Dr. Renske Bouwer

Universitair hoofddocent
Taal en communicatie
Language and education


From freshman paper to bachelor’s thesis: A longitudinal view on academic writing development2024
Deliberate literacy across the curriculum: how genre pedagogy can support teachers in fostering students’ reading and writing skills’ 2024
Promoting the reading-writing nexus: how teachers can guide students in becoming academic writers across the curriculum2023
NRO Kortlopend Onderwijsonderzoek (NWO/NRO open competition grant)Jan 2021
NRO Kortlopend Onderwijsonderzoek2020
Comenius Teaching Fellow2020
Grassroots award (Schrijfmachine)2019
Best paper award by Pedagogische Studiën2018
Best examination practice by NVE Board of Examinations (D-PAC)2017
NRO-VOR award for best research-based educational product (Tekster)2016
Best of JURE paper award for "Improving the writing skills of students in the upper elementary grades: an intervention study"24 Aug 2015