Dr Rose Camille Vincent is an Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at Utrecht University. Her research interests lie at the cross-section of Public and Development Economics, with a focus on taxation, local public finance, and service delivery. She leverages administrative data, remote sensing data, and historical archives to study the functioning of public sector institutions and some of the key challenges to state effectiveness in fragile and resource-constrained contexts.
Prior to joining Utrecht University, Dr Vincent was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Public Economics of ETH Zürich. She holds a dual PhD in Economics from Maastricht University and Université Clermont-Auvergne (CERDI-CNRS). Additionally, she is a J-PAL Invited Researcher, a Research Affiliate of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS-TaxDev) and United Nations University, a Board Member of the Local Public Sector Alliance, and an academic contributor to the World Observatory on Subnational Finance and Investment (SNG-WOFI).
Fields: Public Economics; Development Economics; Applied Microeconomics