Swantje Falcke is an Assistant Professor in Economic and Social History specialized in the field of migrant integration and naturalization. To provide some examples: Swantje has looked at the role of educational mismatches for labor market integration of migrants in the Netherlands. In another project, she assessed the impact of a complex reform of German citizenship law on migrant naturalization in Germany. Currently Swantje is involved in a project looking at the effectiveness of integration policies for refugees’ labor market integration in the Netherlands from a long-term perspective. Next to these projects, Swantje is currently developing a new research line analyzing the impact of environmental change on migration in a long-term perspective.
Swantje is a migration scholar with an interdisciplinary profile. Swantje obtained her PhD in Economics at Utrecht University, entitled On the move: Analyzing immigration determinants and immigrant outcomes, in 2017. Afterwards she worked as a Post-Doc within the project Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition (https://www.milifestatus.com/) in Political Science at Maastricht University.