Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Beek, J., Bronkhorst, L., & Akkerman, S. (2023).
Unraveling the contextuality of adolescents’ interest pursuits in daily life: four latent configurations.
European Journal of Psychology of Education. Chisari, L. B., Bakker, A., & Akkerman, S. F. (2023).
Seeing and seeking relevance in the challenges of a STEM school–university partnership.
International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement,
13(2), 99-115. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vulperhorst, J., Dams, J., van der Rijst, R.
, & Akkerman, S. (2022).
How students use the space provided by broad and specialised programmes to develop their interests in higher education.
Studies in Higher Education, 1-16. Vereijken, M., Akkerman, S., te Pas, S., van der Tuin, I., & Kluijtmans, M. (2022).
“Undisciplining” Higher Education without Losing Disciplines: Furthering Transformative Potential for Students.
Higher Education Research and Development. van de Pol, J., van Braak, M., Pennings, H. J. M., van Vondel, S., Steenbeek, H.
, & Akkerman, S. (2022).
Towards a conceptual framework of adaptivity in face-to-face-interaction: an interdisciplinary review of adaptivity concepts.
Annals of the International Communication Association. Draijer, J., Bronkhorst, L., & Akkerman, S. (2022).
Manifestations of non-interest: Exploring the situated nature of students’ interest.
International Journal of Educational Research,
113, [101971]. Vulperhorst, J., van der Rijst, R., Holmegaard, H.
, & Akkerman, S. (2022).
Unravelling why students do or do not stay committed to a programme when making a higher education choice.
Journal of Further and Higher Education,
46(5), 651-666. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Janse, A., Bronkhorst, L., van Lankveld, T., & Akkerman, S. (2021). Transitioning away from tertiary education: Adolescents embracing and resisting future scripting. Abstract from EARLI 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Janse, A., Bronkhorst, L., van Lankveld, T., & Akkerman, S. (2021). Jongeren in tweestrijd? Bijna-afgestudeerden met meerdere gewenste toekomstrichtingen. Abstract from Onderwijs research dagen 2021, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wansink, B., Akkerman, S., & Kennedy, B. (2021).
How conflicting perspectives lead a history teacher to epistemic, epistemological, moral and temporal switching: a case study of teaching about the holocaust in the Netherlands.
Intercultural Education,
32(4), 430-445. Slot, E. M., Bronkhorst, L. H., Akkerman, S. F., & Wubbels, T. (2021).
Vocational Interest Profiles in Secondary School: Accounting for Multiplicity and Exploring Associations With Future-Oriented Choices.
Journal of Educational Psychology,
113(5), 1059–1071. 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Janse, A., Bronkhorst, L. H., van Lankveld, T. A. M., & Akkerman, S. F. (Accepted/In press). Multiplicity in students’ images of the post graduation future. Abstract from SIG 10, 21 & 25 CONFERENCE 2020, Groningen, Netherlands.
Slot, E. M., Bronkhorst, L. H., Wubbels, T., & Akkerman, S. F. (2020).
The role of school in adolescents’ interest in daily life.
International Journal of Educational Research,
104, 1-12. [101643]. Akkerman, D. M.
, Vulperhorst, J. P., & Akkerman, S. F. (2020).
A developmental extension to the multidimensional structure of interests.
Journal of Educational Psychology,
112(1), 183-203., E. M., Vulperhorst, J. P., Bronkhorst, L. H., van der Rijst, R. M.
, Wubbels, T., & Akkerman, S. F. (2020).
Mechanisms of interest sustainment.
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction,
24, 1-16. [100356]. Vulperhorst, J. P., Rijst, van der, R.
, & Akkerman, S. F. (2020).
Dynamics in higher education choice: weighing one’s multiple interests in light of available programmes.
Higher Education,
79, 1001–1021. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Janse, A., Bronkhorst, L., van Lankveld, T., & Akkerman, S. (2019). Linksaf, rechtsom of allebei? (On)gegronde toekomstpaden van oriënterende jongeren. Poster session presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen 2019, Heerlen, Netherlands.
Bakker, A., & Akkerman, S. (2019).
The Learning Potential of Boundary Crossing in the Vocational Curriculum. In D. Guile, & L. Unwin (Eds.),
The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training (pp. 351-372). (The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training). Wiley. Rajala, A.
, & Akkerman, S. F. (2019).
Researching reinterpretations of educational activity in dialogic interactions during a fieldtrip.
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction,
20, 32-44., S. F., & Bakker, A. (2019).
Persons pursuing multiple objects of interest in multiple contexts.
European Journal of Psychology of Education,
34(1), 1-24. Slot, E., Akkerman, S., & Wubbels, T. (2019).
Adolescents’ interest experience in daily life in and across family and peer contexts.
European Journal of Psychology of Education,
34(1), 25-43. 2018
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Mesker, P., Wassink, H.
, Akkerman, S. F., & Bakker, C. (2018).
Differences that matter: Boundary experiences in student teachers’ intercultural learning.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
64, 54-66. [2]. Van Dijk, E. E., Kluijtmans, M.
, Vulperhorst, J. P., & Akkerman, S. F. (2018).
Disseminated learning from clinician-scientists: A multiple case study in physiotherapeutic care.
BMC Medical Education,
18(1), [279]. Rijswijk, M. M., Bronkhorst, L. H., Akkerman, S., & van Tartwijk, J. W. F. (2018).
Supervision Dialogues in Teacher Education: Balancing Dis/continuities of the Vocational Self-Concept. In
Research on Teacher Identity (pp. 97-107). Springer. van Rijswijk, M. M., Bronkhorst, L. H., Akkerman, S. F., & van Tartwijk, J. (2018).
Changes in sensed dis/continuity in the development of student teachers throughout teacher education.
European Journal of Teacher Education,
41(3), 282-300. Mesker, P., Wassink, H.
, Akkerman, S. F., & Bakker, C. (2018).
Student teachers' boundary experiences during an international teaching internship.
Cogent Education,
15(8), [1498577]., B., Akkerman, S., Zuiker, I., & Wubbels, T. (2018).
Where Does Teaching Multiperspectivity in History Education Begin and End? An Analysis of the Uses of Temporality.
Theory and Research in Social Education,
46(4), 495-527. Vulperhorst, J. P., Wessels, K. R., Bakker, A., & Akkerman, S. F. (2018).
How do STEM-interested students pursue multiple interests in their higher educational choice? International Journal of Science Education,
40(8), 828-846. Mesker, P., Wassink, H., Akkerman, S. F., & Bakker, C. (2018). Differences that matter: Boundary experiences in student teachers' intercultural learning. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Volume 64(May 2018), 54-66.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Laroes, E., Bronkhorst, L. H., Akkerman, S. F., & Wubbels, T. (2017).
Teacher-researchers’ expanding perceptions of research in a school-university collaborative research project. In A. Childs, & I. Menter (Eds.),
Mobilising teacher researchers: challenging educational inequality (pp. 177-196). Routledge. Kluijtmans, M., De Haan, E.
, Akkerman, S., & Van Tartwijk, J. (2017).
Professional identity in clinician-scientists: brokers between care and science.
Medical Education,
51(6), 645-655., B. G. J., Zuiker, I., Akkerman, S. F., Kamman, M., & Wubbels, T. (2017). If you had told me before that these students were Russians, I would not have believed it’: an international project about the (New) ‘Cold War’. Teaching History, 166, 30-37.
Wansink, B. G. J., Akkerman, S. F., Haenen, J. P. P., Vermunt, J.
, & Wubbels, T. (2017).
Epistemological tensions in prospective history teachers’ beliefs about the objectives of secondary education.
Journal of Social Studies Research,
41(1), 11-24. 2016
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Halem, N., Goei, S. L.
, & Akkerman, S. F. (2016).
Formative assessment in teacher talk during lesson studies.
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies,
5(4), 313-328. Rijswijk, M. M., Akkerman, S. F., & van Tartwijk, J. W. F. (2016). Addressing sensed dis/continuity in professional identity dialogues. Unpublished. In Educating the Best Teachers: a Challenge for Teacher Education
van Rijswijk, M. M., Akkerman, S. F., & van Tartwijk, J. W. F. (2016). Percepties van het verleden en verwachtingen van de toekomst tijdens de ontwikkeling van studenten in de lerarenopleiding. Unpublished. In Koersen op kennis
van Rijswijk, M. M., Akkerman, S., & van Tartwijk, J. W. F. (2016). Veranderingspatronen in de ontwikkeling van het professionele zelf-concept van leraren-in-opleiding tijdens de lerarenopleiding. Unpublished. In Professionalisering in en door onderzoek
van Rijswijk, M., Akkerman, S. F., Schaap, H., & van Tartwijk, J. (2016).
Past perceptions and future expectations: Sensed dis/continuity at the start of teacher education.
Teaching and Teacher Education,
58, 99-108. Wansink, B. G. J., Akkerman, S., & Wubbels, T. (2016).
The Certainty Paradox of student history teachers: Balancing between historical facts and interpretation.
Teaching and Teacher Education,
56, 94-105. Vakpublicaties
Bakker, A., & Akkerman, S. F. (2016). Het leerpotentieel van grenzen: Een theoretische basis. In Tussen opleiding en beroepspraktijk: Het potentieel van boundary crossing (pp. 9). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Overige resultaten
Wansink, B. G. J., Akkerman, S. F., & Wubbels, T. (2015). Towards interpretation; is every historical topic applicable? ‘Canonized constructions of the past’. Paper presented at ICO Fallschool, Utrecht, United Kingdom.
Wansink, B. G. J., Akkerman, S. F., & Wubbels, T. (2015). From historical facts to interpretation? The certainty paradox of prospective history teachers. Paper presented at EARLI , Cyprus, United Kingdom.
Wansink, B. G. J., Akkerman, S. F., & Wubbels, T. (2015). De interactie tussen historische inhoud en epistemologische representatie. Paper presented at ORD, Leiden, Netherlands.
van Rijswijk, M. M., Akkerman, S. F., & van Tartwijk, J. W. F. (2015). Patterns of change in sensed dis/continuity during teacher education. Paper presented at ICO Fallschool, Utrecht, United Kingdom.
van Rijswijk, M. M., Akkerman, S. F., Schaap, H., & van Tartwijk, J. W. F. (2015). Starten met de lerarenopleiding: Wat verwachten studenten van hun ontwikkeling tot docent?. Paper presented at ORD, Rotterdam, United Kingdom.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bakker, A., & Akkerman, S. F. (2014).
A boundary-crossing approach to support students' integration of statistical and work-related knowledge.
Educational Studies in Mathematics,
86(2), 223-237. Bakker, A., Groenveld, D.
, Wijers, M., Akkerman, S. F., & Gravemeijer, K. P. E. (2014).
Proportional reasoning in the laboratory: An intervention study in vocational education.
Educational Studies in Mathematics,
86(2), 211-221. Bakker, A., & Akkerman, S. F. (2014). Leren door boundary crossing tussen school en werk. Pedagogische Studiën, 91(1), 8-23.
Overige resultaten
Akkerman, S., Zittoun, T., & Valsiner, J. (2014). Understanding time and space: A learners' perspective. Paper presented at 8th International Conference on the Dialogical Self, the Hague, Netherlands.
Akkerman, S., & Bakker, A. (2014). How do talented and motivated students’ interests in science develop across sites of learning?. Paper presented at SIG4 & SIG17 of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium.
Bronkhorst, L., & Akkerman, S. (2014). Connecting students' in and out of school learning: A review. Paper presented at SIG 10, SIG 21 & SIG 25 of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova, Yemen.
van Rijswijk, M., Akkerman, S., Schaap, H., & van Tartwijk, J. (2014). Becoming a teacher: Establishing continuity. Paper presented at NAFOL national conference, Tromso, Norway.
van Rijswijk, M., Akkerman, S., Schaap, H., & van Tartwijk, J. (2014). Student teachers: Loops towards continuity of self. Paper presented at International Conference on the Dialogical Self, the Hague, Netherlands.
van Rijswijk, M., Akkerman, S., Schaap, H., & van Tartwijk, J. (2014). Becoming a teacher: Dealing with discontinuity. Paper presented at SIG 11 of the European Association for Research and Instruction (EARLI), Frauenchiemsee, Germany.
Laroes, E., Akkerman, S., Bronkhorst, L., & Wubbels, T. (2014). Samenwerking tussen organisaties in onderwijs en onderwijsonderzoek: Van welke aard en met welke meerwaarde? (Symposium). Abstract from ORD 2014, Groningen, Netherlands.
Overige resultaten
Bakker, A., Akkerman, S., Wijers, M. M., & Gravemeijer, K. P. E. (2011). Onderzoek naar de school-werkaansluiting op de labopleidingen.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van den Beemt, A. A. J., Akkerman, S. F., & Simons, P. R. J. (2010).
Pathways in interactive media practices among young people.
Learning, Media and Technology,
35(4), 419-434. Overige resultaten
Bakker, A., Akkerman, S., Wijers, M. M., & Gravemeijer, K. P. E. (2010).
Boundary crossing between vocational education and science laboratories: How well are students prepared?. Paper presented at Paper presented at American Education Research Association, Denver, USA. Scager, K., Akkerman, S., Keesen, F. J. M., Mainhard, M. T., Pilot, A., & Wubbels, T. (2010). Verschillen tussen Honours studenten en reguliere studenten. Paper presented at Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen (23 - 25 juni), Enschede, Nederland.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties