Scholarly publications
Lasch, K., Gollner, S.
, Oude elferink, A., Rühs, S., Sangiorgi, F., Van sebille, E., & Wang, J. (2024).
Whose Ocean? Exploring multidisciplinary perspectives towards ocean sustainability and implications for the un(der)represented.
Research Ideas and Outcomes,
10, 1-9. Article e114485.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A., Georgoula, D.-F., Nguyen, L., & Trevisanut, S. (2023).
Compulsory Jurisdiction as the DNA of LOSC Dispute Settlement: An Evolutionary Path.
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
38(2), 185–206. 2022
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. (2022).
Dominican Republic - Netherlands; Report Number 2-39: Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Dominican Republic Concerning Maritime Delimitation. In
International Maritime Boundaries Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff. Nguyen, L., Oude Elferink, A., & De Lucia, V. (2022).
The Legal Regime of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction Viewed through the Lenses of Power, Knowledge, Justice and Space. In A. Oude Elferink, L. Nguyen, & V. De Lucia (Eds.),
International Law and Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Reflections on Justice, Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 421-440). (Publications on Ocean Development; Vol. 95). Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff. Oude Elferink, A. (2022).
Protecting the Environment of ABNJ through Marine Protected Areas and Area-based Management Tools: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full and Whose Glass Is It Anyway? In A. Oude Elferink, L. Nguyen, & V. De Lucia (Eds.),
International Law and Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Reflections on Justice, Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 205-241). (Publications on Ocean Development; Vol. 95). Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff. Oude Elferink, A., & Kerr, B. (2022).
Finding a Home for BBNJ – The CBD, the LOSC, and the General Assembly: Complementary Alternatives? . In A. Oude Elferink, L. Nguyen, & V. De Lucia (Eds.),
International Law and Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Reflections on Justice, Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 174-204). (Publications on Ocean Development; Vol. 95). Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff. Oude Elferink, A., De Lucia, V.
, & Nguyen, L. (2022).
Areas beyond National Jurisdiction – Looking at and beyond the BBNJ Process. In A. Oude Elferink, L. Nguyen, & V. De Lucia (Eds.),
International Law and Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Reflections on Justice, Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 1-13). (Publications on Ocean Development; Vol. 95). Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff. De Lucia, V.
, Oude Elferink, A., & Nguyen, L. (Eds.) (2022).
International Law and Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Reflections on Justice, Space, Knowledge and Power. (Publications on Ocean Development; Vol. 95). Brill | Nijhoff. publications
Peck, M., Bush, S., Oude Elferink, A., Rivero, S., van Duren, L., & van Oevelen, D. (2022). Rapid Changes in the North Sea. SWZ Maritime, (January 2022), 54-57.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. (2021).
What If the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea had Entered into Force Unamended: Business as Usual or Dystopia? In I. Venzke, & K. J. Heller (Eds.),
Contingency in international law: On the possibility of different legal histories (pp. 215-230). Oxford University Press. Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. (2021). Rapport Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project “Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee” (BREIN). Herziening, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat, Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. (2020).
Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project “Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee” (BREIN): Herziening 2020. NILOS. Oude Elferink, A. G. (2019). Report Number 2-36; Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the French Republic on Maritime Delimita-tions in the Caribbean Region. In C. Lathrop (Ed.), International Maritime Boundaries Article 2-36 (International Maritime Boundaries Online). Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2019).
Exploring the future of the institutional landscape of the oceans beyond national jurisdiction.
Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law,
28, 236-243. Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. (2019). Rapport Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project “Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee” (BREIN). Herziening, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat, Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2018). What if the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea would have entered into force without amending the regime for deep seabed mining: Business as usual or chaos for the oceans?. Paper presented at Contingency in the Course of International Law:How International Law Could Have Been, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Oude Elferink, A. G., Busch, S., & Henriksen, T. (2018).
The Judiciary and the Law of Maritime Delimitation: Setting the Stage. In
Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law: Is it Consistent and Predictable? (pp. 1-32). Article 1 Cambridge UP. Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. (2018). Rapport Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project “Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee” (BREIN). Herziening, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat, Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.
Oude Elferink, A. G., Busch, S., & Henriksen, T. (Eds.) (2018).
Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law: Is it Consistent and Predictable? Cambridge UP. 2017
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2017).
Paragraph 5(a) of Annex I to the Rules of Procedure of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: Solution to a Problem or Problem without a Solution? In M. H. Nordquist, J. Norton Moore, & R. Long (Eds.),
Legal Order in the World's Oceans: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (pp. 302-321). (Center for Oceans Law and Policy; Vol. 21). Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff. 2016
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2016).
The Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in the Arctic Ocean: Recent Developments, Applicable Law and Possible Outcomes. In M. Nordquist, R. Long, & J. Norton Moore (Eds.),
Challenges of the Changing Arctic: Continental Shelf, Navigation, and Fisheries (pp. 53-80). Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff. Oude Elferink, A. G. (2016).
Arguing international law in the South China Sea disputes: the Haiyang Shiyou 981 and USS Lassen incidents and the Philippines v. China arbitration.
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
31(2), 205-241. Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. (2016). Rapport Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project “Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee” (BREIN). Herziening, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat, Zee en Delta, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2015).
ITLOS’s Approach to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles in the Bangladesh/Myanmar Case: Theoretical and Practical Difficulties. In R. Wolfrum, M. Seršić, & T. M. Šošić (Eds.),
Contemporary Developments in International Law: Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas (First ed., pp. 230-249). Article 12. Oude Elferink, A., Rothwell, D. R., Stephens, T., & Scott, K. N. (2015).
Charting the Future of the Law of the Sea. In
The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea (First ed., pp. 888-912). Article 39 Oxford University Press. Oude Elferink, A. (2015). Does the Recent Practice of the Russian Federation Point ot an Arctic Sunset for the Sector Principle? In S. Lalonde, & T. L. McDorman (Eds.), International Law and Politics of the Arctic Ocean: Essays in honor of Donat Pharand (pp. 269-290). Article 14 Brill Academic Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A., Rothwell, D. R., Stephens, T., & Scott, K. N. (Eds.) (2015). The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea. (First ed.) Oxford University Press.
Scholarly publications
Merrie, A., Dunn, D. C., Metian, M., Boustany, A. M.
, Takei, Y., Elferink, A. O., Ota, Y., Christensen, V., Halpin, P. N., & Österblom, H. (2014).
An ocean of surprises - trends in human use, unexpected dynamics and governance challenges in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Global Environmental Change,
27(1), 19-31. Elferink, A. (2014).
The Arctic Sunrise Incident: A Multi-faceted Law of the Sea Case with a Human Rights Dimension.
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
29(2), 244–289. Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A., (2014). Peru vs Chile; Maritime Dispute, 2 p., (Nederlands Juristenblad; Vol. 2014, No. 12).
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2013). The delimitation of the continental shelf between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands: Arguing law, practicing politics? Cambridge University Press.
Molenaar, E. J., Oude Elferink, A. G., & Rothwell, D. R. (2013). The Law of the Sea and Polar Regions: Interactions between Global and Regional Regimes. Martinus Nijhoff.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2013). Rapport over maritieme afbakening. (augustus 2013 ed.) Shell International B.V.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2013). Rapport over maritieme afbakening. (april-mei 2013 ed.) Shell International B.V.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2013). Rapport over maritieme afbakening. (maart 2013 ed.) Shell International B.V.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2013). Rapport Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project “Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee” (BREIN). Herziening, in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat Zee en Delta. (september-november 2013 ed.) Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
Scholarly publications
Drankier, P., Oude Elferink, A. G., Visser, B., & Takács, T. (2012).
Marine Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: Access and Benefit-Sharing.
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
27, 375-434. Professional publications
van Rijswick, H. F. M. W., Addink, G. H., de Gier, A. A. J., & Oude Elferink, A. G. (2012). Een handreiking voor de beoordeling van de juridische kwaliteit van waterbeheer, juridisch deel van de multidisciplinaire assessment methode voor de beoordeling van waterbestuur en beheer. Water Governance Center.
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Lim A Po, H. R. (2012). Rapport inzake een ontwerp van wet ter actualisering van de wetgeving van de Republiek Suriname inzake maritieme zones in opdracht van de Regering van Suriname. Regering van Suriname.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2012). Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project “Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee” (BREIN) Herziening 2012 in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat Dienst Noordzee. Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu.
Popularising publications
Molenaar, E. J., Oude Elferink, A. G., & Soons, A. H. A. (2012). Recht van de zee op Groenland. Mr. Online.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2011). Environmental impact assessment in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Report on research question 4 of the study on 'Biological Diversity and Governance of the High Seas' in opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. UU.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2011). Governance principles for areas beyond national jurisdiction. Report on research question 1 of the study on 'Biological Diversity and Governance of the High Seas' in opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. UU.
Drankier, P., Oude Elferink, A. G., Visser, B., & Takács, T. (2011). Marine Genetic Resources in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: Access and Benefit-Sharing. Report on research question 3 of the study on 'Biological Diversity and Governance of the High Seas' commissioned by the Ministry of EL&I. UU.
Scholarly publications
Molenaar, E., & Oude Elferink, A. (Eds.) (2010). The International Legal Regime of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Current and Future Developments . (Nova et Vetera Iuris Gentium; Vol. 26). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2009). Het continentale plat in de poolgebieden: Koude oorlog of triomf van het recht? In Mededelingen van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht 137 (pp. 1-48). Asser.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2009).
Third States in maritime delimitation cases: too big a role, too small a role or both? In A. Chircop, T. L. McDorman, & S. J. Rolston (Eds.),
The Future of Ocean Regime-building : Essays in Tribute to Douglas M. Johnston (pp. 611-641). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Oude Elferink, A. G. (2009).
“Openness” and Article 76 of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Process Does Not Need to Be Adjusted.
Ocean Development and International Law, (2009), 36-50. Molenaar, E. J., & Oude Elferink, A. G. (2009).
Marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction - the pioneering efforts under the OSPAR Convention.
Utrecht Law Review,
1(2009), 5-20. Other output
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2009). Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine): Case Concerning Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Romania v. Ukraine), Merits, Judgment, 3 February 2009.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2008).
The Time Limit for Making Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf-the Current State of Affairs.
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
4(2008), 769-778. Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Lim A Po, H. R. (2008). De zeegrenzen van Suriname in het licht van de arbitrage tussen Suriname en Guyana onder het Zeerechtverdrag van de Verenigde Naties. Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Suriname.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2007). Maritime Delimination Between Denmark/Greenland and Norway. Ocean Development and International Law, 375-380.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Johnson, C. (2006).
Submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in Cases of Unresolved Land and Maritime Disputes: The Significance of Article 76(10) of the LOS Convention. In D. Freestone, R. Barnes, & D. M. Ong (Eds.),
The Law of the Sea; Progress and Prospects (pp. 161-179). University press. Oude Elferink, A. G., & Johnson, C. (2006).
Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf and “Disputed Areas”: State Practice concerning Article 76(10) of the LOS Convention.
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
21, 461-487. Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2006). Bookreview International Maritime Boundaries, Vol. V. Netherlands International Law Review, 52, 145-148.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2006). Bookreview Le Plateau Continental Étendu aux Termes de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le Droit de la Mer du 10 Décembre 1982; Optimisation de la Demande. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 21, 569-575.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2005). Flexibility and Innovation in the Law of the Sea - Will the LOS Convention Amendment Procedures Ever Be Used. In A. G. Oude Elferink (Ed.), Stability and Change in the Law of the Sea: The Role of the LOS Convention (pp. 169-221). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2005). Boekbespreking van V. Prescott and C. Schofield. Netherlands International Law Review, 302-309.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2005). Stability and Change in the Law of the Sea: The Role of the LOS Convention. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2005). Boekbespreking van A.A. Kovalev. Netherlands International Law Review, 293-298.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2004). Submissions of Coastal States to the CLCS in Cases of Unresolved Land or Maritime Disputes. In M. H. Nordquist, J. N. Moore, & T. H. Heidar (Eds.), Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits (pp. 263-285). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2004). Report of the Committee Legal Issues of the Outer Continental Shelf. In International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-First Conference
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2004). Boekbespreking. Netherlands International Law Review, LI, 321-324.
Molenaar, E. J., Oude Elferink, A. G., & Hedley, C. (2004). The Implications of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (New York, 1995) for Regional Fisheries Organisations and International Fisheries Management. (Fisheries Series ed.) European Parliament.
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Rothwell, D. R. (2004). Oceans Management in the 21st Century: Institutional Frameworks and Responses. (Publications on Ocean Development ed.) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2003). The genuine link concept: Time for a post mortem? In I. F. Dekker, & H. H. G. Post (Eds.), On the Foundations and Sources of International Law (pp. 41-63). T.M.C. Asser Press.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2003). Boekbespreking van Charney, J.I. en Smith, R.W., International Maritime Boundaries, Vol. IV. Netherlands International Law Review, 193-195.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2003). The maritime delimitation of Guinea-Bissau and Senegal. In T. D. Gill (Ed.), Rosenne¿s The World Court; What it is and how it works (pp. 193-195). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Scholarly publications
Backes, C. W., Oude Elferink, A. G., & van der Ree, P. (2002). Bescherming van het Mariene Milieu en Natuurwaarden in de EEZ. Centrum voor Omgevingsrecht en Beleid/NILOS.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G., (2002). 2002, , (Cameroon v. Nigeria), Oct 10, 2002.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2001). Arctic Maritime Deliminations: The Preponderance of Similarities with Other Regions. In A. G. Oude Elferink, & D. R. Rothwell (Eds.), The Law of teh Sea and Polar Maritime Delimination and Jurisdiction (pp. 179-199). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Backes, C. W., Oude Elferink, A. G., & van der Ree, P. (2001). Onderzoek wetgeving EEZ, Internationaalrechtelijke verplichtingen, Gemeenschapsrecht, Nationaal Beleid en Nationaalrechtelijk Instrumentarium. Centrum voor Omgevingsrecht en Beleid/NILOS.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2001). Challenges for Polar Maritime Delimination and Jurisdiction: The Current Regime and Its Prospects. In A. G. Oude Elferink, & D. R. Rothwell (Eds.), The Law of teh Sea and Polar Maritime Delimination and Jurisdiction (pp. 337-354). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2001). The Outer Continental Shelf in the Arctic: The Application of Article 76 of the LOS Convention in a regional Context. In A. G. Oude Elferink, & D. R. Rothwell (Eds.), The Law of teh Sea and Polar Maritime Delimination and Jurisdiction (pp. 139-156). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2001).
The Sea of Okhotsk Peanut Hole: De Facto Extension of Coastal State Control. In O. Schram Stokke (Ed.),
Governing high Sea Fisheries; The Interplay of Global and Regional Regimes (pp. 179-205). Oxford University Press. Backes, C. W., Oude Elferink, A. G., & van der Ree, P. (2001). Beginselenrapport - Onderzoek Wetgeving EEZ. Minsiterie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Rothwell, D. R. (2001). The LAw of the Sea and Polar Maritime Delimitation and Jurisdiction. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G., Backes, C. W., & van der Ree, P. (2001). Onderzoek Wetgeving EEZ; Internationaalrechtelijke Verplichtingen, Gemeenschapsrecht, Nationaal Beleid en Nationaalrechtelijk Instrumentarium. Ministerie van VWS.
Dotinga, H. M., & Oude Elferink, A. G. (2001). Identificatie en Analyse van relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee (BREIN). Minsiterie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Dotinga, H. M. (2000).
Acoustic Pollution in the Oceans: The Search for Legal Standards.
Ocean Development and International Law,
31, 151-182. Oude Elferink, A. G. (2000). Is it Either Necessary or Possible to Clarify the Provision on Rocks of Article 121(3) of the Law of the Sea Convention? In M. Pratt, & J. A. Brown (Eds.), Borderlands under stress (pp. 389-407). Kluwer Law International.
Professional publications
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Soons, A. H. A. (2000). De Ontwerp-Landsverordening houdende Regels inzake Maritiem Beheer; verhouding tot het Internationale Recht van de Zee. Min. Verkeer & Vervoer van de Ned. Antillen.
Oude Elferink, A. G. (2000). De Gevolgen van het (Niet) Verschuiven van de Buitengrens van de Nederlandse Territoriale Zee voor de op de Noordzee Toepasselijke Regelgeving en Beleid. Stafbureau Bestuurlijk-Juridische Zaken van PMR.
Oude Elferink, A. G., & Dotinga, H. M. (2000). Identificatie en Analyse van Relevante Regelgeving en Beleid in het Kader van het Project Beleid en Regelgeving Informatiesysteem Noordzee (BREIN). Directie Noordzee, Rijkswaterstaat van het Min. van V&W.
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (1998).
Does undisputed title to a maritime zone always exclude its delimitation: the grey area issue.
International Journal of Marine Coastal Law,
13(2), 143-192. 1996
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (1996).
The law and politics of the maritime boundary delimitations of the Russian federation: Part 1.
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
11(4), 533-569. 1995
Scholarly publications
Oude Elferink, A. G. (1995).
Fisheries in the Sea of Okhotsk High Seas Enclave-The Russian Federation’s Attempts at Coastal State Control.
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,
10(1), 1-18.