I give regularly talks to the general public and interviews in the media:
- In October 2023, I/O magazine published an interview with me on my new professorship of Music Information Computing, pages 16/17.
- In October 2022, I was interviewed for the Next Generation Radio Event, about our AlgoRhythm project on developing an applied music-based game for training rhythmic skills of children with autism. Watch here.
- On December 24 2021, I was invited to NPO Radio 1 to the special Christmas edition of the science program "Focus Kerstspecial" with Rose Heijnen and Steven Smit. We explained how we created the playlist, and listened to some of the songs, see here the NPO Radio 1 fragment.
- UU press release about our effort to diversify the December holiday playlist with 36 alternative songs, together with students from my master course "Sound and Music Technology". In Dutch here.
- Live interview in Omroep Brabant, morning program Wakker! on December 6, 2021 on why some people love Christmas music, while others get annoyed.
- Interview by RTL News on the phenomenon of love vs. anymosity of Christmas music.
- Press release about our roadmap paper on "Music, Computing and Health": within a couple of weeks our article has made it to the top 5 most downloaded/viewed articles in Music & Science!
- UU press release about our contribution to the Dutch team "Can AI Kick It" in the 1st AI Song Contest.
- Interview in De Ingenieur about using AI for generating our song Abbus within the Dutch team "Can AI Kick It".
- Report in DUIC about our team "Can AI Kick It" in the 1st AI Song Contest.
- I gave a lecture about my research and activities in WiMIR for 300 Spanish highschool students in Málaga, March 28th, 2019, during the First International Day of Women in Inclusive Sound and Music Computing Research.
- Nu.nl checkt: Geen bewijs dat herhaaldelijk kerstmuziek luisteren ongezond is. Interview in 2018.
- I gave a lecture about my research on patterns in music in the Stadsgehoorzaal at the city of Leiden during the Public Symposium There is Music in the Brain, organized by the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition and the municipality of Leiden, on November 30, 2018.
- Interview in Leids Universitair Weekblad De anatomie van hits, 29 November 2018.
- I gave the public lecture Ritme en algoritme: patronen herkennen in muziek during NWO's Night of Science "Music inside Out", on October 6, 2017. Video summary.
- Concertzender live at Utrecht Centraal: Live interview at radio station Concertzender on 5 June 2017 about my public lecture "Lekker (algo)ritme" during the Culturele Zondag Utrecht Centraal.
- I gave the public lecture Lekker (algo)ritme at Culturele Zondag Utrecht Centraal on June 5, 2017. Podcast. Blog Studium Generale
- On June 2, 2015 I received the Spotlight award from the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, for my activities in disseminating my work to the general public.
- Professoren op het podium (Professors on stage): A theater evening about Music and Mathematics, organized and moderated by Jan van den Berg. Guests: Anja Volk, Jan Neerven and Frank Redig. Theater de Veste, Delft. 1 April 2015, 20:30.
- KennisCafe Amsterdam: "Rocking Science", with Anja Volk, Tom ter Bogt, Fleur Bouwer, Louis Grijp, organized by De Volkskrant, KNAW, Science Center NEMO, de Balie Amsterdam, 15 December 2014, 20:00-22:00. Watch at De Balie TV, listen at Kennis van Nu, Radio 5.
- Radio Interview at Science 071 Sleutelstad, 17 December 2014, listen here. This interview has been submitted to the NTR Radio Award 2015.
- Interview "Muziek wordt juist beter van herhaling "in De Volkskrant, 10 December 2014, pdf.
- Presentation at Bessensap 2014 (Science meets press): "Hoe herken je muziek?", 6 June 2014.
- Portrayal of my research in De Groene Amsterdammer, 31st October 2013, pdf
- Article "Computational musicology" in De Groene Amsterdammer, October 2013