Prof. dr. R. (Ronald) Pierik

Prof. dr. R. (Ronald) Pierik

Universitair hoofddocent
Experimental and Computational Plant Development
030 253 6838



Radboud University Nijmegen, 02-10-2003

Title of thesis: Ethylene and plant neighbour detection


Editor of Plant Physiology 

Director EDI committee Faculty of Science, UU.

Program director master Environmental Biology, UU.

Coordinator and teacher in UU Bachelor and Master courses.


(Co-)Promotor and daily supervisor of PhD candidates:

  • Tanja Djakovic-Petrovic, graduated 2008. Thesis title: DELLA protein regulation during shade avoidance.
  • Xin Chen, graduated 2010. Thesis title: Interspecific variation in flooding-induced petiole elongation in Rumex palustris.
  • Diederik Keuskamp, graduated 2011. Thesis title: Shade avoidance: how auxin controls photoreceptor-mediated shoot elongation.
  • Joanna Polko, graduated 2012. Thesis title: Molecular regulation of ethylene-induced hyponasty.
  • Mieke de Wit, graduated 2012. Thesis title: Neighbour detection and pathogen defense during competition for light.
  • Wouter Kegge, graduated 2013. Thesis title: Volatile organic compounds and plant neighbor detection
  • Paulien Gankema, graduated 2015. Thesis title: Plant-plant signaling in a changing climate.
  • Debatosh Das, graduated 2016. Thesis title: Genomics of stress escape in Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • Lot Gommers, graduated 2016. Thesis title: When growing tall is not an option - Contrasting shade avoidance responses in two wild Geranium species.
  • Franca Bongers (graduated 2017). FSP modeling and shade avoidance. 
  • Chrysa Pantazopoulou (graduated 2018). Modifying shade avoidance responses to suppress weeds.
  • Chiakai Kang (graduated 2018). Shade avoidance - abiotic stress integration.
  • Sara Buti (graduated 2019). Molecular control of shade tolerance in Geranium.
  • Sarah Courbier (graduated 2020). LED lighting to enhance disease resistance in tomato.
  • Jesse Küpers (graduated 2021). Inter-organ signaling in red:far-red responses.
  • Alexander Ebbing (graduated 2021). Kelp gametophyte life cycle control. External project, with NIOZ.
  • Martina Huber (graduated 2022). Rice architecture, light responses and weed suppression.
  • Valérie Hoogers (finished 2021). Light signaling in the shoot controls root development
  • Linge Li (since 2018). Tomato cell type-specifc control during farred responses.
  • Lisa Oskam (since 2019). Spatial light signal transduction and integration.
  • Nicole Nieuwendijk (since 2019). Spatial light signal transduction and integration.
  • Sanne Matton (since 2021). Leaf movements in 3D.
  • Siddhant Shetty (since 2022). Light control of lettuce plant development.
  • Lucila Salvatore (since 2022). Nutrient foraging by roots.



  • VICI  (NWO-ENW), funds 2 PhD students, 2 postdocs and technician. "Spatial light signal transduction and integration" (5 years). Awarded 2018.
  • VIDI  (NWO-ALW) for funding of own position, a PhD student and a postdoc (5 years in total) "When growing tall is not an option: down regulation of shoot elongation in the shade". Awarded 2013.
  • VENI  (NWO-ALW) for three years of funding of own post-doc (3 years) “Plant-plant interactions: unraveling the molecular and physiological mechanisms of competition for light”. Main applicant and P.I. Awarded 2006, active from February 2007 – February 2010.
  • NWO Photosynthesis (5 years). Co-applicant and P.I. Started 2021.
  • Building Blocks of Life (NWO-TKI) (5 years). Root-shoot signaling in shade avoidance. Main applicant and P.I. Awarded 2016, active from Summer 2017. 
  • TTW Perspectief Lettuceknow (6 years). 2 PhD students on environment-development interactions. Awarded 2018. 
  • STW Perspectief LED it be 50%. "Controlling plant resistance against fungal diseases by energy efficient light signalling". Main applicant and P.I. Awarded 2015, active from November 2015 - November 2019.
  • STW. Towards sustainable weed management solutions for the aggressive rice weed Cyperus rotundus: a crop-weed perspective. Total propject: two PhD students, one post-doc. Co-applicant and P.I. Granted 2016.
  • NWO-ALW open competition grant for a post-doc (4 years) "Unravelling molecular mechanisms of plant competition: the interplay between above and belowground responses in Arabidopsis thaliana". Main applicant and P.I., 2014-2017.
  • NWO-ALW open competition grant for one PhD student (4 years) “Plant-plant signaling through volatiles in dense stands: mechanisms and functional consequences”. Main applicant and P.I. September 2008 – September 2012.
  • Focus & Mass grant IEB (UU) 2010 for two PhD students (one with IEB, one with IMAU). The impact of pollution on biosphere-atmosphere interactions. Main applicant and P.I. of IEB-part of the grant.
  • Travel grant New Phytologist Eco-Devo workshop 2006. London, UK.
  • NWO Toptalent grant for one PhD student (4 years) “Keeping up multiple stress responses: Interactions between plant competition and pathogen defence”, Daily supervisor (P.I.). October 2007 – October 2011.
  • CBSG-2 (Centre for Biosystems Genomics) grant for one PhD student (4 years) “Genomics of flooding tolerance: exploiting genetic variation in Arabidopsis”. Co-applicant. November 2008 – November 2012.
  • Ecogenomics grant (NWO) 2010 for one post-doc (3 years). Escape from stress: a comparative ecogenomics approach. co-P.I.
  • Utrecht University Senior Researcher qualification (2011) and Senior Teacher qualification (2012).