4th international conference of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Sanne Akkerman (Keynote speaker)
11 Sept 2014
8th International Conference on the Dialogical SelfSanne Akkerman (Participant)
20 Aug 2014
Frontline Learning Research (Journal)Sanne Akkerman (Editor)
2014 → 2018
EARLI SIG. 10 Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction (External organisation)Sanne Akkerman (Member)
2014 → …
Akkerman, S., & Bakker, A. (2014). How do
talented and motivated students’ interests in
science develop across sites of learning?.
Paper presented at SIG4 & SIG17 of the
European Association for Research on
Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium.
Sanne Akkerman (Invited speaker)
, SIG4 & SIG17 of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
Learning to integrate school- and work-related statistical reasoningSanne Akkerman (Keynote speaker)
23 Aug 2012
, EARLI SIG 14 Conference
Leren integreren van verschillende typen kennis binnen een boundary-crossing-aanpakSanne Akkerman (Invited speaker)
21 Jun 2012
, Onderwijsresearchdagen, (Wageningen)
Exploratory Workshop van de European Science Foundation, May 5Sanne Akkerman (Participant)
5 May 2011
International Journal of Educational Research (Journal)Sanne Akkerman (Editor)