Prof. dr. Samuele Murtinu

Sectie Entrepreneurship
Sectie Entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Samuele Murtinu is Chair Full Professor of International Business and Head of Section (Entrepreneurship) at the Utrecht University School of Economics.

His research interests are at the crossroads of international business, entrepreneurial finance and innovation. He also studies gender issues and research methods.

Before joining Utrecht University, Samuele Murtinu was an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Department of Innovation, Management & Strategy at the University of Groningen, and an Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Milan (2015-2016) and at Politecnico di Milano (2011-2014). He was also Visiting Scholar at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2009-2010), Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (2010), Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (2010), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011), Drexel University - LeBow College of Business (2014), Temple University - Fox School of Business (2014), and Bocconi University (2017-2018).

His research appeared in the Journal of International Business Studies, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Business Venturing, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Research Policy, Leadership Quarterly, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Corporate Finance, Public Choice, Industrial and Corporate Change, Small Business Economics, and Economics Letters among others. His research won several prizes, including the CEIBS Cathay Cross-border Private Equity Research Program (2019), the Temple/Academy of International Business Best Paper Award (2017), and the 2019 UAM-Accenture Chair Award in Economics and Management of Innovation (Second Award).

He is a special issue editor for the Journal of Business Venturing and the Journal of World Business, and he serves as Editorial Board member at the British Journal of Management, Small Business Economics, and Venture Capital.

Samuele Murtinu obtained his Ph.D. at Politecnico di Milano. He has participated in numerous research projects, promoted by the European Commission, and private and public institutions. He has acted as independent evaluator for the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, several governmental agencies, universities, private organizations and industry associations.

International Business