Prof. dr. Ann Rigney

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3512 JK Utrecht

Prof. dr. Ann Rigney

Emeritus Professor
Institute for Cultural Inquiry

Highlighted publications

Rigney, A. (2008). Divided Pasts: a Premature Memorial and the Dynamics of Cultural Remembrance. Memory Studies, 1(1), 89-97.
Rigney, A. (2002). The Rhetoric of Historical Representation: Three Narrative Histories of the French Revolution. Cambridge University Press.
Rigney, A. (2010). When the Monograph is no Longer the Medium: Historical Narrative in the Online Age. History and Theory, 49(December), 100-117.
Rigney, A. (2008). The Dynamics of Remembrance: Texts Between Monumentality and Morphing. In A. Erll, & A. Nünning (Eds.), Cultural Memory Studies; An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook (pp. 345-353). De Gruyter.
Rigney, A. (2011). Embodied Communities: Commemorating Robert Burns, 1859. Representations (print), 115(1), 71-101.
Rigney, A. (2004). Portable Monuments: Literature, Cultural Memory and the Case of Jeanie Deans. Poetics, 52(2), 361-396.
Rigney, A. (2015). Cultural Memory Studies: Mediation, Narrative, and the Aesthetic. In Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies (pp. 65-76). Routledge.
Rigney, A. (2009). All this Happened, More or Less: What a Novelist Made of the Bombing of Dresden. History and Theory, Issue 47(May 2009), 5-24.
Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (2009). Mediation, Remediation, and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory. De Gruyter.
Rigney, A. (2001). Imperfect Histories: The Elusive Past and the Legacy of Romantic Historicism. Cornell University Press.
Rigney, A. (2018). Remembering Hope: Transnational Activism Beyond the Traumatic. Memory Studies, 11(3), 368-380.
Rigney, A. (2012). The Afterlives of Walter Scott: Memory on the Move. Oxford University Press.
Rigney, A. (2016). Scales of Postmemory: Six of Six Million. In C. Fogu, W. Kansteiner, & T. Presner (Eds.), Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture (pp. 113-128). Harvard University Press.
Rigney, A. (2018). Remembrance as Remaking: Memories of the Nation Revisited. Nations and Nationalism, 24(2), 240-257.
Rigney, A., & Leerssen, J. (Eds.) (2014). Commemorating Writers in Nineteenth Century Europe: Nation-building and Centenary Fever. Palgrave Macmillan.
Rigney, A. (2017). The Afterlives of Walter Scott: Memory on the Move. (Paperback ed.) Oxford University Press.
Rigney, A. (2015). Do Apologies End Events? Bloody Sunday, 1972-2010. In M. Tamm (Ed.), The Afterlife of Events: Perspectives on Mnemohistory (pp. 242-261). (Memory Studies). Palgrave Macmillamn.
Rigney, A. (2012). Transforming Memory and the European Project. New Literary History, 43(4), 607-628.
Rigney, A. (2005). Plenitude, Scarcity, and the Production of Cultural Memory. Journal of European Studies, 35(1/2), 209-226.
De Cesari, C. (Ed.), & Rigney, A. (2014). Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales. (Media and Cultural Memory). De Gruyter.
Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (2006). Literature and the Production of Cultural Memory. Special issue of EJES: European Journal of English Studies. Routledge.
Rigney, A. (2012). Reconciliation and Remembering: (How) Does it Work? Memory Studies, 5(3), 251-258.



Scholarly publications

Rigney, A., & Smits, T. (Eds.) (2023). The Visual Memory of Protest. (Protest and Social Movements; Vol. 27). Amsterdam University Press.
Rigney, A., & Smits, T. (2023). The Visual Memory of Protest: Introduction. In A. Rigney, & T. Smits (Eds.), The Visual Memory of Protest (pp. 9-31). (Protest and Social Movements; Vol. 27). Amsterdam University Press.
Rigney, A. (2023). Decommissioning Monuments, Mobilizing Materialities. In Y. Gutman, & J. Wüstenberg (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism (1 ed., pp. 21-27). Routledge.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2022). Toxic Monuments and Mnemonic Regime Change. Studies on National Movements, 9, 7-41.
Rigney, A. (2022). Articulations of Memory: Mediation and the Making of Mnemo-Regions. In S. Lewis, J. Olick, J. Wawrzyniak, & P. Malgorzata (Eds.), Regions of Memory: Transnational Formations (1 ed., pp. 163-184). (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies). Palgrave Macmillan.
Rigney, A. (2022). Firebrand Folklore: Musical Memory and the Making of Transnational Networks. In B. Marjet (Ed.), Networks, Narratives and Nations: Transcultural Approaches to Cultural Nationalism in Modern Europe and Beyond (pp. 75-83). Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Academic Archive.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2021). Afterword: The Multiple Entanglements of Memory and Activism. In B. Stefan, S. Scalmer, & C. Wicke (Eds.), Remembering Social Movements: Activism and Memory (pp. 299-304). Routledge.
Rigney, A. (2021). Remaking Memory and the Agency of the Aesthetic. Memory Studies, 14(1), 10-23.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2020). Mediations of Outrage: How Violence Against Demonstrators is Remembered. Social Research, 87(3), 707-733.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2019). Reframing Waterloo: Memory, Mediation, Experience. In S. Palmié, & C. Stewart (Eds.), The Varieties of Historical Experience (pp. 121-39). Routledge.

Professional publications

Brillenburg Wurth, C. A. W., & Rigney, A. (2019). The Life of Texts: An Introduction to Literary Studies. Amsterdam University Press.
Kosters, O. R., Bennis, H., Pröpper, H., Heyvaert, L., Rigney, A., Perez, T., Van Bockstal, K., Blom, C., Nicolaas, M., & Schelhaas, G. (2019). VerTALEN voor de toekomst: Een nieuw vertaalpleidooi. Expertisecentrum Literair Vertalen (ELV).


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2018). Commemoration by Committee: The National Wallace Monument. Victorian Review, 44(1), 1-5.
Rigney, A. (2018). History of Memory: Comment. In M. Tamm, & P. Burke (Eds.), Debating New Approaches to History (pp. 143-148). Bloomsbury.
Rigney, A. (2018). The Historical Novel. In J. Leerssen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (Vol. 1, pp. 114-116). Amsterdam UP.
Rigney, A. (2018). Scott, Walter (Sir). In J. Leerssen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (Vol. volume 1, pp. 526-528). Amsterdam UP.
Rigney, A. (2018). Remembrance as Remaking: Memories of the Nation Revisited. Nations and Nationalism, 24(2), 240-257.
Rigney, A. (2018). Epilogue: Citizenship, Memory, and the Curious Case of Canada. Citizenship Studies, 22(4), 452-57.
Erll, A. (Guest ed.), & Rigney, A. (Guest ed.) (2018). Special Issue Cultural Memory Studies after the Transnational Turn. Memory Studies, 11(3), 272-385.
Rigney, A. (2018). Remembering Hope: Transnational Activism Beyond the Traumatic. Memory Studies, 11(3), 368-380.
Batteau, J. M., Princen, S. B. M., & Rigney, A. (2018). Lessons from the Past? Cultural Memory in Dutch Integration Policy. European Journal of Political Research, 57(3), 740-758.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (Eds.) (2017). Audiovisual Memory and the (Re)Making of Europe: Special Issue of Image [&] Narrative. Image [&] Narrative, 18(1).
Rigney, A., Erll, A., Craps, S., Pine, E. (Ed.), & McIvor, C. (Ed.) (2017). Roundtable: Moving Memory. Irish University Review, 47(1), 165-196.
Rigney, A. (2017). The Afterlives of Walter Scott: Memory on the Move. (Paperback ed.) Oxford University Press.
Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (2017). Introduction: Audiovisual Memory and the (Re)Making of Europe. Image [&] Narrative, 18(1), 1-4.

Professional publications

Rigney, A. (2017). Memory. In M. Rosendahl Thomsen et al (Ed.), Literature: An Introduction to Theory and Analysis (pp. 286-295). Bloomsbury.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2016). Scales of Postmemory: Six of Six Million. In C. Fogu, W. Kansteiner, & T. Presner (Eds.), Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture (pp. 113-128). Harvard University Press.
Rigney, A. (2016). 故事的生产性:叙事与文化记忆. Jounal of Yunnan Unviersity, 82(1), 97-103.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2015). Things and the Archive: Scott's Materialist Legacy. Scottish Literary Review, 7(2), 13-34.
Rigney, A. (2015). Cultural Memory Studies: Mediation, Narrative, and the Aesthetic. In Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies (pp. 65-76). Routledge.
Rigney, A. (2015). Postface: Multidirectional Fictions. In L. Kaljundi, E. Laanes, & I. Pikkanen (Eds.), Novels, Histories, Novel Nations: Historical Fiction and Cultural Memory in Finland and Estonia (pp. 322-328). (Studia Fennica Historica; Vol. 19). Finnish Literary Society.
Rigney, A. (2015). Do Apologies End Events? Bloody Sunday, 1972-2010. In M. Tamm (Ed.), The Afterlife of Events: Perspectives on Mnemohistory (pp. 242-261). (Memory Studies). Palgrave Macmillamn.

Professional publications

Rigney, A. (2015). Transnational Memory. Testimony Between History and Memory, 170-171.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2014). Scott 1871: Celebration as Cultural Diplomacy. In J. Leerssen, & A. Rigney (Eds.), Commemorating Writers in NIneteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building and Centenary Fever (pp. 65-88). Palgrave Macmillan.
Rigney, A. (2014). Burns 1859: Embodied Communities and Transnational Federation. In J. Leerssen, & A. Rigney (Eds.), Commemorating Writers in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building and Centenary Fever (pp. 40-65). Palgrave Macmillan.
Rigney, A., & Leerssen, J. (2014). Introduction: Fanning out from Shakespeare. In J. Leerssen, & A. Rigney (Eds.), Commemorating Writers in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building and Centenary Fever (pp. 1-23). Palgrave Macmillan.
De Cesari, C., & Rigney, A. (2014). Introduction. In A. Rigney, & C. De Cesari (Eds.), Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales (pp. 1-25). (Media and Cultural Memory). De Gruyter.
Rigney, A. (2014). Ongoing: Changing Memory and the European Project. In A. Rigney, & C. De Cesari (Eds.), Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales (pp. 339-360). (Media and Cultural Memory; No. 19). De Gruyter.
De Cesari, C. (Ed.), & Rigney, A. (2014). Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales. (Media and Cultural Memory). De Gruyter.
Rigney, A., & Leerssen, J. (Eds.) (2014). Commemorating Writers in Nineteenth Century Europe: Nation-building and Centenary Fever. Palgrave Macmillan.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2012). The Afterlives of Walter Scott: Memory on the Move. Oxford University Press.
Rigney, A. (2012). Reconciliation and Remembering: (How) Does it Work? Memory Studies, 5(3), 251-258.
Rigney, A. (2012). Transforming Memory and the European Project. New Literary History, 43(4), 607-628.
Rigney, A. (2012). History as Text: Narrative Theory and History. In N. Partner, & S. Foot (Eds.), Sage Handbook of Historical Theory (pp. 183-201). SAGE.
Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (2012). Mediation, Remediation, and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory. De Gruyter.

Professional publications

Brillenburg Wurth, C. A. W., & Rigney, A. (2012). Het leven van teksten. Een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap. Amsterdam University Press (vierde herziene druk).


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2011). Review. American Historical Review, 116.3, 878-879.
Rigney, A. (2011). Embodied Communities: Commemorating Robert Burns, 1859. Representations (print), 115(1), 71-101.
Rigney, A. (2011). Review. Victorian Studies, 53.2, 367-369.

Other output

Rigney, A. (2011). Modern Memory, Accelerated Amnesia. Paper presented at Ninth International Walter Scott Conference, Laramie, Wyoming.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2010). When the Monograph is no Longer the Medium: Historical Narrative in the Online Age. History and theory. Beiheft, 49, 100.
Rigney, A. (2010). The Many Lives of Ivanhoe. In K. Tilmans, F. Van Vree, & J. Winter (Eds.), Performing the Past: Memory, History, and Identity in Modern Europe (pp. 207-33). Amsterdam University Press.
Rigney, A. (2010). When the Monograph is no Longer the Medium: Historical Narrative in the Online Age. History and Theory, 49(December), 100-117.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2009). Murray Pittock (ed.), The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe. London: Continuum, 2006. Comparative Critical Studies, 6, 171-175.
Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (2009). Introduction: Cultural Memory and Its Dynamics. In A. Erll, & A. Rigney (Eds.), Mediation, Remediation, and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory (pp. 1-11). De Gruyter.
Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (2009). Mediation, Remediation, and the Dynamics of Cultural Memory. De Gruyter.
Rigney, A. (2009). All this Happened, More or Less: What a Novelist Made of the Bombing of Dresden. History and Theory, Issue 47(May 2009), 5-24.
Rigney, A. (2009). Embodied and Remembered Lives. Frame: Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap, 22(1), 60-73.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2008). The Dynamics of Remembrance: Texts Between Monumentality and Morphing. In A. Erll, & A. Nünning (Eds.), Cultural Memory Studies; An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook (pp. 345-353). De Gruyter.
Rigney, A. (2008). Review. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, December, 353-357.
Rigney, A. (2008). Divided Pasts: a Premature Memorial and the Dynamics of Cultural Remembrance. Memory Studies, 1(1), 89-97.
Rigney, A. (2008). Fiction as a Mediator in National Remembrance. In S. Berger, L. Eriksonas, & A. Mycock (Eds.), Narrating the Nation: Representations in History, Media and the Arts (pp. 79-96). Berghahn.

Professional publications

Rigney, A., & Brillenburg Wurth, C. A. W. (2008). Het leven van teksten: een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap. Amsterdam University Press. Tweede herziene druk.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2007). Abbotsford: Dislocation and Cultural Remembrance. In H. Hendrix (Ed.), Writers' Houses and the Making of Memory (pp. 75-91). Routledge.
Rigney, A. (2007). Articles on: Character (Narrative); Discourse; Memory; Representation; Semiotics. In M. Beller, & J. Leerssen (Eds.), Imagology: The Cultural Construction and Literary Representation of National Characters: A Critical Survey (pp. 287-290 + 313-315 +360-363 + 415-418 + 421-424). Rodopi.
Rigney, A. (2007). Being an Improper Historian. In K. Jenkins, S. Morgan, & A. Munslow (Eds.), Manifests for History (pp. 149-159). Routledge.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A., & Erll, A. (2006). Literature and the Production of Cultural Memory. Special issue of EJES: European Journal of English Studies. Routledge.
Erll, A., & Rigney, A. (2006). Literature and the Production of Cultural Memory: Introduction. European Journal of English Studies, 10(2), 111-116.

Professional publications

Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). Teksten en intertekstualiteit. In A. Rigney, & C. A. W. Brillenburg (Eds.), Het leven van teksten: een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap (pp. 79-114). Amsterdam University Press.
Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). De veelzijdigheid van literatuur. In A. Rigney, & C. A. W. Brillenburg Wurth (Eds.), Het leven van teksten: een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap (pp. 45-78). Amsterdam University Press.
Brillenburg Wurth, C. A. W., & Rigney, A. (2006). Het leven van teksten: een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap. Amsterdam University Press.
Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). Teksten en cultuurhistorische context. In A. Rigney, & C. A. W. Brillenburg Wurth (Eds.), Het leven van teksten: een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap (pp. 293-331). Amsterdam University Press.
Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). Verhalen. In A. Rigney, & C. A. W. Brillenburg Wurth (Eds.), Het leven van teksten: een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap (pp. 157-195). Amsterdam University Press.
Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). Het vak. In A. Rigney, & C. A. W. Brillenburg Wurth (Eds.), Het leven van teksten: een inleiding tot de literatuurwetenschap (pp. 19-44). Amsterdam University Press.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2005). De herinnering aan Scott: Literatuur, erfgoed,, mobiliteit. In R. van der Laarse (Ed.), Bezeten van vroeger: Erfgoed, identiteit en musealisering (pp. 88-101). Het Spinhuis.
Rigney, A. (2005). Plenitude, Scarcity, and the Production of Cultural Memory. Journal of European Studies, 35(1/2), 209-226.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2004). Portable Monuments: Literature, Cultural Memory and the Case of Jeanie Deans. Poetics, 52(2), 361-396.
Rigney, A. (2004). Relevance, Revision, and the Fear of Long Books. In F. Ankersmit, & H. Kellner (Eds.), A New Philosophy of History (pp. 127-147). Reaktion Books/Chicago University Press.
Rigney, A. (2004). Parameters, Positions, Perspectives: the Future of literary studies. In J. R. Swanborn (Ed.), Gij letterdames en gij letterheren: nieuwe mogelijkheden voor taalkundig en letterkundig onderzoek in Nederland (pp. 95-113). (Verkenningen / Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen; Vol. 6). KNAW.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2003). Cross-Border Histories. Arcadia, 38(2), 343-346.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (2002). The Rhetoric of Historical Representation: Three Narrative Histories of the French Revolution. Cambridge University Press.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). The Two Bodies of Mrs. Oliphant. History and Theory, 40, 74-89.
Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). Literatuur en de constructie van public memory. Frame: Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap, 15(3), 4-9.
Rigney, A. (2001). Imperfect Histories: The Elusive Past and the Legacy of Romantic Historicism. Cornell University Press.
Rigney, A., & Leerssen, J. (2001). Historians and Social Values. Amsterdam University Press.

Other output

Rigney, A. (2001). Literatuur als herdenking. Free University.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). "Introduction.". In A. Rigney, & J. Leersen (Eds.), Historians and Social Values (pp. 7-15). Amsterdam University Press.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (1999). Epiloog. In R. Hoezee, J. Tollebeek, & T. Verschaffel (Eds.), Mise-en-scène: Keizer Karel en de verbeelding van de negentiende eeuw Museum voor Schone Kunsten/Mercatorfonds.
Rigney, A. (1999). The Multiple Histories of Thomas Carlyle. In C. C. Barfoot (Ed.), Victorian Keats and Romantic Carlyle: the fusions and confusions of literary periods (DQR studies in literature; Vol. 27). Rodopi.
Rigney, A. (1999). De lokroep van het verleden: literatuur als historische bron. Feit & fictie: tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de representatie, 4(3), 81-98.
Rigney, A. (1999). Literature and the Longing for History. In J. Pieters (Ed.), Critical Self-Fashioning: The New Historicism of Stephen Greenblatt Peter Lang Verlag.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (1998). What's in a Name? Fictie, ervaring en autoriteit. TvL : tijdschrift voor literatuurwetenschap, 3.2, 136-146.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (1997). Semantic Slides: History and the Concept of Fiction. In I. Veit-Brause, & R. Torstendahl (Eds.), History-Making: The Intellectual and Social Formation of a Discipline. Konferenzer 37 (pp. 31-46). Kungl.
Rigney, A. (1997). Muddying the Waters: Metaphor in History. In B. Debatin, T. R. Jackson, & D. Steuer (Eds.), Methaphor and Rational Thought (pp. 169-177). Niemeyer.
Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). -. Storia della storiografia, 30, 170-174.

Professional publications

Rigney, A. (Accepted/In press). -. Groniek, 107-109.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (1996). The Untenanted Places of the Past: Thomas Carlyle and the Varieties of Historical Ignorance. History and Theory, 1996(22), 338-357.


Scholarly publications

Rigney, A. (1986). Toward Varennes. New Literary History, 1(18), 77-98.