarly publications

Janssen, B. J. C., Malinauskas, T., Wier, G. A., Cader, M. Z., Siebold, C., & Jones, E. Y. (2012). Neuropilins lock secreted semaphorins onto plexins in a ternary signaling complex. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 19, 1293-1299.


Scholarly publications

Janssen, B. J. C., Robinson, R. A., Pérez-Brangulí, F., Bell, C. H., Mitchell, K. J., Siebold, C., & Jones, E. Y. (2010). Structural basis of semaphorin-plexin signalling. Nature, 467(7319), 1118-22.


Scholarly publications

Fritzinger, D. C., Hew, B. E., Thorne, M., Pangburn, M. K., Gros, P., Janssen, B. J. C., & Vogel, C. W. (2009). Functional characterization of human C3/cobra venom factor hybrid proteins for therapeutic complement depletion. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 33(1), 105-116.
Janssen, B. J. C., Gomes, L., Koning, R. I., Svergun, D. I., Koster, A. J., Fritzinger, D. C., Vogel, C. W., & Gros, P. (2009). Insights into complement convertase formation based on the structure of the factor B-cobra venom factor complex. EMBO Journal, 28(16), 2469-2478.
Wu, J., Wu, Y., Ricklin, D., Janssen, B. J. C., Lambris, J. D., & Gros, P. (2009). Structure of complement fragment C3b–factor H and implications for host protection by complement regulators. Nature Immunology, 10(7), 728-733.
Rooijakkers, S. H. M., Wu, J., Ruyken, M., van Domselaar, R., Planken, K. L., Tzekou, A., Ricklin, D., Lambris, J. D., Janssen, B. J., van Strijp, J. A. G., & Gros, P. (2009). Structural and functional implications of the alternative complement pathway C3 convertase stabilized by a staphylococcal inhibitor. Nature Immunology, 10(7), 721-727.


Scholarly publications

Gros, P., Milder, F. J., & Janssen, B. J. C. (2008). Complement driven by conformational changes. Nature Reviews. Immunology, 8(1), 48-58.
Frémeaux-Bacchi, V., Miller, E. C., Liszewski, M. K., Strain, L., Blouin, J., Brown, A. L., Moghal, N., Kaplan, B. S., Weiss, R. A., Lhotta, K., Kapur, G., Mattoo, T., Nivet, H., Wong, W., Gie, S., Hurault de Ligny, B., Fischbach, M., Gupta, R., Hauhart, R., ... Atkinson, J. P. (2008). Mutations in complement C3 predispose to development of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Blood, 112(13), 4948-52.


Scholarly publications

Janssen, B. J. C., Read, R. J., Brünger, A. T., & Gros, P. (2007). Crystallography: Crystallographic evidence for deviating C3b structure. Nature, 448(7154).


Scholarly publications

Janssen, B. J. C., & Gros, P. (2006). Conformational complexity of complement component C3. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 586, 291-312.


Scholarly publications

Janssen, B. J. C., Schirra, H. J., Lay, F. T., Anderson, M. A., & Craik, D. J. (2003). Structure of Petunia hybrida defensin 1, a novel plant defensin with five disulfide bonds. Biochemistry, 42(27), 8214-22.