Dr. R.E.J. Verhoef

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer E2.40
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. R.E.J. Verhoef

Universitair docent
Sociale Wetenschappen
030 253 4762

Rogier is assistant professor at the department of Clinical Child and Family Studies. He obtained his Research Master Psychology degree (GPA: 8.6) at the University of Amsterdam and his PhD at Utrecht University by conducting research on social information processing in boys with aggressive behavioral problems on a VICI grant awarded to Prof. B.O. de Castro.

Rogier's research line focuses on the assessment of children's social cognitions and behaviors during peer interactions using interactive Virtual Reality. His statistical expertise primarily relates to multi-level (meta)analyses, structural equation modeling, and (longitudinal) person-centered analyses.