Dr. Sanne Bruijniks

Universitair docent
Klinische psychologie
Klinische psychologie

I work as an assistant professor at the department of Clinical Psychology at Utrecht University. In addition, I work two days a week as a psychologist at GGZ inGeest at the department focusing on major depressive disorder. I have a close collaboration with the University of Freiburg, where I am currently running the SKILT study. In 2021, I received my PhD 'Improving outcomes in psychotherapy for depression' with distinction at the VU Amsterdam. The same year my dissertation received an award (the 'Pieter Boeke Prijs') for best psychotherapy dissertation in the Netherlands (2019-2021). 

My research focuses on (experimentally) investigating:

  • The effects of session frequency in psychotherapy for depression
  • Mechanisms of change and moderators in psychotherapy for depression
  • The role of individual learning processes on psychotherapy success
  • Using (cognitive) support to increase the effects of psychotherapy
  • The role of therapy adherence and competence in psychotherapy outcomes