Prof. dr. Ted Sanders

Taal en communicatie
UBD centraal
06 34 161 057



Linguistic markers of discourse coherence: Insights from corpus and experimental data.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
10 Mar 2023
, Workshop 6: Signaling discourse relations: Exploring (non-)connective cues. 45. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenshaft (DGfS): Sprachliche Kreativität und Routine


Is there less agreement when the discourse is underspecified? Annotation of coherence relations in TED talks.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
4 Oct 2021
, Integrating Perspectives on Discourse Annotation
The role of prosody in expressing subjective and objective causality in Mandarin discourseTed Sanders (Presenter)
31 Aug 2021
, SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea) 2021
A Trade-off Relationship between Lexical and Prosodic Means in Expressing Subjective and Objective CausalityTed Sanders (Presenter)
4 Aug 2021
, 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
Subjectivity of forward causal connectives in Russian: an experimental approachTed Sanders (Presenter)
Jun 2021
, TABU Dag
Tekststructuur: Theorie, effecten en praktijk.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
25 Mar 2021
Converging evidence in research on coherence relations: what corpora and processing experiments tell usTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
19 Mar 2021
, Discourse in corpus and experimental data: Bridging the methodological gap [DisCorX 2021]
The role of prosody in expressing subjective and objective causality in Dutch.Ted Sanders (Presenter)
18 Mar 2021
, Discourse in corpus and experimental data: Bridging the methodological gap [DisCorX 2021]
Taalcentrum-VU BV (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
2021 → …
Omgaan met Polarisatie in VO en HOTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Onderwijsparade 2021
Centre for Academic Teaching (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
2021 → …


Subjectivity, causality and connectives in Mandarin Chinese: Converging evidence from written, spoken and social media discourse.Ted Sanders (Co-supervisor)
Aug 2020
Onderwijs in tekststructuur: (on-)zinnig?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Na PISA de lente
Genre-based expectations and discourse coherence: The case of subjectivity in causal relations.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
, The paradox of genres in discourse


The cognition of coherence relations and connectives: Converging evidence from language use, acquisition and discourse processingT.J.M. Sanders (Invited speaker)
25 Nov 2019
Betere zorg met zorg voor taalTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
25 Oct 2019
, DRONGO talenfestival
Het verhaal bij begrijpend lezenT. J. M. Sanders (Chair)
9 Oct 2019
The Impact of Procedural Meaning on Second Language Processing: A Study on ConnectivesT. J. M. Sanders (Member of committee)
4 Oct 2019
Fit for the Future: Toekomstverbeeldingen van de gezondheidszorgTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
5 Jun 2019
Communiceren met patiënten: Waar en hoe kan het nog beter? Inzichten vanuit onderzoek.Ted Sanders (Keynote speaker)
2 Apr 2019
, Begrijpelijke ziekenhuiscommunicatie in een veranderende maatschappij
Using Rhetorical Structure Theory for contrastive analysis at the macro and micro level of discourse: An investigation of Japanese EFL learners’ and native-English speakers’ writing.T.J.M. Sanders (Member of committee)
12 Mar 2019
Coherence relations in discourse and cognition: Comparing approaches, annotations, and interpretationsT. J. M. Sanders (Co-supervisor)
22 Feb 2019
Change your perspective, Youth's media use and the role of teaching and educationT.J.M. Sanders (Invited speaker)
7 Feb 2019
, Synergy Conference 2019
The Role of Prosody in Distinguishing Different Types of Causal Relations in EnglishT.J.M. Sanders (Presenter)
31 Jan 2019
, Language Science Day
Netwerk Begrijpelijke Overheid (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
Netwerk Begrijpelijke Overheid (External organisation)T. J. M. Sanders (Member)
2019 → …


Comparing Effects of Connectives across Coherence RelationsT.J.M. Sanders (Presenter)
19 Jul 2018
, Annual meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse
Narrativity in expository texts: An exploration of narrative elementsT.J.M. Sanders (Speaker)
17 Jul 2018
, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
Navigeren tussen feiten en meningenT.J.M. Sanders (Presenter)
8 Jun 2018
, Beyond the bubble
Hoe leer je het perspectief van een ander innemen? Over jongeren, de ontwikkeling van taal en cognitie, en de complicaties van nieuwe media.T.J.M. Sanders (Speaker)
8 Jun 2018
, Beyond the bubble
People's preference for causal interpretations; The role of connectives, expectations and language users' preference-for-causality during on-line discourse processing.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
19 Feb 2018


The cognition of coherence relations and connectives: Converging evidence from language use, acquisition and discourse processingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
23 Oct 2017
, International Workshop Discourse, Multimodality and Experimental Techniques
Reopening the Cloze Discussion: Validity and Reliability of the Hybrid Text Comprehension ClozeT.J.M. Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Aug 2017
, Society for Text & Discourse
The cognition of coherence relations and connectives: converging evidence from language use, acquisition and discourse processingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
30 Mar 201731 Mar 2017
, International workshop on Connecting discourse in speech and gesture
Coherence, cognition and communication: How research on discourse representation and processing contributes to more comprehensible textsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Feb 2017
, COMCOG 2017
Individual differences in processing coherence markers: the effect of metacognitive knowledgeTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
2017 → …
, Grote Taaldag 2017


NWO Slotconferentie Begrijpelijke Taal en effectieve communicatieTed Sanders (Organiser)
11 Nov 2016
Causality and subjectivity in discourse and cognition; evidence from cross-linguistic analyses, acquisition and processing.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Oct 2016
, Types and expressions of causality
Coherence relations and connectives: on cognitive categories, cross-linguistic comparison and discourse annotationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
20 Oct 2016
, Annotating discourse relations
Coherence relations and connectives: on cognitive categories, cross-linguistic comparison and discourse annotationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
17 Oct 2016
, Fred Jelinek Seminar Series
Drongo festivalTed Sanders (Participant)
30 Sept 2016
Workshop on interaction, text and effectTed Sanders (Participant)
23 Sept 2016
Causality and subjectivity in discourse and cognition: evidence from (cross-)linguistic analyses, acquisition and processingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
19 Jun 2016
Establishing coherence: how research on discourse representation and processing contributes to more comprehensible texts.Ted Sanders (Keynote speaker)
18 Jun 2016
, Forum on Cognitive Linguistics and Symposium on Eye-tracking Research
Coherence relations and DRD identification: converging evidence.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
19 Jan 2016
, TextLink Training School
Corpus research: Methodology and statistics (Lab session).Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Jan 2016
, TextLink Training School
Coherence relations and DRD identification: theory and analysis.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Jan 2016
, TextLink Training School
NWO (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
2016 → …
Netwerk Begrijpelijke Overheid (NBO)(External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
2016 → …
Establishing coherence: how research on discourse representation and processing contributes to more comprehensible textsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Forum on Cognitive Linguistics and Symposium on Eye-tracking Research
Do you catch my drift symposiumTed Sanders (Organiser)
Corpus research: Methodology and statisticsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, TextLink Training School
Coherence relations and DRD identification: theory and analysisTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, TextLink Training School
Coherence relations and DRD identification: converging evidenceTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, TextLink Training School
Causality and subjectivity in discourse and cognition: evidence from (cross-)linguistic analyses, acquisition and processing.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
Causality and subjectivity in discourse and cognition: evidence from (cross-)linguistic analyses, acquisition and processingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)


Distinguished speakers in Language Science (Invited colloquium)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
16 Dec 2015
Causality and subjectivity in discourse and cognition: Evidence from cross-linguistic analyses, acquisition and processing.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
16 Dec 2015
, colloquium Distinguished speakers in Language Science
A Cognitive Approach to Discourse CoherenceTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
24 Nov 2015
Ted Sanders. Begrijpelijke taal: fundamenten en toepassingen van effectieve communicatie.Workshop Begrijpelijk communieren met burgers, Den Haag, 23 november 2015.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2015
, Begrijpelijk communiceren met burgers
Ted Sanders. Coherentie, Cognitie en Communicatie; over theorie, empirie en toepassing. Taalbeheersingslezing, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 16 oktober 2015.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 2015
, Taalbeheersingslezing
14th International Pragmatics ConferenceTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
28 Jul 2015
Presenting paper (Ted Sanders - Causality and Subjectivity in discourse and cognition)in panel: Discourse Markers and Experimental PragmaticsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Jul 2015
, 14th International Pragmatics Conference
Presenting paper (Merel C.J. Scholman & T.J.M. Sanders - Annotating coherence relations in corpora of language use)in panel: Discourse connectives across languages and modes: Challenges for discourse annotationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Jul 2015
, 14th International Pragmatics Conference
Annotating coherence relations in corpora in language useTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
26 Jul 201531 Jul 2015
, 14th International Pragmatics Conference
Ted Sanders & Wilbert Spooren. A plea for converging evidence: the case of causal categories in discourse. (Theme session: The cognitive commitment 25 years on).Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
22 Jul 2015
, 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Lecture during summer festival 'De Beschaving'Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Jun 2015
Ted Sanders. Begrijpelijke taal. Workshop Begrijpelijk communieren met burgers, Utrecht, 18 juni 2015.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Jun 2015
, Begrijpelijk communiceren met burgers
Let's try to make annotation systems communicate: towards a systematic approach of coherence relations.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Apr 2015
, Textlink WG2/WG3 meeting
Opening of the academic year (Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
11 Mar 2015
TextLink conference Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Jan 2015
The integration of perspective and coherence: how perspective helps identifying subjectivity in discourse coherenceTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, 14th International Pragmatics Conference
Let's try to make annotation systems communicate: towards a systematic approach of coherence relationsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Textlink WG2/WG3 meeting
Cognitive plausability and a systematic set of relations: useful for discourse annotation?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
, TextLink conference
Causality and subjectivity in discourse and cognition: evidence from (cross-)linguistic analyses, acquisition and processingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Opening Academic Year
Causality and subjectivity in discourse and cognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, 14th International Pragmatics Conference
A plea for converging evidence: the case of causal categories in discourseTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference


How to annotate coherence relations in corpora of language useTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
16 Dec 201418 Dec 2014
, VIOT 2014
Programmadag Begrijpelijke Taal en Effective CommunicatieTed Sanders (Organiser)
19 Sept 2014
Assessing writing ability in primary education. On the evaluation of text quality and text complexity.Ted Sanders (Co-supervisor)
Sept 2014
Children’s understanding of causality: Evidence from corpora and processing studiesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Jul 2014
, Presentatie tijdens de 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language
Emerging coherence: causal connective acquisition by 2- to 4-year-oldsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
17 Jul 2014
, Presentatie tijdens de 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language
Websites for children: search strategies and interface design.T. J. M. Sanders (Co-supervisor)
Jan 2014
Lid comité van experts Begrijpelijk communiceren met burgersTed Sanders (Participant)
Emerging coherence: causal connective acquisition by 2- to 4-year-oldsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language
Children's understanding of causality: evidence from corpora and processing studiesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language


Effectieve studieteksten in het voortgezet onderwijsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
29 Nov 2013
, Presentatie tijdens Het Schoolvak Nederlands 2013 (Utrecht)
Afscheidscollege Jan RenkemaTed Sanders (Organiser)
29 Nov 2013
Measuring writing skills: Effect of genre on the generalizability of writing scores.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
8 Nov 2013
, ICO Fall School (Eindhoven)
The importance of cohesive texts: How connectives and lay-out affect students text processing and mental representationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 2013
, Invited talk during the workshop on "Cohesion and coherence in text comprehension and text production"
Assessing students’ situation model comprehension: A comparison of tasksTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Sept 2013
, Invited talk during the workshop on "Cohesion and coherence in text comprehension and text production"
Causal uses of additive connectives in the narratives of Russian-speaking children with SLI: A longitudinal studyTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
26 Sept 2013
, Workshop on "Cohesion and coherence in text comprehension and text production"
The processing of disfluencies in native and non-native speech.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2013
, AMLaP 2013 (Marseille)
Perceiving the fluency of native and non-native speakersTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
29 Aug 2013
, European Second Language Association (Amsterdam)
The importance of coherence markers: how connectives affect students' text processing and mental representation.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
17 Jul 2013
, Gepresenteerd tijdens Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse
Individual differences in reading styles and the use of implicit causality as a pronoun resolution cue...and more (keynote speaker).Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
16 Jul 2013
, Presented at conference DETEC (keynote)
Perceiving the fluency of native and non-native speakersTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
26 Jun 2013
, Praat Group (Tilburg)
Categories of coherence relations in discourse annotationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Jun 201322 Jun 2013
, International Workshop on Discourse Annotation
Categories of coherence relations in discourse annotationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Jun 2013
, International workshop on discourse annotation
Building a discourse annotated corpus for DutchTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Jun 2013
, International workshop on discourse annotation
Causality and Subjectivity in discourse and cognition. Evidence from cross-linguistic analyses, acquisition and processing.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
29 May 2013
, Text in Perspective
Perceiving the fluency of native and non-native speakersTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
17 May 2013
, New Sounds (Montreal)
Begrijpelijke Taal StartbijeenkomstTed Sanders (Organiser)
26 Apr 2013
De interpretatie van benadrukte en niet-benadrukte persoonlijk voornaamwoordenTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
19 Apr 2013
, Programma Aphasia Clinics 2013: Tekstbegrip in afasietherapie (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam)
Perceiving the fluency of native and non-native speakersTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
11 Apr 2013
, Language and Cognition Group (LIBC) (Leiden)
Perceiving the fluency of native and non-native speakersTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Mar 2013
, International Symposium for Psycholinguistics (Tenerife)


Profiteren lezers in het voortgezet onderwijs van coherentiesignalen?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
15 Dec 2012
, Presentatie tijdens CogLingDays 5 (Groningen)
Workshop Fluent speech: Combining Cognitive and Educational ApproachesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
13 Nov 2012
Towards distinct profiles of SLI and non-dominant language development in simultaneous bilingualism: The case of connectivesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2012
, Poster presented at the Taalstaal Symposium (Utrecht)
Categories of connectives and coherence relations; insights from cognitive and corpus studies.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Oct 2012
, Multilingual databases and corpora of connectives Workshop (Muldico)
CLARIN-project “DiscAn”: Towards a Discourse Annotation system for Dutch language corpora.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
3 Oct 2012
, Eight Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation
The cognition of coherence relations. Text structure in discourse processing: past, present and future directions.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
12 Jul 2012
, Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
The acquisition of causality: Converging evidence from corpus-based and experimental methodsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
12 Jul 2012
, Presentatie tijdens de 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse
On the subjectivity of causal connectives in Mandarin discourse: An explorative corpus study of yushi, yinci, and kejianTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
12 Jul 2012
, Presentatie tijdens de 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Responsibility in narrative discourse: How mental spaces and perspective help identifying subjectivity in causal coherence.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
10 Jul 2012
, Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
Perspective: its construction, representation, and function in narrative discourse.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
10 Jul 2012
, Invited symposium IGEL, Society for Text and Discourse
Native and non-native fluency: a fundamental or gradient difference?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Jun 2012
, TABU dag (Groningen)
Causality and subjectivity in discourse: Converging evidence from corpus-based, acquisition and processing studiesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
7 Jun 2012
, International Conference Modality, Corpus, Discourse
The effect of silent pauses on native and non-native fluency perceptionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jun 2012
, The 9th annual EALTA conference
Causality and Subjectivity in discourse and cognition: on converging evidence in linguistics.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
May 2012
The effect of …silent pauses… on native and non-native fluency perceptionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
28 Mar 2012
, The 4th Junior Research Meeting in Applied Linguistics
Kick-off workshop for the EU-project "Discourse BiSLI"Ted Sanders (Participant)
30 Jan 201231 Jan 2012
Cognitie, Coherentie en Communicatie: het belang van convergerende evidentie.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jan 2012
, Studium Generale
Zijn wij ons brein? (Kettingreactie no. 7, Studium Generale)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Studium Generale
TextLink (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek (NWO)(External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Causality and subjectivity in discouse and cognition: on converging evidence in linguisticsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Invited colloquium at Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) (Berlin, Germany)


Cognitieve processen bij het beantwoorden van contrastieve vragenlijstvragen.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
23 Dec 2011
, VIOT-congres
Profiteren zwakke lezers tijdens het leesproces van coherentiesignalen?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
22 Dec 2011
, Presentatie tijdens de VIOT-conferentie 2011 'Taalgebruik en Diversiteit' (Leiden)
Causality in Discourse and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Nov 2011
, Causal Concepts in Language
When is speech fluent? The relationship between acoustic speech properties and subjective fluency ratings.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
7 Oct 2011
, Language Acquisition Group meeting
Explaining process differences between L1 and L2 writing: the influence of learner variables.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 2011
, Earli conference
Connectives and coherence relations: on the minimal annotation of basic categories in discourseTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
31 Aug 2011
, MULDICO workshop
Cognitive processes in answering survey questionsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Jul 2011
, Annual Conference of the Society for Text and Discourse
Categories of Coherence relations and Connectives; Converging evidence from language use and language acquisitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
6 Jul 2011
, Presentatie tijdens de 12th International Pragmatics Conference
Subjectivity in causal connectives: stylistic variation or cognitive categories?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
16 Jun 2011
, Stylistics across Disciplines Conference
VIOT (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Subjectivity in causal coherence relations and connectives: A corpus study of newspaper text, conversation and chat interactionsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, International Pragmatics Association (Manchester)
Society for Text and Discourse (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Journal of Pragmatics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Discourse Processes (Journal)Ted Sanders (Peer reviewer)
Discourse Processes (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
Coherence in discourse and cognition; on converging evidenceTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, the National Swiss Linguistics Conference
Causality and Subjectivity in Discourse and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Zentrum for Interdisciplinare Forschung (ZIF) (Bielefeld, Germany)


Causal connectives: How usage patterns affect online processingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Dec 2010
, Coglingdagen (Antwerp, België)
Invited plenary lecture at the ‘Coglingdays’, Bi-annual meeting of the Belgian-Dutch Cognitive Linguistics Association Antwerp, BelgiumTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
17 Dec 2010
Causal Categories in Connectives, Coherence relations and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Dec 2010
, Inivited plenary lecture at 6e Journées de linguistique suisse, Neuchatel, Switzerland (Neuchatel, Switzerland)
Referential coherence in Mandarin discourse: the processing of zero vs. pronounTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
31 Oct 2010
, First International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse
Causal Categories in Connectives, Coherence relations and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
20 Sept 2010
, Inivited colloquium at the Department of Linguistics, University of Helsinki (Helsinki)
The effect of vocabulary knowledge on formulating activities during the execution of L1 writing tasks.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
8 Sept 2010
, 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing
Children’s comprehension of causal relations: Evidence from eye-tracking.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
16 Aug 2010
, Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse
Utrecht-Gent joint workshop on Causal ConnectivesTed Sanders (Organiser)
1 Jun 2010
Because vs Want: Hoe beinvloeden Connectieven de verwerking van causale relaties?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jun 2010
, Studiedag Causale Connectieven en causale relaties: Methoden en Convergerende Evidentie (Utrecht)
Comparing because to want; How connectives affect the processing of causal relations.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
18 Mar 2010
, Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse
Causality in Connectives, Coherence relations and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
12 Mar 2010
, the Zheijang -Utrecht seminar on Discourse and Cognition
Co-organizer Zheijang-Utrecht seminar on Discourse and CognitionTed Sanders (Organiser)
11 Mar 201014 Mar 2010
Society for Text and Discourse (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
Society for Text and Discourse (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
Journal of Pragmatics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Discours (Journal)Ted Sanders (Peer reviewer)
2010 → …
Co-organizer Discourse op dinsdag SeriesTed Sanders (Organiser)
Coördinator NW0 themaprogramma Begrijpelijke taalTed Sanders (Organiser)


How because differs from want and omdat. On the processing of causal relations.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
23 Nov 2009
, Elitu lecture (Utrecht)
The use of because in spoken English: Can connective patterns in spoken discourse differ in use compared to written discourse?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Sept 2009
, Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Structuring 2009 (Paris, France)
The role of prosody in distinguishing types of causal relations in EnglishTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
11 Sept 2009
, Interfaces Discourse & Prosody
Off-line and on-line measurement of metacognition. How self-reports explain the occurrence of metacognition during the execution of writing tasks.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
29 Aug 2009
, European Association for Learning and Instruction, 13th Biennial Conference
Zeventiende Colloquium NeerlandicumTed Sanders (Organiser)
28 Aug 2009
Annual meeting of the Society for text and DiscourseTed Sanders (Organiser)
26 Jul 2009
The Use of Causal Connective Patterns in Spoken Dutch.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
25 Jun 2009
, The 5th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe
The on-line processing of causal coherence relations and connectivesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
4 Jun 2009
, Workshop 'Sentence and Discourse processing'
Why do Dutch speakers use coordinating omdat in their presentation but not in their writings?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
24 Apr 2009
, I-mean@UWE (Bristol, UK)
Geloof je ogen niet (Studium Generale)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
15 Apr 2009
, Studium Generale
The effect of writing in L1 versus L2 on process-product relationsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
29 Jan 2009
, Writing Research Workshop
International Workshop on Causality in Discourse and Cognition.Ted Sanders (Organiser)
13 Jan 2009
Wetenschappelijke Vereniging (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, Wetenschappelijke Vereniging
Voorzitter: Jury TAalunie-scriptieprijs (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, Voorzitter: Jury TAalunie-scriptieprijs
Adviescommissie (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
2009 → …
, Adviescommissie


ForumbijdrageTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
24 Nov 2008
, Taaluniedebat - Burger, taal, overheid (Amsterdam)
Congres Actuele GeesteswetenschappenTed Sanders (Organiser)
6 Nov 2008
Intentional Adaptation as a Key Feature of Skilled L1 Writing.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
11 Jun 2008
, EARLI SIG Writing Biennial Conference
"New approaches in Text Linguistics" - Thematic Conference of the Belgian Linguistics SocietyTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
22 May 2008
Causality in connectives and coherence relationsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Jan 2008
, Symposium on connectives (Institut for Deutsche Sprache Mannheim, Duitsland)
ForumbijdrageTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jan 2008
, Forum over 'geletterdheid en nieuwe media' (KNAW Amsterdam)
Vice-voorzitter Raad voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren, adviescommissie van de Nederlandse Taalunie (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, Vice-voorzitter Raad voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren, adviescommissie van de Nederlandse Taalunie
Society for Text and Discourse (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Lid Board of the Society for Text and Discourse (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, Lid Board of the Society for Text and Discourse
Journal of writing research (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
2008 → …
Journal of Writing Research (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Discourse Processes (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
2008 → …
Discourse and cognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)


Taal, regels, kennis en empirisch onderzoekTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
16 Dec 2007
, Cogling-dag (Leuven)
Causality in Connectives, Coherence relations and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Nov 2007
, Genève (Genève (CH))
Discourse, Cognition and Communication, 25 jaar Utrechtse TaalbeheersingTed Sanders (Organiser)
1 Sept 20079 Nov 2007
An Investigation of the Relationship between Writing Processes and Text Quality in L1 WritingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
28 Aug 2007
, The 12th Biannual Earli Conference
On the role of conversational context in the acquisition of causal connectivesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Jul 2007
, Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de 10th International Pragmatics Conference
Causal relations in discourse and discourse processingTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
25 Apr 2007
, UC Dacis, Dept. of Psychology (Davis)
Causality, Subjectivity and the Cognition of Discourse ConnectivesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
14 Apr 2007
, UC Berkeley, International workshop on Causal Connectives in Discourse and Cognition
Causality in Connectives, Coherence relations and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
5 Apr 2007
, USC Southern California / Information Sciences Institute (California)
Visiting scholarTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Jan 2007
, Department of Linguistics / Institute of Cognitive Studies / University of California (Berkeley, USA)
Causality in Connectives, Coherence relations and CognitionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Jan 2007
, Linguistics, Universitat Potsdam (Potsdam (Germany))
VICI-programmaTed Sanders (Organiser)
1 Jan 200731 Dec 2007
International workshop on Subjectivity and Causality in DiscourseTed Sanders (Organiser)
1 Jan 200714 Apr 2007
wetenschappelijke commissie (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, wetenschappelijke commissie
wetenschappelijke commissie (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, wetenschappelijke commissie
VIOT (Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing)(Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, VIOT (Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing)
NWO VENI-selectiecommissie, Geesteswetenschappen (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, NWO VENI-selectiecommissie, Geesteswetenschappen
Nederlandse Taalunie (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Chair)
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW)(External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Information Design Journal (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)


Taal, regels, kennis en empirisch onderzoekTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Dec 2006
, Tweede Cognitieve Linguïstiekdag (Leuven, België)
Hierarchical analysis of Think-aloud protocolsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
22 Sept 2006
, EARLI SIG Writing Congres 2006
Discourse, cognition and Communication - 25 jaar TaalbeheersingTed Sanders (Organiser)
1 Sept 20069 Oct 2006
Waarom structuur in teksten veel belangrijker is dan spelling. Lezing voor “The learning library"Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
28 Jul 2006
, Lezingencyclus voor de vereniging van Openbare Bibliotheken. (Utrecht)
The role of coherence marking in persuasion: the forewarning effect?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
15 Jul 2006
, Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
Tekststructuur en taalvaardigheid. Waarom tekstlinguïstische inzichten in het Nederlands van belang zijn voor tekstbegrip en schrijfvaardigheidTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
20 Mar 2006
, Praagse Perspectieven (Praag, Tsjechië)
Tekstbegrip op school. Over coherentie, studieboekteksten en lezen op het vmbo.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
3 Feb 2006
, Lezing op de dag van taal, kunsten en cultuur (RU Groningen)
KNAW-verkenningscommissie Communicatie- Media- en Informatiestudies (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
1 Jan 2006
, KNAW-verkenningscommissie Communicatie- Media- en Informatiestudies
How to measure text comprehension?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jan 2006
, “Cognitive and linguistic factors in interactive knowledge construction” (Soetebeeck, RU Nijmegen)
Discourse Coherence, a cognitive approachTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Cursus voor promovendi


Waarom worden complexe relaties sneller gelezen dan eenvoudige? Over de verwerking van causale relaties in informerende tekstTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Dec 2005
, VIOT 2005 (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Hiërarchische analyse van hardopdenkprotocollen: PlannenTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
8 Dec 2005
, V10T: Portret van de Taalbeheersing (Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen)
De Relatie tussen Woordenschat en Taakuitoefening bij het Schrijven in een Vreemde TaalTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
7 Dec 2005
, VIOT 2005 (Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen)
The paradox of causal complexity in discourseTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
2 Dec 2005
, International Workshop on Causality in Language and Cognition
Coherence, Causality and Cognitive complexity in discourseTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
14 Nov 2005
, First international symposium on the exploration and modelling of meaning (Biarritz, France)
Top-down expectations or causality by default?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
7 Sept 2005
, 11th Annual conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language processing
The paradox of causal complexity: On the processing of causal relations in expository textTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
7 Sept 2005
, Amlap 2005 (Universiteit Gent)
EARLI 11th Biennial Conference: Integrating Multiple Perspectives on Effective Learning EnvironmentsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Aug 2005
Causality by default or top down expectations? On the processing of causal relations in expository textTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
8 Jul 2005
, Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
Inherent complexity and input frequency in the acquisition of Dutch connectivesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
25 Feb 2005
, Workshop Frequency effects in language acquisition, held at the 27th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS)
UiL OTS (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
NWO (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
2005 → …


Cognitieve LinguistiekdagTed Sanders (Organiser)
17 Dec 2004
Subjectivity and Causality: A corpus study of spoken languageTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
8 Oct 2004
, Conference on Conceptual structure, Discourse and Language
Writing Processes in L1 and L2Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
22 Sept 2004
, 9th biannual conference of EARLI SIG Writing
Discourse coherence and Cognitive complexityTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
20 Sept 2004
, Reseau Thématique Europeen "Language et Cognition" (Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France)
Taking causal relations to the next level - but which one?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
11 Jul 2004
, Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
Reading in the lab versus reading in a functional context: How research on text structure and text processing can be fruitful for document designTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Jan 2004
, International Conference on Document Design
Structuur is mijn stokpaardjeTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, Interview in het Maandblad Onze Taal, door Jan Erik Grezel
Discourse Processes (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)


On Cognitive Complexity in Discourse: On the modeling, acquisition and processing of discourse structureTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
28 Nov 2003
, Invited Research Colloquium for Laboratoire LATTICE, Ecole Normale Superieure - CNRS (Paris)
The role of linguistic knowledge and world knowledge during sentence and discource processing: interaction or autonomy?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2003
, Society for Text & Discourse
International Workshop Discourse Structure: Linguistic and Psycholinguistic ApproachesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
13 Jan 2003
International Workshop Discourses Structure: Linguistic and Psycholinguistic ApproachesTed Sanders (Organiser)
5 Jan 200314 Jan 2003
Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
2003 → …
Discourse Processes (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
CLIP book series: Cognitive Linguistics in practice (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, CLIP book series: Cognitive Linguistics in practice


Acquiring Dutch causal connectives: Content, epistemic or speech act first?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
13 Oct 2002
, 6th conference on Conceptual structure, Discourse and Language
Conceptual models in causality markers: evidence from language use(rs)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
12 Oct 2002
, 6th conference on Conceptual structure, Discourse and Language
Anaphoric Quantifiers and Discourse CohesionTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Sept 2002
, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (Tenerife, Spain)
Chaînes anaphoriques et types de textes: un point de vue psycholinguistique (The influence of discourse structure on anaphora resolution: some psycholinguistic evidence)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
21 Jun 2002
, Théorie de la référence et théories du personnage (Paris, France)
Van leesproces en tekstbegrip naar tekstkwaliteit en tekstontwerp?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
, VIOT-congres
On cognitive complexity in coherence relations; converging evidence in the study of discourse?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
, the Autumn research training programme of the North West Centre for Linguistics (University of Manchester, UK)
Discourse Processes (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Connectieven in gesproken en geschreven taalTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, VIOT congres
Cognitive Linguistics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Causale coherentie-markeerders in gesproken NederlandsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
, VIOT-congres


On the structure and coherence of informative texts: Toward cognitive criteria for text qualityTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Aug 2001
, International Workshop on Multiple Approaches to Discourse
'Usage-based' versus 'Cognitive complexity'? The acquisition order of Dutch connectives explainedTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
27 Jul 2001
, 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Modeling causal and contrastive connectives: on domains, subjectivity and mental spaces.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
26 Jul 2001
, International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
From parsing to discourse processing: crossing the bordersTed Sanders (Participant)
1 Jul 20013 Jul 2001
On Discourse Coherence: text-linguistic and cognitive aspectsTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
11 Jun 2001
, cursus voor promovendi
International Workshop From sentence parsing to discourse interpretation: Crossing the bordersTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
4 Jun 2001
Co-coordinator Reference in Discourse: Cognitive, functional and formal approachesTed Sanders (Organiser)
11 Jan 200112 Feb 2001
Potential ambiguity in natural discourse; A corpus study of referential coherenceTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jan 2001
, International Workshop on Reference and Coherence
Onderzoeksbijeenkomsten "Discourse op Dinsdag"Ted Sanders (Organiser)
1 Jan 2001
Discourse CoherenceTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jan 2001
, LOT cursus voor promovendi
Projectleider: Tekstwetenschap en leesbevordering: een inventariserend onderzoek naar tekstwetenschappelijke criteria van tekstkwaliteitTed Sanders (Organiser)
Projectleider: Tekstkwaliteit van studieboeken op het VMBO: onderzoek naar tekstbegrip en tekstwaarderingTed Sanders (Organiser)
Discourse Processes (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)


cursus voor promovendiTed Sanders (Participant)
31 Oct 200031 Dec 2000
The impact of relational markers on expository text comprehension in L1 and L2Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jul 2000
, 10th Annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
Language in Use: A discourse perspectiveTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Jan 2000
, Language in Use (Utrecht)
ProjectleiderTed Sanders (Organiser)
ProjectleiderTed Sanders (Organiser)
ProjectleiderTed Sanders (Organiser)
Gramma (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Cognitive Linguistics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Cognitive Linguistics (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)


The role of text structure in the processing of expository textTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
17 Sept 1999
, Tweede Tweejaarlikse Simposium oor Taal en Kommunikasie ( Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Zuid-Afrika)
Werkswinkel over de structuur van informerende tekstenTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 1999
, symposium Tekststructuur en Tekstkwaliteit (Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Zuid-Afrika)
Werkswinkel Methoden van LeesonderzoekTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 1999
, Symposium Tekststructuur en Tekstkwaliteit ( Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Zuid-Afrika)
Subjectivity and discourse: the case of causal connectives.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
12 Jul 1999
, 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Hierarchical discourse structure and discourse processing: Levels of activationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
11 Jul 1999
, 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Causal connectives in language use. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the classification of coherence relations and connectives.Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
7 Jul 1999
, International Workshop on Levels of Representation in Discourse
Coherence relations in text and in text representationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
9 Jun 1999
, Rencontres de Semantique en de Pragmatique (Universite d'Orleans, France)
Coherence in text and in text representationTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
20 Feb 1999
, Beyond boundaries conference, Workshop on Language and Cognition
Member of the Editorial Board of the CLIP book series: Cognitive Linguistics in PracticeTed Sanders (Organiser)
Discourse Processes (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Co-organizer International Workshop on Levels of Representation in DiscourseTed Sanders (Participant)
Cognitive Linguistics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)


On the categorization of causal coherence relations and connectivesTed Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Oct 1998
, Lezing op de international workshop on cause, condition, concession and contrast
What does children's discourse tell us about coherence relations?Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
1 Sept 1998
, 8th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse
UiL OTS (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
Lid LOT-onderwijscommissie (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, Lid LOT-onderwijscommissie
Gramma/TTT (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Gramma (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)
Cognitive Linguistics (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Association of Computational Linguistics, Montreal, August 1998. (Event)Ted Sanders (Member)
, Association of Computational Linguistics, Montreal, August 1998.


Cognitive Linguistics in Practice (Journal)Ted Sanders (Editor)
Cognitive Linguistics (External organisation)Ted Sanders (Member)


Invited Colloquium (University of Southern California)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
Aug 1991
Guest Lecture (University of California)Ted Sanders (Invited speaker)
Aug 1991