Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Andersen, L. B.
, Leisink, P., & Vandenabeele, W. (2023).
Public Personnel Managemment: Current Concerns, Future Challenges: Seventh Edition (pp. 17-33). Taylor and Francis Inc..
Knies, E., Leisink, P., Penning de Vries, J., & Mulder, R. (2023). Strategisch personeelsbeleid in het VO: 2023-meting in het kader van de monitoring van de afspraak in het geactualiseerde Sectorakkoord VO (2018) over de versterking van strategisch personeelsbeleid.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Knies, E., Borst, R. T., Leisink, P., & Farndale, E. (2022).
The distinctiveness of public sector HRM: A four-wave trend analysis.
Human Resource Management Journal,
32(4), 799-825. Penning de Vries, J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2022).
Shared Perceptions of Supervisor Support: What Processes Make Supervisors and Employees See Eye to Eye? Review of Public Personnel Administration,
42(1), 88-112. Vakpublicaties
Imants, J., & Leisink, P. (2022). De ontwikkeling van leraren. In L. van Wessum, A. Ros, & P. Runhaar (Eds.), De Schoolleider in Verandering: Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 24-30). De Leiderschapsagenda.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P., & Boxall, P. (2021).
HRM and social legitimacy in the public sector. In
Research Handbook on HRM in the Public Sector: Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management (pp. 189-201). Edward Elgar Publishing. Andersen, L. B., Brewer, G. A.
, & Leisink, P. L. M. (2021).
Stakeholders, public value(s), and public service performance. In P. Leisink, L. B. Andersen, G. A. Brewer, C. B. Jacobsen, E. Knies, & W. Vandenabeele (Eds.),
Managing for Public Service Performance: How People and Values Make a Difference (pp. 25-44). Oxford University Press., P., Andersen, L. B., Jacobsen, C. B.
, Knies, E., Brewer, G. A.
, Knies, E., & Vandenabeele, W. (2021).
Conclusion: Directions for future research and practice. In P. Leisink, L. B. Andersen, G. A. Brewer, C. B. Jacobsen, E. Knies, & W. Vandenabeele (Eds.),
Managing for Public Service Performance: How People and Values Make a Difference (pp. 297-316). Oxford University Press. Leisink, P. L. M., Bogh Andersen, L., Brewer, G., Jacobsen, C. B.
, Knies, E., & Vandenabeele, W. V. (2021).
Introduction: Managing for public service performance: How people and values make a difference. In
Managing for Public Service Performance: How People and Values Make a Difference (pp. 1-22). Oxford University Press. Leisink, P. L. M., Andersen, L. B., Brewer, G., Jacobsen, C. B.
, Knies, E., & Vandenabeele, W. V. (2021).
Managing for public service performance: How people and values make a difference. Oxford University Press. Leisink, P., Borst, R., Knies, E., & Battista, V. (2021).
Human Resource Management in a Public-Sector Context. In E. Parry, M. J. Morley, & C. Brewster (Eds.),
The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management (pp. 415-436). Oxford University Press. Leisink, P. L. M., Knies, E., & van Loon, N. (2021).
Does public service motivation matter? A study of participation in various volunteering domains.
International Public Management Journal,
24(6), 865-885 . 2020
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bos-Nehles, A. C., Trullen, J., Townsend, K., Bos-Nehles, A. C., Brees, J. R., De Winne, S. A., Hewett, R., Khoreva, V.
, Knies, E., Leisink, P., Marescaux, E.
, Penning De Vries, J., Salojärvi, S., Sikora, D., & Van Den Broeck, A. (2020).
Beyond HRM Implementation: New Avenues for Line Managers Through HRM Differentiation.
Proceedings - Academy of Management,
2020(1), Article 16519., E., Leisink, P., & van de Schoot, R. (2020).
People management: developing and testing a measurement scale.
International Journal of Human Resource Management,
31(6), 705-737. Vakpublicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Knies, E. (2020). Strategisch personeelsbeleid: Belangrijke maar lastige opdracht. De Nieuwe Meso, 7(3), 34-39.
Populariserende publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & Kraus-Hoogeveen, S. (2019). Frontline managers’ contribution to mission achievement: A study of how people management affects thoughtful care. In Human Service Organizations and the Question of Impact Routledge.
Andersen, L. B.
, Leisink, P., & Vandenabeele, W. (2019).
Public Personnel Policies and HRM: Developments Within the Field and in the (Long History) of the EGPA Study Group on Public Personnel Policy. In
Public Administration in Europe (pp. 123-134). (Governance and Public Management). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (2018). Boekbespreking van Linus Vanlaere, Roger Burggraeve en Nathalie Janssens de Bisthoven (2017). Gekkenwerk: Kleine ondeugden voor leraren. Leuven: Lannoo Campus. ISBN 9789401438001, 159 pag. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 34(2), 287-288.
Andersen, L. B., Leisink, P. L. M., & Vandenabeele, W. V. (2018). Human Resources Practices and Research in Europe. In N. Riccucci (Ed.), Public Personnel Management: Current Concerns, Future Challenges (pp. 12-27). Routledge.
Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & Kraus-Hoogeveen, S. (2018).
Frontline managers’ contribution to mission achievement: A study of how people management affects thoughtful care.
Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance,
42(2), 166-184. Leisink, P. L. M., & Knies, E. (2018).
Public Personnel Reforms and Public Sector HRM in Europe. In S. van Thiel, & E. Ongaro (Eds.),
Public administration and public management in Europe (1 ed., pp. 243-259). Palgrave. van Loon, N. M., Kjeldsen, A. M., Andersen, L.
, Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2018).
Only when the societal impact is high? A panel study of the relationship between public service motivation and perceived performance.
Review of Public Personnel Administration,
38(2)., P. (2018).
Work and citizenship in Europe. In M. Roche, & R. van Berkel (Eds.),
European Citizenship and Social Exclusion (pp. 51-65). Taylor and Francis - Balkema. Vakpublicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (2018). De school als lerende Organisatie: wat kunnen leiderschap en strategisch HRM bijdragen?. Paper presented at Nationale Schoolleiders Top, Apeldoorn, Netherlands.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Imants, J. (2018). Samenwerken aan beter onderwijs: Over de verhouding van SHRM en professional governance.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Imants, J. (2018). Samenwerken aan beter onderwijs: Een verkenning van de verhouding tussen strategisch personeelsbeleid (HRM) en professional governance in theorie en praktijk van het voortgezet onderwijs.
Populariserende publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (2018). SHRM is impuls voor professionele samenwerking. Katern Plus, 64.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Harten, E. J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (Accepted/In press). Dealing with a changing work environment: hospital job type contingencies. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 31(6), 647-664.
Taris, A. W., Leisink, P. L. M., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2017).
Applying Occupational Health Theories to Educator Stress: Contribution of the Job Demands-Resources Model. In T. McIntyre, S. McIntyre, & D. J. Francis (Eds.),
Educator Stress: An Occupational Health Perspective (pp. 237-259). (Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being). Springer. van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2017).
Clarifying the relationship between public service motivation and in-role and extra-role behaviours: The relative contributions of person-job and person-organization fit. American Review of Public Administration, 699–713. Vakpublicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Opsteen, J. (2017). Bewegen naar een professionele schoolorganisatie. De Nieuwe Meso, 4(3), 96-104.
Overige resultaten
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2017). Leadership behavior, goal commitment, and performance in a school context. Paper presented at Public Management Research Conference 2017, Washington, United States.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2017). How do supervisors add value to teachers’ teams’ quality of teaching?. Paper presented at Dutch HRM Network Conference.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2017). Leadership, goal commitment and goal clarity, and performance in a school context. Paper presented at European Group for Public Adminitration.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van Loon, N.
, Leisink, P. L. M., Knies, E., & Brewer, G. (2016).
Red Tape: developing and validating a new job-centered measure.
Public Administration Review,
76(4), 662-673., P. L. M. (Accepted/In press). The economic crisis in the Netherlands: Spurring public service and employment relations reform. In Public service management and employment relations in Europe: Emerging from the crisis? (pp. 164-190). Routledge.
van Harten, E. J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2016).
Employer's investments in hospital workers' employability and employment opportunities.
Personnel Review,
45(1), 84-102. Leisink, P., Alfes, K.
, Boselie, P., & Brewster, C. (2016).
Beyond the Private Sector: International HRM in the Not for Profit Sectors. In M. Dickmann, C. Brewster, & P. Sparrow (Eds.),
International Human Resource Management: Contemporary HR Issues in Europe (3 ed., pp. 145-168). Routledge. Vakpublicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., Knies, E., Oostvogel, K., & Aalbers, J. (2016). Strategisch HRM in het onderwijs. De Nieuwe Meso.
Overige resultaten
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2016). How do supervisors add value to teachers’ teams’ quality of teaching?. Paper presented at EGPA, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2016). School first-line managers’ contribution to performance. Paper presented at Public Management Research Conference, Aarhus.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Thijssen, J. G. L., Matthys, M., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2015).
Professionele identiteitsproblemen van sociale stijgers: Een theoretische verkenning.
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken,
31(1), 9-28. van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W., & Leisink, P. (2015).
On the bright and dark side of public service motivation: the relationship between PSM and employee wellbeing.
Public Money and Management,
35(5), 349-356. Populariserende publicaties
Boele, A. H., Leisink, P. L. M., De Moor, M., & Harkes, D. (2015). Zorgcoöperaties staan niet meer lijnrecht tegenover zorgorganisaties. Sociale vraagstukken website.
Overige resultaten
van Harten, E. J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2015). Employers’ investments in workers’ employability and employment opportunities: age as a moderator. Paper presented at academy of management annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2015). Strategic HRM policies and HRM implementation in secondary education: the role of school principals. Paper presented at 11th Transatlantic Dialogue 'Transforming the role of the public manager', Boston, United States.
van Harten, E. J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2015). Hospital workers’ employability and employment opportunities: an examination of the perceptions of various hospital occupational groups. Paper presented at Dutch HRM Network conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Thijssen, J. G. L., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2014).
Aging as a Career Development Challenge for Organizations. In
Handbook of Human Resource Development (pp. 263-280). Wiley-Blackwell. Knies, E., Leisink, P., & Thijssen, J. (2014).
The role of line managers in motivation of older workers. In M. Ball, D. Kooij, & D. Rousseau (Eds.),
Aging Workers and the Employee-Employer Relationship (pp. 73-86). Springer. Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2014).
Leadership Behavior in Public Organizations: A Study of Supervisory Support by Police and Medical Center Middle Managers.
Review of Public Personnel Administration,
34(2), 108-127. Leisink, P., Steen, T., & Van den Berg, C. (2014). The Netherlands. In M. Van Wart, A. Hondeghem, & E. Schwella (Eds.), Leadership and Culture: Comparative models of top civil servant training. (pp. 199-215). (Governance and public management). Palgrave.
Vandenabeele, W., Andersen, L. B.
, & Leisink, P. (2014).
Leadership in the Public Sector: A Tale of General Principles and Particular Features.
Review of Public Personnel Administration,
34(2), 79-83. Leisink, P., & Bach, S. (2014).
Economic crisis and municipal public service employment: comparing developments in seven EU Member States.
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research,
20(3), 327-342. Thijssen, J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2014). Aging as a career development challenge in organisations. In N. Chalofsky, T. Rocco, & L. Morris (Eds.), Handbook of human resource development (pp. 265-280). Wiley.
Weske, U., Leisink, P., & Knies, E. (2014).
Local government austerity policies in the Netherlands: the effectiveness of social dialogue in preserving public service employment.
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research,
20(3), 403-416. Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2014).
Linking people management and extra-role behaviour: Results of a longitudinal study.
Human Resource Management Journal,
24(1), 57-76. Overige resultaten
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2014). Public service performance and HRM in secondary education. Paper presented at NIG annual conference, Delft, Netherlands.
Knies, E., Leisink, P., & Kraus-Hoogeveen, S. I. (2014). People management and service performance in elderly care. Paper presented at Workshop motivation on leadership, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
van Harten, J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2014). Employer investments in hospital workers’ employability: a study of the potential benefits. 9-12.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2014). Strategic human resource management and public service performance in secondary education. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference, Speyer, Germany.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2014). Public Service Performance and HRM in secondary education. Paper presented at IIAS 2014 Internation Congress, Ifrane, Morocco.
van Loon, N., Vandenabeele, W., & Leisink, P. (2014). Sector or Service? PSM and performance in the public and private sector. Paper presented at ASPA 2014, Washington, D.C., United States.
van Loon, N., Bogh Andersen, L., Kjeldsen, A. M., Vandenabeele, W., & Leisink, P. (2014). Only when the societal impact is high? A panel study of the relationship between PSM and efficacy.. Paper presented at IRSPM, Ottowa, Canada.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P., Boselie, P., Van Bottenburg, M., & Hosking, D. M. (2013).
Preface. In
Managing Social Issues: A Public Values Perspective (pp. x-xi). Edward Elgar Publishing. Leisink, P., Boselie, P., Van Bottenburg, M., & Hosking, D. M. (2013).
Introduction. In
Managing Social Issues: A Public Values Perspective (pp. 1-16). Edward Elgar Publishing. Leisink, P., Boselie, P., Van Bottenburg, M., & Hosking, D. M. (2013).
Concluding analysis: A public values perspective. In
Managing Social Issues: A Public Values Perspective (pp. 258-273). Edward Elgar Publishing. Thijssen, J. G. L., Leisink, P. L. M., & van der Heijden, B. I. J. M. (2013). Betekenis van opleiding en ervaring voor inzetbaarheid op oudere leeftijd. In A. de Lange, & B. van der Heijden (Eds.), Een levenlang inzetbaar? Duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk: Interventies, best practices en integrale benadering (pp. 377-403). Vakmedianet.
Leisink, P. L. M., Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., van Bottenburg, M., & Hosking, D. M. (2013). Managing Social Issues. A Public Values Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M., Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., van Bottenburg, M., & Hosking, D. M. (2013). Introduction to managing social issues. In P. L. M. Leisink, J. P. P. E. F. Boselie, M. van Bottenburg, & D. M. Hosking (Eds.), Managing social issues: A public values perspective. (pp. 1-16). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Vandenabeele, W. V., Leisink, P. L. M., & Knies, E. (2013). Public value creation and strategic human resource management: Public service motivation as a linking mechanism. In P. L. M. Leisink, J. P. P. F. Boselie, M. van Bottenburg, & D. M. Hosking (Eds.), Managing Social Issues: A Public Values Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing.
van Loon, N. M., Leisink, P. L. M., & Vandenabeele, W. V. (2013). Talking the Talk of Public Service Motivation:How Public Organization Logics Matter for Employees' Expressions of PSM. International Journal of Public Administration, 36(14), 1-13.
Kim, S., Vandenabeele, W. V., Wright, B. E., Andersen, L. B., Cerase, F., Christensen, R. K., Desmarais, C., Koumenta, M., Leisink, P. L. M., Bancheng, L., Palidauskaite, J., Pedersen, L. H., Perry, J. L., Ritz, A., Taylor, J., & de Vivo, P. (2013). Investigating the structure and meaning of public service motivation across populations: developing an international instrument and addressing issues of measurement invariance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 23(1), 79-102.
Leisink, P. L. M., Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., van Bottenburg, M., & Hosking, D. M. (2013). Concluding analysis: Managing social issues. In P. L. M. Leisink, J. P. P. E. F. Boselie, M. van Bottenburg, & D. M. Hosking (Eds.), Managing social issues: A public values perspective. (pp. 258-274). Edward Elgar Publishing.
van Berkel, H. H. A., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2013). Both sides now: theoretical perspectives on the link between social and HR policies in promoting labour market participation. In P. Leisink, P. Boselie, M. van Bottenburg, & D. Hosking (Eds.), Managing social issues. A public value perspective (pp. 143-162). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M., Weske, U., & Knies, E. (2013). Social dialogue and the public services in the aftermath of the economic crisis: strengthening partnership in an era of austerity in the Netherlands. KIng's College.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2013). Arbeidsverhoudingen bij de overheid: bezuinigingen als kans voor vernieuwing? In R. Bekker (Ed.), Staat van de ambtelijke dienst (pp. 130-133). CAOP.
van Harten, E. J., Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. G. L. (2013). Rapportage duurzame inzetbaarheid RdGG TOTAAL. Reinier de Graaf Groep.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2013). Personeelsbeleid 2.0. VO-academie Magazine, (September 2013), 32-33.
van Harten, E. J., Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. G. L. (2013). Eindrapportage duurzame inzetbaarheid StAZ. Stichting Arbeidsmarkt Ziekenhuizen.
Overige resultaten
van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2013). Can you do what you want to do? How person-environment fit mediates the relationship between PSM and performance. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA conference, Edinburgh.
Buers, C. C. E., & Leisink, P. (2013). With a little help from my supervisor? A longitudinal study on whether and how internships influence the school-to-work transition of young vocational education graduates. Paper.. Paper presented at HRM network, Leuven.
van Harten, E. J., Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. G. L. (2013). Investing in the employability of hospital workers: a study of the influence of job and organizational characteristics. Paper.. Paper presented at Work, Employment and Society Congres, Warwick.
Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & van de Schoot, A. G. J. (2013). People management: The development of a measurement scale. Paper. Paper presented at The 8th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Leuven.
van Harten, E. J., Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. G. L. (2013). Supporting the employability of hospital employees: a study of the influence of job and organizational characteristics. Paper.. Paper presented at Dutch HRM Network Congres, Leuven.
van Loon, N. M., Leisink, P. L. M., & Vandenabeele, W. V. (2013). Public service motivation and performance: does the relationship differ between the private and public sector?Paper.. Paper presented at PSM conference, Utrecht.
Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & Kraus-Hoogeveen, S. I. (2013). People management and service performance in elderly homes. Paper.. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida.
van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2013). Can you do what you want to do? How person-environment fit mediates the relationship between PSM and performance. Paper.. Paper presented at IRSPM conference, Praag.
van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2013). Public value-based Performance: The development and validation of a measurement scale. Paper.. Paper presented at PMRC conference, Madison Wisconsin.
Buers, C. C. E., & Leisink, P. (2013). With a little help from my supervisor?A longitudinal study on whether and how internships influence the school-to-work transition of young vocational education graduates. Paper.. Paper presented at Nederlandse dag van de sociologie, Nijmegen.
van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2013). Public Service Motivation: On the Bright or the Dark Side of the Moon? The contingency of PSM's employee wellbeing outcomes on institutional context. Paper.. Paper presented at EGPA conference, Edinburgh.
Leisink, P. L. M., Knies, E., Bach, S., Bordogna, L., Kessler, I., Neri, S., Stroleny, A., & Weske, U. (2013). Are there possibilities to influence austerity policy outcomes? A comparative study of social dialogue in Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. Paper.. Paper presented at The 10th European Conference of ILERA, Amsterdam.
Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & Kraus-Hoogeveen, S. I. (2013). Public service improvement: a study of people management and elderly care workers' service performance. Paper.. Paper presented at The EGPA Annual Conference, Edinburgh.
Leisink, P. L. M., van Loon, N. M., Knies, E., & Brewer, G. (2013). How does red tape affect government employees in various job domains? Paper. Paper presented at IRSPM XVII conference, Praag.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Vandenabeele, W. V., Steijn, B., Leisink, P. L. M., Cerase, F., Egger-Peitler, I., Hammerschmid, G., Meyer, R., & Ritz, A. (2012). Public service motivation and job satisfaction in various European countries : a tale of caution and hope. In G. Tria, & G. Valotti (Eds.), Reforming the public sector: how to achieve better transparency, service, and leadership (pp. 68-95). Brookings Institution.
Knies, E., Leisink, P. L. M., & Boselie, J. P. P. E. F. (2012). A high performance work system in a multi-stakeholder context. In T. Dundon, & A. Wilkinson (Eds.), Case Studies in Global Management: Strategy, Innovation and People Management (pp. 247-258). Victoria: Tilde Publishing.
Overige resultaten
Vandenabeele, W. V., Leisink, P. L. M., & Knies, E. (2012). Public service performance and management strategy: public service motivation as a linking pin between strategic human resource management and public value(s). Paper. Paper presented at NIG 9th Annual work conference, Leuven.
van Loon, N. M., Leisink, P. L. M., & Vandenabeele, W. V. (2012). Showing diversity in public service motivation: The role of 'contributing to society' for public employees working on safety, welfare, education and policy development. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA, Annual Conference, Bergen, Norway.
van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2012). The mediating effect of person-job fit on the relationship between public service motivation and performance. Paper. Paper presented at NIG Annual Work Conference, Leuven.
van Loon, N. M., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2012). PSM and individual performance: The mediating effect of person-environment fit on various conceptions of individual performance.. Paper presented at The Aarhus seminar, Aarhus.
van Loon, N. M., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2012). How do civil servants perceive red tape and its impact on their work? A qualitative study at a Dutch ministry. Paper. Paper presented at IRSPM, Rome.
van Harten, E. J., Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. (2012). Sustainable employability of nurses and paramedical employees. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA, Annual Conference, Bergen, Norway.
Buers, C. C. E., Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., Leisink, P. L. M., & Schippers, J. (2012). People management: a stepping stone for early career success of intermediate vocational students? Paper. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference, Bergen, Norway.
Buers, C. C. E., Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., Leisink, P. L. M., & Schippers, J. (2012). People management: a stepping stone for early labour market success? Paper. Paper presented at EGPA, Annual Conference, Bergen, Norway.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
de Lange, W. A. M., Leisink, P. L. M., & Knies, E. (2011). Lerend vernieuwen in de praktijk: fundamenteel vernieuwen van HRM-beleid bij Achmea. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 14(3), 70-88.
Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., Leisink, P. L. M., & Vandenabeele, W. V. (2011). Human resource management. In M. Noordegraaf, K. Geuijen, & A. Meijer (Eds.), Handboek Publiek Management (pp. 315-338). Boom Lemma.
Populariserende publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (2011).
Waiting for age-related HR-policies that support employability. Dutch HRM-Network. Website, Leisink, P. L. M. (2011). Nieuwe werken is moeilijk in wetgeving vast te leggen. SC online, 2.
Overige resultaten
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2011). The linking pin between people management and extra-role behaviour: a longitudinal study using the AMO framework. Paper. Paper presented at 7th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Groningen.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Knies, E. (2011). Work-life stage diversity and people management support for employees. Paper. Paper presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2011). People management and diversity: chicken or egg? Results of a longitudinal study of line managers' activities and diversity. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference, Bucharest.
Leisink, P. L. M., & van Loon, N. M. (2011). Can public service motivation explain variance in volunteering activities of public service employees? Paper. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference, Bucharest.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2011). Bijdrage aan film 'samenhangend inzetbaarheidsbeleid' van het Verbond van Verzekeraars.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2011). Can public sector middle managers make a difference? Paper. Paper presented at 8th NIG Annual Work Conference, Rotterdam.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., Knies, E., & de Lange, W. A. M. (2010). Levensfasebewust diversiteitbeleid: de vernieuwing van HR-beleid bij verzekeraar Achmea. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 13(4), 53-85.
Farnham, D., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Personnel policies in public administration 1975-2010: from personnel management to Human Resource Management to sustainable people management. In G. Bouckaert, & W. van de Donk (Eds.), The European Group for Public Administration (1975-2010) Perspectives for the Future (pp. 281-288). Bruylant.
Overige resultaten
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Line managers’ people management activities from two perspectives. Paper. Paper presented at USG Conference ‘ Public Matters’, Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Lid bestuur Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arbeidsverhoudingen.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Verwerving subsidie van focusgebied CSC voor aio-project “All is well that begins well? Early career and sustainable labour participation of MBO graduates” (i.s.m. J. Schippers).
Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). External advisor to financial service firm Achmea on Diversity Policy and other issues related to Social Innovation.
Steijn, B., Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). The relationship between public service motivation and civil servants’ job satisfaction in various European countries. Paper. Paper presented at 14th Annual Conference IRSPM, Bern.
van Berkel, H. H. A., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Both sides now: theoretical perspectives on the link between social and HR policies in managing employment issues. Paper. Pp. 23. Paper presented at USG conference 'Public Matters', Utrecht.
Vandenabeele, W. V., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Developing public human capital management: merging public service motivation and public values into an integrative strategic HRM framework. Paper. Paper presented at USG Conference 'Public Matters, Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Knies, E. (2010). Work-life stage diversity: a meaningful concept for personnel policies? Paper.. Paper presented at EGPA 2010 Annual Conference, Toulouse.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). People management and diversity: chicken or egg? Results of a longitudinal study of line managers’ activities and diversity. Paper. Paper presented at the NIG Conference, Maastricht.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Lid bestuur Dutch HRM Network.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). Co-chair Study Group Public Personnel Policies of the European Group of Public Administration.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2010). People management activities in a financial service firm. Paper. Paper presented at Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Steijn, B., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2009). Gemotiveerd voor de publieke zaak? : public Service Motivation in Nederland. Bestuurswetenschappen, 63(1), 10-28.
Raffel, J. A., Leisink, P. L. M., & Middlebrooks, A. E. (2009). Conclusion. In J. A. Raffel, P. Leisink, & A. E. Middlebrooks (Eds.), Public sector leadership : international challenges and perspectives (pp. 377-387). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Raffel, J. A.
, Leisink, P. L. M., & Middlebrooks, A. E. (2009).
Introduction. In J. A. Raffel, P. Leisink, & A. E. Middlebrooks (Eds.),
Public sector leadership : international challenges and perspectives (pp. 1-32). Edward Elgar Publishing., P. L. M., & Steijn, B. (2009).
Public service motivation and job performance of public sector employees in the Netherlands.
International Review of Administrative Sciences,
75(1), 35-52. Raffel, J. A.
, Leisink, P. L. M., & Middlebrooks, A. E. (2009).
Public sector leadership : international challenges and perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Drs. Walter, E. M., Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. G. L. (2009). Wat werknemers van hun loopbaan verwachten. Universiteit Utrecht, departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2009). Competency-based management in the national government of the Netherlands.Dutch Report for the OECD-Study 'Competnecy management in the public sector. USBO.
Populariserende publicaties
Overige resultaten
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2009).
People management activities of police and healthcare middle managers. Paper. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference Reinventing Government in the Information Age, Malta. Vandenabeele, W. V., Steijn, B., Egger-Peitler, I., Hammerschmid, G., Meyer, R., Camilleri, E., Cerase, F.
, Leisink, P. L. M., Ritz, A., & Hondeghem, A. (2009).
Comparing public service motivation within various Europe countries: do institutional environments make a difference ? Paper. Paper presented at International Public Service Motivation Conference, Bloomington, United States. Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2009).
Do tailor-made employment conditions help to enhance team diversity? Paper. Paper presented at 6th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Amsterdam. 2008
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Steijn, B. (2008). Public Service Motivation, Recruitment, Attraction an Selection. In J. Perry, & A. Hondeghem (Eds.), Motivation in public management. The call of public service (pp. 118-135). Oxford University Press.
Knies, E., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2008). Wie wil er (nou) voor de overheid werken? Bestuurswetenschappen, 4, 14-36.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M. (2008). Shareholders and stakeholders: guarding public interests in and around firms. Paper. Paper presented at Conference 'Governance of the modern firm', Utrecht, faculteit REBO, UU.
Vandenabeele, W. V., Steijn, B., Camilleri, E., Cerase, F., Egger-Peitler, I., Hammerschmid, G., Hondeghem, A., Leisink, P. L. M., Meyer, R., & Ritz, A. (2008). Comparing public service motivation within various European countries: do institutional environments make a difference? Paper. Paper presented at EGPA Conference, Rotterdam.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P., Steijn, B., & Veersma, U. (2007). Industrial relations in the new Europe: Introduction. In Industrial Relations in the New Europe: Enlargement, Integration and Reform (pp. 1-19). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M., Steijn, B., & Veersma, U. (2007). Industrial Relations in the New Europe: Enlargement, Integration and Reform. In P. Leisink, B. Steijn, & U. Veersma (Eds.), Industrial Relations in the New Europe: Enlargement, Integration and Reform (pp. 1-19). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M., Steijn, B., & Veersma, U. (2007). Industrial Relations in the New Europe: Enlargement, Integration and Reform. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Greenwood, I. (2007). Company-level Strategies for Raising Basic Skills: A Comparison of Corus Netherlands and UK. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13(3), 341-360.
Steijn, B., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2007). Public management reforms and public sector employment relations in the Netherlands. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20(1), 34-47.
Leisink, P. L. M., Steijn, B., & Veersma, U. (2007). Concluding Analysis. In P. Leisink, B. Steijn, & U. Veersma (Eds.), Industrial Relations in the New Europe: Enlargement, Integration and Reform (pp. 235-256)
Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. G. L. (2007). Van vervroegd uitstromen naar langer doorwerken. In W. de Lange, & J. G. L. Thijssen (Eds.), De waardevolle senior: personeelsbeleid voor oudere werknemers (pp. 9-20). WEKA.
Thijssen, J. G. L., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2007). Ervaringspatroon en beroepsmatige obsolitie van oudere werknemers. In W. de Lange, & J. G. L. Thijssen (Eds.), De waardevolle senior: personeelsbeleid voor oudere werknemers (pp. 81-94). WEKA.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M. (2007). The credibility of the Dutch Government's call for social policy transformation. Paper. Paper presented at International Conference 3th Transatlantic Dialogue, University of Delaware, Newark, USA.
Leisink, P. L. M., Knies, E., & Drs. Walter, E. M. (2007). Making a difference: line managers' activities towards older workers. Paper. Paper presented at 5th Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Tilburg.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2007). Chair Workshop Leading in a Multi-Sector Environment. Paper presented at International Conference Leading the Future of the Public Sector, University of Delaware, Newark, USA.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2007). Collaborative leadership when public policy realization depends on private organizations'responsiveness'. Paper. Paper presented at International Workshop Leadership, Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2007, Jun 6). Deelname aan Forum 'Utrechtse Kansen' over vergrijzing en de aantrekkelijkheid vn het voortgezet onderwijs.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Steijn, B. (2007). Motivated to do the right thing? Paper. Paper presented at European Group of Public Administration, annual conference, Madrid.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., Thijssen, J. G. L., & Drs. Walter, E. M. (2006). Retention or retirement: the relevance of line managers. In Older workers, new directions; employment and development in an ageing labour market. (pp. 1-12). Florida International University.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Self-Managing Teams: Practice and Rhetoric of Organisational Performance and Bonding. In V. B. Hees, & P. Verweel (Eds.), Deframing Organisational Concepts (pp. 49-69). Liber and Copenhagen Business School Press.
Steijn, B., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Organizational Commitment among Dutch public sector employees. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 72(2), 187-201.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Thijssen, J. G. L. (2006). Ouderenbeleid in ontwikkeling: orientatie op een veelbewogen thema. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 9(1), 21-41.
Steijn, B., van der Parre, P., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). 'Forse' ambtenaren? De effecten bij HRM bij de Rijksoverheid. Bestuurskunde, 15(3), 38-44.
Steijn, B., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). L'engagement organisationnel du personnel du secteur public neerlandais. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, 72(2), 195-211.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Co-Chair Study Group Public Personnel Policies, European Group of Public Administration.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Chair Working Programme CERES.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Lid Adviescommissie Strategisch Onderzoeksbeleid Focus en Massa UU.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Lid Kenniskring Kenniscirculatie Hogeschool Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Member of Editorial Board: Responsible Organization Review.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Reviewer International Public Management Journal.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Reviewer of the European journal of industrial relations.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Reviewer Public Administration.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Member of Editorial Board.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2006). Public Identity and Human Resource Practices: The case of age-related personnel policies in the Netherlands. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference, Milan.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Steijn, B. (2005). The Netherlands: modernisation, participation and strategic choice. In D. Franham, A. Hondeghem, & S. Horton (Eds.), Staff participation and Public Management Reform: Some International Comparisons (pp. 199-213). Palgrave.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Hyman, R. (2005). Introduction: The dual evolution of Europeanization and varieties of governance. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11(3), 1-10.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2005). Stop met klassieke cao-afspraken. Personeelbeleid, 10, 32-37.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M., & Greenwood, I. (2005). Company level strategies for raising basic skills. Paper presented at International workshop 'The industrial relations of training in Europe', Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK.
Steijn, B., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2005). Organizational commitment among Dutch public sector employees. Paper presented at EGPA Annual Conference, Bern, Switzerland.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2005). Organisaties en het maatschappelijk belang van personeelsbeleid. USBO.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (2004). The Information Industry: Towards Post-Fordist Employment Relations? In J. Lind, H. Knudsen, & H. Jorgensen (Eds.), Labour and Employment Regulation in Europe (pp. 71-89). P.I.E.-Pieter Lang.
Leisink, P. L. M., Manders, A. J. C., & Spaninks, L. (2004). The industrial relations of lifelong learning at Corus NL. (National Report, part of the European Learnpartner project, commissioned by the European Commission). USBO.
van Wijk, E. B., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2004). On becoming a freelance creative professional. In T. Elgaard Jensen, & A. Westenholz (Eds.), Identity in the age of the new economy (pp. 99-121). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2004). Can public management reform be allied with staff participation? The case of public bus transport in the Netherlands. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 24(4), 348-360.
van der Velde, M. E. G., Leisink, P. L. M., Thijssen, J. G. L., de Vries, H., & Drs. Walter, E. M. (2004). Manager bemoeit zich niet met vervroegd uittreden. Gids voor Personeelsmanagement, 63(11), 28-31.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M. (2004). Do public personnel policies aim at nourishing public service motivation?. Paper presented at Paper EGPA Annual Conference, Llubljana, Slovenia, Llubljana, Slovenia.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Steijn, B. (2004). Public management reform and staff participation: the case of civil service modernisation in the Netherlands. Paper presented at EGPA Study Group Personnel Policies, Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgie.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2004). Chair of the Organising Committee of the Industrial Relations in Europe 2004 Conference. Paper presented at EGPA Conference, Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2004). Co-Chair of the Workshop 'IR and HRM: a critical assessment of ideological and theoretical rifts and/or shifts. Paper presented at IREC 2004 Conference, Utrecht University, Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2004). Governance issues in shifting employment and industrial relations. Paper presented at Inleiding IREC 2004 Conference, Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. (2003).
Making sense of democratic participation in the dutch information and communications industry. In
New Frontiers of Democratic Participation at Work (pp. 99-125). Taylor and Francis - Balkema. Leisink, P. L. M., Koot, W., & Verweel, P. (2003). Organizational relationships in the Networking Age. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Boessenkool, J. H., Leisink, P. L. M., & Verweel, P. (2003). Commitment and Community in Organizations. In W. Koot, P. L. M. Leisink., & P. Verweel (Eds.), Organizational relationships in the Networking Age (pp. 21-43). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2003). Making sense of democratic participation in the information and communication industry. In M. Gold (Ed.), New frontiers of democratic participation at work (pp. 101-125). Ashgate.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Lind, J. (2003). Prospects for the social conditions and the role of work in the Italian and European Society. Transfer, 9(3), 583-587.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Leisink, H. (2002). Arbeidsverhoudingen in de Grafimedia-sector. Toenemende differentiatie: het einde van de CAO als integratiekader? In A. Nagelkerke, & T. Wilthagen (Eds.), Arbeidsverhoudingen in ontwikkeling (pp. 19-41). Kluwer.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2002). The European Sectoral Social Dialogue and the Graphical Industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 8, 99-115.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2002). Multimedia Clusters: do regional policies have a critical edge? TIC. Trends in communication, 10, 115-127.
Stevens, B., Leisink, P. L. M., & Spaninks, L. (2002). Trade unions, partnership and the learning agenda - the steel and metal sector in the Netherlands. Utrecht School of Governance.
Batenburg, R. S., Benders, J., van den Heuvel, N., Leisink, P. L. M., & Onstenk, J. (2002). Arbeid en ICT in onderzoek. Lemma.
Stevens, B., Leisink, P. L. M., & Spaninks, L. (2002). Employability and lifelong learning in the Netherlands: institutional actors' policies and workplace practice. Utrecht School of Governance.
Batenburg, R. S., Benders, J., van den Heuvel, N., Leisink, P. L. M., & Onstenk, J. (2002). Arbeid en ICT in onderzoek. Ontwikkelingen op de Nederlandse onderzoeksagenda. In R. S. Batenburg, J. Benders, N. van den Heuvel, P. L. M. Leisink, & J. Onstenk (Eds.), Arbeid en ICT in onderzoek (pp. 17-33). Lemma.
Verweel, P., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2002). Cultuurverandering in organisaties. Kluwer.
Populariserende publicaties
Verweel, P., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2002). Identification in organizations. Daily Deyanat Karachi.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M. (2002). The information industry - new employment relationships?. Paper presented at IREC 2002 Conference (IREC= Industrial Relations in the European Community), Aalborg (Denemarken).
van Wijk, E. B., & Leisink, P. L. M. (2002). Identities and commitments of creative professionals. Paper presented at 18th EGOS Colloquium (European Group of Organization Studies), Barcelona (Spain).
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (2001). Multimedia clusters and business development in the Netherlands. In P. Herder, & W. Thissen (Eds.), Critical Infrastructures (pp. 1-12). Lemma.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2001). Multimedia clusters and business development in the Netherlands. In P. Herder, & W. Thissen (Eds.), Critical Infrastructures; Final Programme & Book of Abstracts. 5th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation (pp. 181-182). Lemma.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2001). Bookreview Silicon Valley in de polder; ICT-clusters in de Lage Landen. I & I : kwartaalreeks over informatie en informatiebeleid, 46-49.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M. (2001). Making sense of participation and new employment relationships in the information and communication industry. Paper presented at 2nd Dutch HRM Network Conference 'Organisational Renewal: Challenging Human Resource Management', Nijmegen.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2001). The hybridization of employee participation: is the information and communication industry the precursor of new employment relationships?. Paper presented at International Workshop 'New Roads in Worker Participation'., Nijmegen, School of Management.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (2000). 'Multimedia en regionaal ontwikkelingsbeleid'. I & I : kwartaalreeks over informatie en informatiebeleid, 18(6), 34-39.
Leisink, P. L. M. (2000). 'Multimedia industry networks and regional economic development policies. The case of the Netherlands. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 69(4), 575-587.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Leisink, H. (2000). 'Modernisering van de Grafimedia-CAO in de jaren negentig; toenemende differentiatie: het einde van de CAO als integratiekader?'. Sociaal Maandblad Arbeid, 55(5), 197-207.
Leisink, P. L. M., Teunen, J., & Boumans, J. (2000). Multimedia: de pioniersfase voorbij. Organisatiestrategie en personeelsbeleid rond multimedia in de media- en informatie-industrie. GOC.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M., & Verweel, P. (2000). Binding in organisaties. Paper presented at Conferentie 'Nieuwe organisatiebindingen', Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Verweel, P. (2000). New Forms of identification in organisations?!. Paper presented at Conferentie 'Shifting alliances and passing partnerships: towards new forms of organisational idfentification in a fragmenting society', Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). The international restructuring of the media industries. In P. L. M. Leisink (Ed.), Globalization and Labour Relations (pp. 158-192). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). Introduction. In P. L. M. Leisink (Ed.), Globalization and Labour Relations (pp. 1-35). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). Globalization and Labour Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). The impact of information communication technologies on publishing and the graphical industry. International Labour Office.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). Sociale ontwikkelingen op de grens van de 21e eeuw. In Jaarverslag 1998 (pp. 10-12). Rabobank Altena-Biesbosch.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). The prospects of the Europeanization of collective bargaining in the printing and publishing industry. In A. Chouraqui, R. Tchobanian, & S. Defontaine (Eds.), IREC 1999 Conference Proceedings. Employment relatiosn: regulation and deregulation in Europe. IREC.
Overige resultaten
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). The future of the graphical industry in the Information Society. Paper presented at Seminar on The fuure of the graphical industry in the information society, Springen (Dld).
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). The prospects of the Europeanization of collective bargaining in the printing and publishing industry. Paper presented at Conference on Employment Relations: regulation and deregulation in Europe, Aix en Provence.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1999). Multimedia industry networks and regional development policies; the case of the Netherlands. Paper presented at International Workshop 'New media industry development: regions, networks and hierarchies, Stockholm.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Geerlof, J. (1998). National perspectives: The Netherlands. In K. le Blansch (Ed.), Growth and Patterns of Self-Employment (pp. 36-56). B&A Groep.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1998). Convergence and flexibility in the media industries call for a new organizational logic of businesses and social actors. Labour Education, (110-111), 24-29.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1998). From Media to Multimedia Industry in the Netherlands. Medien Journal - Zeitschrift fur Kommunikationskultur, 22(1), 25-33.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1998). Netwerkorganisatie in de multimedia-industrie. I & I : kwartaalreeks over informatie en informatiebeleid, 16(4), 38-43.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1998). Multimedia: Bedrijven, Werknemers en Opleidingen. In P. L. M. Leisink, J. Boumans, & J. Teunen (Eds.), De multimedia sector in beeld (pp. 27-56). GOC.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M. (1997). Educational Politics, Division of Labour and Emancipation. In R. F. Farnen, & H. Suenker (Eds.), Politics, Sociology and Economics of Education: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives (pp. 129-140). Macmillan.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1997). New union constituencies call for differentiated agendas and democratic participation. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 3(3), 534-550.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1997). Burgerschap, inburgering en werken in Nederland. In M. C. Foblets, & B. Hubeau (Eds.), Nieuwe burgers in de samenleving? Burgerschap en inburgering in Belgie en Nederland (pp. 115-130). Acco.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1997). Multimedia convergence and labour relations: effects, policies and prospects for economic and social innovation. In ILO (Ed.), Symposium on Multimedia Convergence (pp. 111-116). ILO.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1997). Bookreview Industrial Relations in Europe; Traditions and Transitions. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 13, 283-284.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., van Leemput, J., & Vilrokx, J. (1996). Introduction. In P. Leisink, J. van Leemput, & J. Vilrokx (Eds.), The Challenges to Trade Unions in Europe. Innovation and Adaptation (pp. 1-27). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1996). Trade Unions and Worker Participation in the Netherlands. In G. Kester, & H. Pinaud (Eds.), Trade Unions and Democratic Participation in Europe (pp. 95-103). Avebury.
Leisink, P. L. M., van Leemput, J., & Vilrokx, J. (1996). The Challenges to Trade Unions in Europe. Innovation or Adaptation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1996). Arbeidsverhoudingen. In L. Beukema, H. Coenen, & B. Valkenburg (Eds.), Arbeid en modernisering. Een inleiding in de sociaal-wetenschappelijke bestudering van arbeidsvraagstukken (pp. 53-73). Lemma.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1996). Trade Union-University Relations in the Netherlands: From Committed Cooperation to Contract Research. In G. Kester, & H. Pinaud (Eds.), Trade Unions and Democratic Participation in Europe (pp. 233-239). Avebury.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1996). The Wavering Innovation of Trade Union Policy: The Case of Ecological and Occupational Issues. In P. Leisink, J. van Leemput, & J. Vilrokx (Eds.), The Challenges to Trade Unions in Europe. Innovation and Adaptation (pp. 123-137). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1996). Dutch and Flemish Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 2(1), 69-92.
Leisink, P. L. M., van Deutekom, J., & Spaninks, L. (1996). Modernisering CAO Papiergroothandel. Universiteit Utrecht.
Leisink, P. L. M., van Leemput, J., & Vilrokx, J. (1996). Zullen ze doorgaan? Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid, Vorming : Nieuwsbrief Steunpunt WAV, 108-111.
Leisink, P. L. M., Snel, J. J., Le Blansch, K., & Verweel, P. (1996). Tijd voor medezeggenschap. Een onderzoek naar het functioneren van dienstcommissies bij de Universiteit Utrecht. Centrum voor Beleid en Management/Vakgroep ASW.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Coenen, H. M. J. (1995). Werk en burgerschap. Tijdschrift voor Arbeid en Bewustzijn, 19(1), 24-37.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1995). Les relations entre les syndicats et les universitis aux Pays-Bas: de la cooperation engagie au contrat de recherche. In G. Kester, & H. Pinaud (Eds.), Syndicats et participation dimocratique (pp. 271-277). L'Harmattan.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1995). The assessment of social policy in the steel industry. The case of the Netherlands. In A. Ferner, E. Keep, & J. Waddington (Eds.), ECSC Readaptation Measures in the Restructuring of the European Coal and Steal Industries: final report IRRU, University of Warwick.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1995). We gaan ervoor! Waarvoor eigenlijk? De Parasol : Faculteitskrant Sociale Wetenschappen, 1(7).
Leisink, P. L. M. (1995). Autonomie en nieuwe arbeidsverhoudingen in de zakelijke dienstverlening. In J. van Dijck, E. Henderickx, & J. van Hoof (Eds.), Baas over de eigen (loop)baan (pp. 62-76). Educatieve Partners Nederland.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1995). Les syndicats et la participation des salariis aux Pays-Bas. In G. Kester, & H. Pinaud (Eds.), Syndicats et participation dimocratique (pp. 119-128). L'Harmattan.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1995). Vakbondswerk in de onderneming: tussen ledenwerving en emancipatie. In H. Coenen (Ed.), De vakbeweging na 2000 (pp. 110-141). Jan van Arkel.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Valkenburg, B. (1994). Betriebliche Demokratie zwischen Gruppeninteresse und Emanzipation. In P. Alheit (Ed.), Von der Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Bildungsgesellschaft? (pp. 382-397). Universitdt Bremen.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1994). Boekbespreking van G. Szill (ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Participation and Co-Management. Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur Rundschau, 17, 137-140.
Leisink, H., & Leisink, P. L. M. (1994). Solidariteit, samenwerking en strijd. In P. L. M. Leisink, & H. Leisink (Eds.), 't Schild der solidariteit: een sociaal-historische studie van 125 jaar grafische arbeidsverhoudingen en vakbondswerk (pp. 21-59). Stichting FNV Pers/Druk en Papier FNV.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1994). National Development and Social Rights of Citizens: The Prospect of Europe. Bulgarian Sociological Review, XVIII(4-5), 110-122.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Spaninks, L. (1994). Arbeidsverhoudingen zonder collectieve regulering. Tijdschrift voor Arbeid en Bewustzijn, 18(1), 34-40.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Leisink, H. (1994). Belangenbehartiging tussen centrale dienstverlening en locale ledenparticipatie. In P. L. M. Leisink, & H. Leisink (Eds.), 't Schild der solidariteit: een sociaal-historische studie van 125 jaar grafische arbeidsverhoudingen en vakbondswerk (pp. 61-123). Stichting FNV Druk/Pers en Papier FNV.
Leisink, P. L. M., & van Dijk, T. (1994). Tussen zelfstandigheid en afhankelijkheid. Een onderzoek naar de videografie. Universiteit Utrecht/STAB.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1994). Boekbespreking van U. Veersma, Technologie en Arbeid in Verandering. Tijdschrift voor Arbeid en Bewustzijn, 18, 57-62.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1994). Bildungspolitik, Spaltung des Arbeitsmarktes und Emanzipation. In H. S|nker, D. Timmermann, & F. Kolbe (Eds.), Bildung, Gesellschaft, soziale Ungleichheit (pp. 145-171). Suhrkamp.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Leisink, H. (1994). 't Schild der solidariteit: een sociaal-historische studie van 125 jaar grafische arbeidsverhoudingen en vakbondswerk. Stichting FNV Pers/Druk en Papier FNV.
Leisink, P. L. M., & Leisink, H. (1994). Inleiding : 't Schild der solidariteit. In P. L. M. Leisink, & H. Leisink (Eds.), 't Schild der solidariteit: een sociaal-historische studie van 125 jaar grafische arbeidsverhoudingen en vakbondswerk (pp. 9-19). Stichting FNV Pers/Druk en Papier FNV.
Leisink, P. L. M., & van Dijk, T. (1994). Grensverleggende activiteiten van uitgeverijen. Universiteit Utrecht/STAB.
Leisink, P. L. M. (1994). Grensverleggende activiteiten van uitgeverijen en innovatief vakbondsbeleid. In FNV Kiem (Ed.), De toon gezet - het beeld bepaald. (pp. 49-55). FNV KIEM.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Leisink, P. L. M., & Coenen, H. (1993). Work and citizenship in the New Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing.