Dr. W. (Wouter) Klein

History and Philosophy of Science



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Klein, W. (2018). New Drugs for the Dutch Republic: The Commodification of Fever Remedies in the Netherlands (c. 1650-1800). [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Klein, W., Zervanou, K., Koolen, M., Hooff, P. V. D., Wiering, F., Alink, W., & Pieters, T. (2017). Creating time capsules for historical research in the early modern period: Reconstructing trajectories of plant medicines. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1992, 2-9. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1992/paper_2.pdf
Klein, W. (2017). Wouter Klein, "Samir Boumediene. La colonisation du savoir: Une histoire de plantes médicinales du “Nouveau Monde” (1492–1750).," Isis 108, no. 3 (September 2017): 692-694. Isis, 108(3), 692-694. https://doi.org/10.1086/693821

Overige resultaten

Zervanou, K., Klein, W., van den Hooff, P., Wiering, F., & Pieters, A. H. L. M. (2017). Linking multi-disciplinary data sources for a historical research platform.. Abstract from 4th DHBenelux Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands. https://dhbenelux2017.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/187/2017/06/Abstracts_DHBenelux_Wednesday.pdf


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Klein, W., & Pieters, T. (2016). The Hidden History of a Famous Drug: Tracing the Medical and Public Acculturation of Peruvian Bark in Early Modern Western Europe (c. 1650-1720). Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 71(4), 400-421. https://doi.org/10.1093/jhmas/jrw004


Overige resultaten

Zervanou, K., Klein, W., Hooff, P. V. D., Bron, M., Wiering, F., & Pieters, T. (2015). Creating time capsules for colonial botanical drugs in the early modern Low Countries. Paper presented at DH2015, Sydney, Australia.


Overige resultaten

Bron, M., Klein, W., van den Hooff, P., Wiering, F., & Pieters, T. (2014). Time Capsule: making digital cultural heritage data accessible and applicable for humanities research. Poster session presented at DH Benelux, Hague, United Kingdom.