Prof. dr. Anneloes van Baar

Completed Projects
Dutch norms for the Bayley-III 01.12.2009 to 01.09.2014
General project description

De Bayley ontwikkelingsschalen worden wereldwyd gebruikt om de ontwikkeling van baby's en peuters te onderzoeken. Inmiddels is in Amerika de Amerikaanse versie in gebruik. Doel van dit project is om een Nederlandse versie met Nederlandse normen te onwtikkelen: de Bayley-III-NL

Other grant (government funding)
Dutch norms for the Bayley-III 01.12.2009 to 01.09.2014
General project description

De Bayley ontwikkelingsschalen worden wereldwyd gebruikt om de ontwikkeling van baby's en peuters te onderzoeken. Inmiddels is in Amerika de Amerikaanse versie in gebruik. Doel van dit project is om een Nederlandse versie met Nederlandse normen te onwtikkelen: de Bayley-III-NL

Other grant (government funding)

Together with prof dr Maja Dekovic, Anneloes van Baar is chairs the research program 'Development and treatment of psychosocial problems'.

The program is structured into two research lines that complement each other, both aiming to answer the central question of this research program: How do intrapersonal (including both biological and psychological) and social risk factors relate to and interact with psychosocial adaptation of children?

Intrapersonal risk factors and diagnostic assessments that provide information on development of young children are central in the research work of Anneloes van Baar.


Dutch norms for the Bayley III

Attention needed for moderate preterm infants.

Costs-effects of the D(o)epressie course in adolescents: individual CBT versus care as usual.

Development of young children in Kenya

Development of children adopted from Poland

Development of adolescents with Diabetes type I

STIPP: effects of the IBA-Intervention Program for very preterm born children

Development of children exposed to prenatal maternal anxiety