Prof. dr. Y.H. (Ynte) Schukken

Prof. dr. Y.H. (Ynte) Schukken

Theoretische Epidemiologie

Ynte graduated as a veterinarian from Utrecht University in 1985, after which he completed a PhD in veterinary epidemiology at Utrecht University and Cornell University. He worked until 1999 as a practitioner in the University ambulatory clinic. In 1999 he moved to Ithaca, New York to head the Quality Milk Production Services at Cornell University. Since 2013, he is Chief Executive Officer of  GD Animal Health in Deventer the Netherlands and adjunct Professor of Farm Animal Disease Control Programs at Utrecht University and also adjunct Professor of Management of Farm Animal Health at Wageningen University. Both adjunct positions are financed through the full time position at Royal GD.

I enjoy working in the field and with animals. Often field data provide crucial information and hypotheses that lead to formulation of research questions. However, field data are often crude with many potential biases. More precise measurements and study designs in controlled environments may provide further insight into the disease dynamics. This combination of field data with controlled experiments allows me to understand diseases dynamics in populations, which is the long-term objective of my academic research.
