Anne Margit Reitsema

Developmental Psychology



Scholarly publications

Myroniuk, S., Reitsema, A. M., De Jonge, P., & Jeronimus, B. F. (2024). Childhood abuse and neglect and profiles of adult emotion dynamics. Development and Psychopathology. Advance online publication.
PsyCorona Collaboration (2024). Conceptual replication and extension of health behavior theories' predictions in the context of COVID-19: Evidence across countries and over time. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 18(2), Article e12909.


Scholarly publications

PsyCorona Collaboration (2023). Intentions to be Vaccinated Against COVID-19: The Role of Prosociality and Conspiracy Beliefs across 20 Countries. Health Communication, 38(8), 1530-1539.
PsyCorona Collaboration (2023). Trust in government regarding COVID-19 and its associations with preventive health behaviour and prosocial behaviour during the pandemic: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Psychological Medicine, 53(1), 149-159.
PsyCorona Collaboration (2023). Pandemic Boredom: Little Evidence That Lockdown-Related Boredom Affects Risky Public Health Behaviors Across 116 Countries. Emotion, 23(8), 2370-2384.
PsyCorona Collaboration (2023). Identifying important individual- and country-level predictors of conspiracy theorizing: A machine learning analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(6), 1191-1203.
Reitsema, A. M., Jeronimus, B. F., van Dijk, M., Ceulemans, E., van Roekel, E., Kuppens, P., & de Jonge, P. (2023). Distinguishing Dimensions of Emotion Dynamics Across 12 Emotions in Adolescents’ Daily Lives. Emotion, 23(6), 1549-1561.


Scholarly publications

PsyCorona Collaboration (2022). COVID-19 stressors and health behaviors: A multilevel longitudinal study across 86 countries. Preventive Medicine Reports, 27, Article 101764.
PsyCorona Collaboration (2022). Predictors of adherence to public health behaviors for fighting COVID-19 derived from longitudinal data. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-12. Article 3824.
PsyCorona Collaboration, Van Lissa, C. J., & Reitsema, A. M. (2022). Using machine learning to identify important predictors of COVID-19 infection prevention behaviors during the early phase of the pandemic. Patterns, 3(4), 1-15. Article 100482.
Reitsema, A. M., Jeronimus, B. F., Bos, E. H., de Jonge, P., & Leander, P. (2022). Age Differences in Hedonic Adaptation to Societal Restrictions? Positive and Negative Affect Trajectories During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 33 Nations. Emotion, 23(5), 1440-1457.
van Breen, J. A., Kutlaca, M., Koç, Y., Jeronimus, B. F., Reitsema, A. M., Jovanović, V., Agostini, M., Bélanger, J. J., Gützkow, B., Kreienkamp, J., Abakoumkin, G., Khaiyom, J. H. A., Ahmedi, V., Akkas, H., Almenara, C. A., Atta, M., Bagci, S. C., Basel, S., Berisha Kida, E., ... Leander, N. P. (2022). Lockdown Lives: A Longitudinal Study of Inter-Relationships Among Feelings of Loneliness, Social Contacts, and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Early 2020. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(9), 1315–1330.


Scholarly publications

Reitsema, A. M., Jeronimus, B. F., van Dijk, M., & de Jonge, P. (2021). Emotion Dynamics in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analytic and Descriptive Review. Emotion, 22(2), 374-396.
PsyCorona Collaboration, & van Lissa, C. J. (2021). Associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion and mental health during the pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders, 284, 247-255.
Nisa, C. F., Bélanger, J. J., Faller, D. G., Buttrick, N. R., Mierau, J. O., Austin, M. M. K., Schumpe, B. M., Sasin, E. M., Agostini, M., Gützkow, B., Kreienkamp, J., Abakoumkin, G., Abdul Khaiyom, J. H., Ahmedi, V., Akkas, H., Almenara, C. A., Atta, M., Bagci, S. C., Basel, S., ... Leander, N. P. (2021). Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID-19 preventive measures than perceived health risk. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12. Article 9669.


Scholarly publications

Reitsema, A. M., & Grietens, H. (2015). Is anybody listening? the literature on the dialogical process of child sexual abuse disclosure reviewed. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 17(3), 330-340.