Codruta Pohrib MA

Codruta Pohrib MA


Codruta Pohrib is a lecturer in Comparative Literature at Utrecht University. Her NWO-funded PhD project (Maastricht University, Netherlands) focuses on post-communist memory practices in Romania. It investigates life writing practices across media (from social media to museum exhibitions) and delves into the politics of generational remembrance in post-communism. The project critically engages with both post-communist anticommunism and post-communist nostalgia. 

Codruta has written on materiality and memory, generational memory and intergenerational memory transmission in the European Journal of Cultural Studies (2015), Journal of Educational Media Memory and Society (2016), Memory Studies (2017). Her interests include constructions of childhood and teenage, life writing, material cultures, the politics of memory and nostalgia, digital memory studies, post-communism as ideological formation. 

Codruta is currently interested in sexual and temporal belonging in post-communism, queer cultural memory and the intersections between local activism and European identity in post-communism.

Codruta teaches courses on cultural memory and European literary history. She is also available to supervise BA and MA theses.