

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dilli, S., Carmichael, S., & Rijpma, A. (2021). Gender Equality since 1900. In A. Rijpma, J. L. van Zanden, M. Malinowski, & M. d'Ercole (Eds.), How Was Life? Volume II (pp. 163-185). OECD.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Zanden, J. L., Carmichael, S. G., & De Moor, T. (2019). Capital Women: The European Marriage Pattern, Female Empowerment and Economic Development in Western Europe 1300-1800. Oxford University Press.
de Pleijt, A., Carmichael, S. G., & van Zanden, J. L. (2019). Gender Relations and Economic Development: Hypotheses About the Reversal of Fortune in Eurasia. In C. Diebolt, A. Rijpma, S. Carmichael, S. Dilli, & C. Störmer (Eds.), Cliometrics of the Family (pp. 149-172). (Studies in Economic History). Springer.
Diebolt, C., Rijpma, A., Carmichael, S. G., Dilli, S. D., & Stormer, C. (2019). Cliometrics of the Family. (Studies in Economic History). Springer.
Dilli, S. D., Rijpma, A., & Carmichael, S. G. (2019). Introducing the Historical Gender Equality Index. Feminist Economics, 25(1), 31–57.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Carmichael, S. G., & van Zanden, J. L. (2017). Conclusions. In J. L. V. Zanden, A. Rijpma, & J. Kok (Eds.), Agency, Gender and Economic Development in the World Economy 1850–2000: Testing the Sen Hypothesis (Gender and well-being). Routledge.
van der Vleuten, L., Carmichael, S. G., & Dilli, S. D. (2017). Chapter 5. The best thermometer: A Long run perspective on Indian gender inequality in British ruled states. In Agency, Gender and Economic Development in the World Economy 1850–2000: Testing the Sen Hypothesis (pp. 101-137). Routledge.
Carmichael, S. G., Rijpma, A., & van der Vleuten, L. (2017). Chapter 4. Quantity versus Quality: Household Structure, Number of Siblings, and Educational Attainment in the Long Nineteenth Century . In Agency, Gender and Economic Development in the World Economy 1850–2000: Testing the Sen Hypothesis Routledge.
Carmichael, S. G., & Rijpma, A. (2017). Chapter 3. Measuring agency. In J. L. van Zanden, A. Rijpma, & J. Kok (Eds.), Agency, Gender and Economic Development in the World Economy 1850–2000: Testing the Sen hypothesis Routledge.
Carmichael, S. G., & Rijpma, A. (2017). Blood is Thicker than Water: Geography and the Dispersal of Family Characteristics Across the Globe. Cross-Cultural Research, 51(2), 142-171.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Carmichael, S. G., van der Vleuten, L., & Dilli, S. D. (2016). A Long-run Perspective on Indian Gender Inequality in British-ruled States. Paper presented at “A Long-run Perspective on Indian Gender Inequality in
British-ruled States”, the Fourth Asian Historical
Economics Conference.
Carmichael, S. G., & Rijpma, A. (2016). Testing Todd and Matching Murdock: Global Data on Historical Family Characteristics. Economic History of Developing Regions, 31(1), 10-46.
de Pleijt, A. M., van Zanden, J. L., & Carmichael, S. G. (2016). Gender Relations and Economic Development: Hypotheses about the Reversal of Fortune in EurAsia. (Centre for Global Economic History Working Paper Series; Vol. 79). CGEH / Universiteit Utrecht.
Carmichael, S. G., Dilli, S. D., & van Zanden, J. L. (2016). Introduction: Family Systems and Economic Development. Economic History of Developing Regions, 31(1), 1-9.
Carmichael, S. G., de Pleijt, A. M., van Zanden, J. L., & De Moor, T. (2016). The European Marriage Pattern and its measurement. Journal of Economic History, 76(1), 196-204.
Carmichael, S. G. (2016). Marriage, Family and Gender Inequality: An historical exploration of the relationship between family systems, the position of women and development . Utrecht University.
Carmichael, S., Dilli, S., & Rijpma, A. (2016). Women in Global Economic History. In J. B. (Ed.), A History of the Global Economy: From 1500 to the Present (pp. 240-247). Cambridge University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Carmichael, S. G., & van Zanden, J. L. (2015). Towards an ethnographic understanding of the European Marriage Pattern: Global correlates and links with female status. Paper presented at Cambridge Population History group anniversary.
Carmichael, S. G., & van Zanden, J. L. (2015). Towards an ethnographic understanding of the European Marriage Pattern: Global correlates and links with female status. (CGEH Working Paper series; Vol. 67). Centre for Global Economic History.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Dilli, S., Rijpma, A., & Carmichael, S. G. (2014). Achieving gender equality: development versus historical legacies. CESifo Economic Studies.
Carmichael, S., Dilli, S., & Rijpma, A. (2014). Gender Inequality since 1820. In A. Rijpma, J. L. van Zanden, M. Timmer, J. Baten, M. Mira d'Ercole, & C. Smith (Eds.), How Was Life?: Global Well-being since 1820 (pp. 217-248). OECD Publishing.

Overige resultaten

Carmichael, S., Rijpma, A., & van der Vleuten, L. (2014). Child Quantity versus Quality: Household structure, number of siblings, and educational attainment in the long nineteenth century. Paper presented at ESSHC Vienna, Vienna, Austria.


Overige resultaten

Carmichael, S. G., Rijpma, A., & Dilli, S. D. (2013). Development Versus Legacy: The Relative Role of Development and Historical Legacies in Achieving Gender Equality.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Carmichael, S. (2012). Pearls, a girl's best friend: Sri Lankan women’s status at the beginning of the 20th century as the roots of their current position.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Carmichael, S. (2011). Marriage and power: Age at first marriage and spousal age gap in lesser developed countries. The History of the Family, 16(4).
Carmichael, S. G., De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2011). Introduction. The History of the Family, 16(4), 309-311.


Carmichael, S. G., De Moor, T., & van Zanden, J. L. (2011). "When the heart is baked, don't try to knead it." Huwelijksleeftijd en leeftijdsverschil tussen partners als maatstaf van 'agency' van vrouwen. In T. Engelen, O. Boonstra, & A. Janssens (Eds.), Levenslopen in Transformatie; liber amicorum bij het afscheid van prof. dr. Paul M.M. Klep (pp. 208-221). Valkhof.