Complete overview of papers and citations via ORCID or Publons
Courbier S, Snoek BL, Kajala K, Li L, van Wees SCM and Pierik R (2021)
Mechanisms of far-red light-mediated dampening of defense against Botrytis cinerea in tomato leaves. Plant Physiology, in press.
van Gelderen K, Kang C, Li P and Pierik R (2021).
Regulation of lateral root development by shoot-sensed far-red light via HY5 is nitrate-dependent and involves the NRT2.1 nitrate transporter. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Pierik R and Ballaré CL. (2021)
Control of Plant Growth and Defense by Photoreceptors: From Mechanisms to Opportunities in Agriculture. Molecular Plant, in press.
Pantazopoulou CK, Bongers FJ and Pierik R. (2020)
Reducing shade avoidance can improve Arabidopsis canopy performance against competitors. Plant, Cell and Environment, in press.
Buti S, Pantazopoulou C.K., van Gelderen K, Hoogers VAC, Reinen E, and Pierik R (2020).
A gas-and-brake mechanism of bHLH proteins modulates shade avoidance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 184, 2137-2153.
Huber M*, Nieuwendijk NM*, Pantazopoulou CK and Pierik R (2020)
Light signalling shapes plant-plant interactions in dense canopies. Plant, Cell and Environment, in press.
van Gelderen, K. and Pierik R. (2020)
Warm days, relaxed RNA. Nature Plants 6, 438-439,
Buti S, Hayes S and Pierik R, The bHLH network underlying plant shade-avoidance (2020). Physiologia Plantarum,
Courbier S, Grevink S, Sluijs E, Bonhomme, PO, Kajala K, van Wees, SCM, and Pierik R (2020).
Far-red light promotes Botrytis cinerea disease development in tomato leaves via jasmonate-dependent modulation of soluble sugars. Plant, Cell and Environment 43, 2769-2781.
Ebbing, A., Pierik. R., Bouma, T., Kromkamp, J.C., and Timmermans, K. (2020)
How light and density influence the reproduction of delayed Saccharina latissima gametophytes (Phaeophyceae). Journal of Phycology 56: 709-718.
Küpers JJ, Oskam L, and Pierik R. (2020)
Photoreceptors regulate plant developmental plasticity through auxin. Plants. 9, 940.
Courbier S & Pierik R, Canopy light quality modulates stress responses in plants (2019). iScience,
Bongers FJ, Douma JC, Iwasa Y, Pierik R, Evers JB, Anten NPR. (2019). Variation in plastic responses to light results from selection in different competitive environments - a game theoretical approach using virtual plants. PLOS Computational Biology, 15(8): e1007253.
Ji Y, Ouzounis Th, Courbier S, Kaiser E, Nguyen PT, Schouten HJ, Visser RGF, Pierik R, Marcelis LFM, Heuvelink E (2019).
Far-red radiation increases dry mass partitioning to fruits but reduces Botrytis cinerea resistance in tomato
Environmental and Experimental Botany,
Hayes S, Pantazopoulou CK, van Gelderen K, Reinen E, Tween AL, Sharma A, de Vries M, Prat S, Schuurink RC, Testerink C and Pierik R (2019) Soil salinity limits plant shade avoidance. Current Biology 29, 1169-1676.
Reed JW, Wua MF, Reevesa PH, Hodgensa C, Yadava V, Hayes S and Pierik R. (2018) Three auxin response factors control hypocotyl elongation. Plant Physiology, 178: 864-875.
Küpers JJ, van Gelderen K and Pierik R. (2018) Location matters: canopy light responses over spatial scales. Trends in Plant Science, 23: 865-873.
Gommers CMM, Buti S, Tarkowská D, Pencik A, Banda JP, Arricastres V and Pierik R. (2018) Organ-specific phytohormone synthesis in two Geranium species with antithetical responses to Far-red light enrichment. Plant Direct, 2018: 1-12.
van Gelderen K*, Kang C*, Paalman R, Keuskamp DH, Hayes S and Pierik R. (2018) Far-red light detection in the shoot regulates lateral root development through HY5. The Plant Cell, 30: 101-116.
* shared first authors
Bongers FJ, Pierik R, Anten NPR and Evers JB. (2018) Subtle variation in shade avoidance responses may have profound consequences for plant competitiveness. Annals of Botany, 121: 863-873.
van Gelderen K*, Kang C* and Pierik R. (2018) Light signaling, root development and plasticity. Plant Physiology, 176: 1049-1060.
* shared first authors
Bailey-Serres J, Pierik R, Ruban A and Wingler A (2018) The dynamic plant: Capture, transformation, and management of energy. Plant Physiology, 176: 961-966.
Ballaré CL & Pierik R. (2017) The shade avoidance syndrome: Multiple signals and ecological outputs. Plant, Cell & Environment, 40: 2530-2543.
Pantazopoulou CK, Bongers FJ, Küpers JJ, Reinen E, Das D, Evers JB, Anten NPR & Pierik R. (2017) Neighbor detection at the leaf tip adaptively regulates upward leaf movement through spatial auxin dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114: 7450-7455.
Cordovez V, Mommer L, Moisan K, Pierik R, Lucas-Barbosa D, Mumm R, Carrion VJ and Raaijmakers JM. (2017) Plant phenotypic plasticity and transcriptional changes induced by volatiles from the fungal root pathogen Rhizoctonia solani. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 1262.
Gommers CMM, Keuskamp DH, Buti S, van Veen H, Koevoets IT, Reinen E, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2017) Molecular profiles of contrasting shade response strategies in wild plants: differential control of immunity and shoot elongation. The Plant Cell, 29: 331-344
de Wit M. Keuskamp DH, Bongers FJ, Hornitschek P, Gommers CMM, Reinenen E, Martinez-Cerdon C., Fankhauser C, Pierik R. (2016) Integration of phytochrome and cryptochrome signals determines plant growth during competition for light. Current Biology, 26: 3320-3326
Das D, St. Onge KR, Voesenek LACJ, Pierik R*, Sasidharan R* (2016) Ethylene- and shade-induced hypocotyl elongation involve shared transcriptome patterns and functional regulators. Plant Physiology, 172: 718-733.
* Shared senior authors
Voesenek LACJ, Pierik R and Sasidharan R (2015) Plant life without ethylene. Trends in Plant Science, 20: 783-786.
Yasumura Y, Pierik R, Kelly S, Sakuta M, Voesenek LACJ and Harbed NP (2015) An Ancestral Role for Constitutive Triple Response 1 (CTR1) Proteins in Both Ethylene and Abscisic Acid Signaling. Plant Physiology, 169: 283-298.
Polko JK, van Rooij JA, Vanneste S, Pierik R, Ammerlaan AMH, Vergeer-van Eijk MH, McLoughlin F, Gu¨hl K, van Isterdael G, Voesenek LACJ, Millenaar FF, Beeckman T, Peeters AJM, Marée AFM, van Zanten M (2015) Ethylene-mediated regulation of A2-type CYCLINs modulates hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology, 169: 194-208.
Kegge W, Ninkovic V, Glinwood R, Welschen RAM, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R (2015) Red:far-red light conditions affect the emission of volatile organic compounds from barley (Hordeum vulgare) leading to altered biomass allocation in neighbouring plants. Annals of Botany, 115: 961-970.
Horvath D, Hansen S, Moriles-Miller J, Pierik R, Yan C, Clay D, Scheffler B and Clay S (2015) RNAseq reveals weed-induced PIF3-like as a candidate target to manipulate weed stress response in soybean. New Phytologist, 207: 196-210.
Bongers F, Evers JB, Anten NPR and Pierik R (2014) From shade avoidance to plant performance at vegetation level: using virtual plant modeling as a tool. New Phytologist, 2014: 268-272.
Pieterse CMJ. Pierik R and van Wees SCM (2014). Different shades of JAZ during plant growth and defense. New Phytologist, 204: 261-264.
Timovsky J, Gankema P, Pierik R and Holzinger R (2014) A plant chamber system with downstream reaction chamber to study the effects of pollution on biogenic emissions. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, DOI: 10.1039/c4em00214h.
Pierik R and Testerink C (2014) The art of being flexible: how to escape from shade, salt and drought. Plant Physiology, 166: 5-22.
Pierik R, Ballaré CL and Dicke M (2014) Ecology of plant volatiles: taking a plant community perspective. Plant, Cell & Environment 37: 1845-1853.
Gundel PE, Pierik R, Mommer L and Ballaré CL (2014) Competing neighbors: light perception and root function. Oecologia 176: 1-10.
Pierik R & de Wit M (2014) Shade avoidance: phytochrome signalling and other neighbour detection cues. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 2815-2824.
Sasidharan R, Keuskamp DH, Kooke R, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R (2014) Interactions between auxin, microtubules and XTHs mediate green shade-induced petiole elongation in Arabidopsis.
PLOS ONE 9: e90587
van Veen H, Mustroph A, Barding GA, Vergeer-van Eijk M, Welschen-Evertman RAM, Pedersen O, Visser EJW , Larive CK, Pierik R, Bailey-Serres J, Voesenek LACJ and Sasidharan R (2013) Two Rumex species from contrasting hydrological niches regulate flooding tolerance through distinct mechanisms. The Plant Cell 25: 4691–4707
Bours R, van Zanten M, Pierik R, Bouwmeester H, van de Krol A. (2013). Antiphase light and temperature cycles affect phytochrome B-controlled ethylene sensitivity and biosynthesis, limiting leaf movement and growth of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 163: 882-895.
Kegge W, Weldegergis B, Soler R, Vegeer-van Eijck M, Dicke M, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2013). Canopy light cues affect emission of constitutive and methyl jasmonate-induced volatile organic compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist, 200: 861-874.
de Wit M, Spoel SH, Sanchez-Perez GF, Gommers CMM, Pieterse CMJ, Voesenek LACJ, Pierik R. (2013). Perception of low Red:Far-red ratio compromisis both salicylic acid- and jasmonic acid-dependent pathogen defences in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 75: 90-103.
Pierik R, Mommer L and Voesenek LACJ. (2013)
Molecular mechanisms of plant competition: neighbor detection and response strategies. Functional Ecology, 27: 841-853.
Polko JK, Pierik R, van Zanten M, Tarkowska D, Strand M, Voesenek LAC and Peeters AJM. (2013)
Ethylene promotes hyponastic growth through interaction with ROTUNDIFOLIA3/CYP90C1 in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64: 613-624.
Gommers CMM, Visser EJW, St. Onge KR, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2013)
Shade tolerance: when growing tall is not an option. Trends in Plant Science, 18: 65-71.
Yasumura Y, Pierik R, Fricker MD, Voesenek LACL and Harberd NP. (2012)
Physcomitrella patens studies reveal that ethylene-mediated submergence responses arose relatively early in land-plant evolution. The Plant Journal, 72: 947-959.
Keuskamp DH, Keller MM, Ballaré CL and Pierik R. (2012)
Blue light regulated shade avoidance. Plant Signaling and Behavior 7(4): 514-517.
Ballaré CL, Mazza CA, Austin AT and Pierik R. (2012)
Canopy light and plant health. Plant Physiology, 160: 145-155
Cerrudo I, Keller MM, Cargnel MD, Demkura PV, de Wit M, Patitucci MS, Pierik R, Pieterse CMJ, Ballaré CL. (2012)
Low Red:Far-Red ratios reduce Arabidopsis resistance to Botrytis cinerea and jasmonate responses via a COI1-JAZ10-dependent, salicylic acid-independent mechanism. Plant Physiology, 158: 2042-2052.
Polko JK, van Zanten M, van Rooij JA, Marée AFM, Voesenek LACJ, Peeters AJM and Pierik R. (2012)
Ethylene-induced differential petiole growth in Arabidopsis thaliana involves local microtubule reorientation and cell expansion.New Phytologist, 193: 339-348.
Polko JK, Voesenek LACJ, Peeters AJM and Pierik R. (2012)
Petiole hyponasty: an ethylene-driven, adaptive response to changes in the environment. AoB Plants, online.
Polko JK, Temanni M-R, van Zanten M, van Workum W, Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ and Peeters AJM. (2012)
Illumina sequencing technology as a method of identifying T-DNA insertion loci in activation-tagged Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Molecular Plant, 5: 948-950
Wit de M, Kegge W, Evers JB, Vergeer-van Eijk MH, Gankema P, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2012)
Plant neighbor detection through touching leaf tips precedes phytochrome signals. PNAS 109: 14705-14710 (pdf)
Huber H, Chen X, Hendriks M, Keijsers D, Voesenek LACJ, Pierik R, Poorter H, de Kroon H, and Visser EJW. Plasticity as a plastic response: how submergence-induced leaf elongation in Rumex palustris depends on light and nutrient availability in its early life stage. New Phytologist 194: 572-582
Chen X, Visser EJW, de Kroon H, Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ and Huber H. (2011)
Fitness consequences of natural variation in flooding-induced shoot elongation in Rumex palustris. New Phytologist, 190: 409-420
Keuskamp D, Sasidharan R, Vos I, Peeters AJM, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R (2011).
Blue light-mediated shade avoidance requires combined auxin and brassinosteroid action in Arabidopsis seedlings. The Plant Journal, 67: 208-217
Mommer L, Visser EJW, van Ruijven J, de Caluwe H, Pierik R and de Kroon H.(2011)
Contrasting root behaviour in two grass species: a test of functionality in dynamic heterogeneous conditions. Plant and Soil, 344: 347-360
Pierik R, de Wit M and Voesenek LACJ. (2011)
Growth-mediated stress escape: convergence of signal transduction pathways engaged upon exposure to two different environmental stresses. New Phytologist, 189: 122-134
Polko JK, van Zanten M, van Rooij JA, Marée AFM, Voesenek LACJ, Peeters AJM and Pierik R. (2011)
Ethylene-induced differential petiole growth in Arabidopsis thaliana involves local microtubule reorientation and cell expansion.New Phytologist, 193: 339-348.
Sasidharan R, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2011)
Cell-wall modifying proteins mediate plant acclimatization to biotic and abiotic stresses. Critical Reviews in Plant Science 30: 548-562.
Vashisht D, Hesselink A, Pierik R, Ammerlaan JMH, Bailey-Serres J, Visser EJW, Pedersen O, van Zanten M, Vreugdenhil D, Jamar DCL, Voesenek LACJ and Sasidharan R. (2011)
Natural variation of submergence tolerance among Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. New Phytologist, 190: 299-210
Anten NPR and Pierik R. (2010)
Moving resources away from the herbivore: regulation and adaptive significance. New Phytologist, 188: 643-645
Chen X, Pierik R, Peeters AJM, Poorter H, Visser EJW, Huber H, de Kroon H, and Voesenek LACJ. (2010)
Endogenous ABA as a Key Switch for Natural Variation in Flooding-Induced Shoot Elongation. Plant Physiology 154: 969-977
Heydarian Z, Sasidharan R, Cox MCH, Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ and Peeters AJM.(2010)
A kinetic analysis of hyponastic growth and petiole elongation upon ethylene
exposure in Rumex palustris. Annals of Botany 106: 429-435
Kegge W and Pierik R. (2010)
Biogenic volatile organic compounds and plant competition. Trends in Plant Science, 15(3): 126-132
Keuskamp DH, Pollmann S, Peeters AJM, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2010)
Auxin transport through PIN-FORMED 3 (PIN3) controls shade avoidance and fitness during competition. Proc. Natl Acad Sci USA 107:22740-22744
Recommended by Faculty of 1000
Keuskamp DH, Sasidharan R and Pierik R. (2010)
Physiological regulation and functional significance of shade avoidance responses to neighbours. Plant, Signaling & Behavior, 5(6): 655-662
Sasidharan R, Chinnappa CC, Staal M, Elzenga JTM, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2010)
Light quality-mediated petiole elongation in Arabidopsis during shade avoidance involves cell wall modification by XTHs. Plant Physiology, 154: 978-990
Sasidharan R and Pierik R. (2010)
Cell wall modification involving XTHs controls phytochrome-mediated petiole elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 5: 1491-1492.
Keuskamp DH and Pierik R. (2010)
Photosensory cues in plant-plant interactions: regulation and functional significance of shade avoidance responses. In " Plant Communication from Ecological Perspective", Ed.: F. Baluska. Springer. (159-178)
Millenaar FF, van Zanten M, Cox MCH, Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ and Peeters AJM.
Differential petiole growth in Arabidopsis thaliana: Photocontrol and hormonal regulation. New Phytologist, 184: 141-152.
Pierik R, van Aken JM and Voesenek LACJ. (2009)
Is elongation-induced leaf emergence beneficial for submerged Rumex species? Annals of Botany, 103: 353-357.
Pierik R, Djakovic-Petrovic T, Keuskamp DH, de Wit M andVoesenek LACJ. (2009)
Auxin and ethylene regulate elongation responses to neighbour proximity signals independent of GA and DELLA proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 149: 1701-1712.
Pierik R, Keuskamp DH, Sasidharan R, Djakovic-Petrovic T, de Wit M and Voesenek LACJ. (2009)
Light quality controls shoot elongation through regulation of multiple hormones. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 4: 755-756.
Sasidharan R, Chinnappa CC, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2009)
A molecular basis for the physiological variation in shade avoidance responses : a tale of two ecotypes. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 4: 528-529.
Zanten M van, Millenaar FF, Cox MCH, Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ and Peeters AJM. (2009)
Auxin perception and polar auxin transport are not always a prerequisite for differential growth. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 4(9): 899-901.
Sasidharan R, Chinnappa CC, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2008)
The regulation of cell wall extensibility during shade avoidance: a study using two contrasting ecotypes of Stellaria longipes. Plant Physiology 148: 1557-1569.
Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2008)
Plant Stress Profiles. Science 320: 880-881.
Djakovic-Petrovic T, de Wit M, Voesenek LACJ and Pierik R. (2007)
DELLA protein function in growth responses to canopy signals. The Plant Journal 51: 117-126.
Pierik R, Sasidharan R and Voesenek LACJ. (2007)
Growth control by ethylene: Adjusting phenotypes to the environment. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 26: 188-200.
Pierik R, Djakovic-Petrovic T, de Wit M and Voesenek LACJ. (2007)
Struggling for light: DELLA regulation during plant-plant interactions. Plant Signaling and Behavior 2(6): 514-516.
Visser EJW and Pierik R. (2007)
Inhibition of root elongation by ethylene in wetland and non-wetland plant species and the impact of longitudinal ventilation. Plant, Cell and Environment 30: 31-38.
Anten NPR, Casado-Garcia R, Pierik R and Pons TL. (2006)
Ethylene sensitivity affects changes in growth patterns, but not stem properties, in response to mechanical stress in tobacco. Physiologia Plantarum 128: 274-282.
Pierik R, Tholen D, Poorter H, Visser EJW and Voesenek LACJ. (2006)
The Janus face of ethylene: growth inhibition and stimulation. Trends in Plant Science 11: 176-183.
Voesenek LACJ, Colmer TD, Pierik R, Millenaar FF and Peeters AJM. (2006)
How plants cope with complete submergence. New Phytologist. 170 213-226.
Millenaar FF, Cox MCH, de Jong van Berkel YEM, Welschen RAM, Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ and Peeters AJM. (2005)
Ethylene-induced differential growth of petioles in Arabidopsis thaliana; analyzing natural variation, response kinetics and regulation. Plant Physiology 137: 998-1008.
Mommer L, de Kroon H, Pierik R, Bögemann GM and Visser EJW. (2005)
A functional comparison of acclimation to shade and submergence in two terrestrial plant species. New Phytologist 167: 197-206.
Pierik R, Millenaar FF, Peeters AJM and Voesenek LACJ. (2005)
New perspectives in flooding research: the use of shade avoidance and Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany 96: 533-540.
Vandenbussche F*, Pierik R*, Millenaar FF, Voesenek LACJ and VanderStraeten D. (2005)
Reaching out of the shade. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 8: 462-468.
* shared first auhors
Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ, de Kroon H and Visser EJW. (2004)
Density-induced plant size reduction and size inequalities in ethylene-sensing and ethylene-insensitive tobacco.Plant Biology 6: 201-205.
Pierik R, Whitelam GC, Voesenek LACJ, de Kroon H and Visser EJW. (2004)
Canopy studies on ethylene-insensitive tobacco identify ethylene as a novel element in blue light and plant-plant signaling. The Plant Journal 38: 310-319.
Covered in Editor's Choice, Science, 30 April 2004
Pierik R, Cuppens MLC, Voesenek LACJ and Visser EJW. (2004)
Interactions between ethylene and gibberellins in phytochrome-mediated shade avoidance responses in tobacco. Plant Physiology 136: 2928-2936.
Pierik R, Visser EJW, de Kroon H and Voesenek LACJ. (2003)
Ethylene is required in tobacco to succesfully compete with proximate neighbours. Plant, Cell and Environment 26: 1229-1234.
Pierik R, Voesenek LACJ and Visser EJW. (2003)
Ethylene: a neglected component in competition between plants. In: Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene III. Eds. M. Vendrell et al. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp 227-230.
Pierik R (2003)
Ethylene and plant neighbour detection. PhD thesis.
Visser EJW, Bögemann GM, Steeg HM van de, Pierik R and Blom CWPM. (2000)
Flooding tolerance of Carex species in relation to field distribution and aerenchyma formation.New Phytologist 148: 93-103.
Pierik R, Verkerke W, Voesenek LACJ, Blom CWPM and Visser EJW. (1999)
Thick root syndrome in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.): A description of the phenomenon and an investigation of the role of ethylene. Annals of Botany 84: 755-762