2018-2027: NWO Gravitation award Sustainable cooperation: Roadmaps to a resilient society' (SCOOP).
Tanja van der Lippe is one of the six PIs in SCOOP. SCOOP is a research and training centre dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of sustainable cooperation as a key feature of resilient societies. The centre connects research groups from sociology, psychology, history, philosophy, public administration, research methods, and statistics. SCOOP is a joint initiative by the University of Groningen (Strategic Theme Sustainable Society) and Utrecht University (Strategic Theme Institutions for Open Societies), and also involves researchers from the VU Amsterdam, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Radboud University Nijmegen.
SCOOP scholars have built an innovative theoretical model to integrate their complementary expertise and developed an interdisciplinary joint research strategy. To overcome the limitations of prior research, the program is organized in four multidisciplinary work packages (WPs). These break with the tradition to focus on a single domain of cooperation at a time because interventions that secure cooperation sustainability need to take into account the implications that they have for cooperation in other domains. WP1 targets solutions for care. WP2 focuses on solutions for inclusion. WP3 identifies solutions for work. WP4 specifies and extends the SCOOP approach, integrates the resulting insight with basic research and theory formation.
In addition to the academic ambitions, the program also wants to realise several tangible long-term gains, including the development of a multi-method, open-access data interface; a research infrastructure capable of tackling cooperation issues from multiple disciplinary perspectives; and a talent selection and training program to prepare the next generation of top researchers. The main result will be the generation of insights and instruments that can be used by societal partners and stakeholders to foster a resilient society.
2018-2020: Proof of Concept for ERC Advanced Grant: 'WorkStep.'
2013-2018: ERC Advanced Grant ‘Investments in a sustainable workforce in Europe: causes and consequences in comparative perspective’.
Sustainable Workforce is an innovative, quantitative research project that investigates the role of organizations in creating a sustainable European workforce. The project will analyze and collect new longitudinal cross-national comparative data on the causes and consequences of organizational investments in human and social capital, work-life policies, work flexibility, long-term employability of older employees, and flexicurity in nine European counties: UK, Finland, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria.
2012-2015: National Committee 4 and 5 May Research grant ‘Freedom over generations’.
2008-2011: Coordinator ‘Gender inequality in a comparative perspective’. Eurocores programme HumVIB, NWO/ESF
2006-2009: Coordinator ‘Quality of life in a changing Europe’. STREP. FP6 Citizens 5, European Commission
2005-2011: High Potential (with Esther KLuwer) with the program ‘Interdependences between work and family life: an interdisciplinary approach of the work-family interface’. UU High potential Program