Dr. Anna Adamska

Affiliate Researcher
Medieval History

Dr. Anna Adamska is since 1997 affiliated scholar in the Institute for the History and Culture at the Utrecht University. Her research focuses on medieval (pragmatic) literacy and communication, and embraces forms and functions of charters, the social history of language, source criticism and  methodology of Medieval Studies. She is also interested in the cultural and socio-religious history of East Central Europe, as well as in the history of the humanities in this region in the communist and post-communist period.

review: Urban History 42/4 (2015), 691; Parergon 31/2 (2014), 199; The English Historical Review 130 (2015), 1211.

review: Studia Zrodloznawcze 52 (2014), 208; Francia. Recensio 2015/1; MIÖG 124/1 (2016), 201; Kwartalnik Historyczny 2017; Le Moyen Age 3-4, 2017.

review: Studia Zrodloznawcze 39, 2000, 133; Roczniki Historyczne 66, 2000, 241; Sbornik Archivnich praci 51, 2001, 301.

review: Speculum 92/4, 2017, 1244; Le Moyen Age 3-4, 2017; Roczniki Historyczne 83 (2017); Zeitschrift fuer Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 66/2 (2017)