Dr. Patrick Witte

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 6.18
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Patrick Witte

Universitair hoofddocent
Spatial Planning
030 253 7336

PhD supervision (as co-promotor)

- E. Punt on governance of critical infrastructures in port cities (1st promotor: J. Monstadt) [planned graduation 2025]
- G.J. Dral on governance, democracy and participation (1st promotor: T. Hartmann) [part-time PhD student]
- H. Chai on smart community planning in China (1st promotor: S. Geertman) [planned graduation 2025]
- K. Snel on the FLOODLABEL project (1st promotor: S. Geertman) [November 2021]
- H. Jiang on smart urban governance (1st promotor: S. Geertman) [March 2021]
- G. Suprayoga on sustainable road infrastructure in Indonesia (1st promotor: T. Spit) [November 2020]
- E. Rindrasih on tourism and risk management in Indonesia (1st promotor: A. Zoomers) [January 2020]
- Delphine on governance of megaprojects in Indonesia (1st promotor: T. Spit) [November 2019]
- H. Yang on High Speed Rail development in China (1st promotor: M. Dijst) [May 2018]


PhD examination

- N. Talib on the political geographies of mega infrastructure (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
- M. Robbith Subandi on tourism and Covid-19 in Indonesia (1st promotor R. v/d Duim). [defense November 29, 2023] – Wageningen University and Research (Wageningen)
- A. Khaslavskaya on dry ports in Sweden (1st promotor V. Roso). [defense April 21, 2023] – Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (Sweden)
- W. Wang on land value capture in China (1st promotor T. Spit). [defense July 13, 2022] – Utrecht University (Utrecht)


Editorial functions

- Editorial board member of Urban Planning (2023-present)
- INPlanning: editorial board member for Utrecht University (2018-present)
- Computers, Environments and Urban Systems (guest editor)
- Journal of Urban Management (guest editor)
- Urban Planning (guest editor)
- Journal of Transport Geography (guest editor)
- SAGE Open (guest editor)


Invited reviewer

Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Habitat International
IEEE Access
Information Polity
Innovation: the European Journal of Social Science Research
International Development Planning Review
Journal of Flood Risk Management
Journal of Planning Literature
Journal of Transport Geography
Journal of Urban Management
Journal of Urban Technology
Maritime Policy and Management
Planning Theory and Practice
Research in Transportation Business and Management
Routledge (book reviewer)
The School of Public Policy Publications
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Tourism Geographies
Town Planning Review
Transport Policy
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
Urban Governance
Urban Planning
Urban Transformations
World Review of Intermodal Transport Research


Other functions and professionalization

- AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning): substitute CoRep member for the Netherlands (2024-present)
- AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning): member Excellence in Education Board (2023-present)
- Academic advisor of the Kennisadviescommissie WLO2024 (2022-present)
- Academic advisor of the IkBenWaterproof collaboration between Utrecht University and Witteveen+Bos (2021-present)
- Selected participant of UU Research Leadership Development program (2020-2021)
- Participant of Supervising your PhD students of UU Center of Academic Teaching (2020)
- AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning): contact person AESOP for Utrecht University (2018-present)


Afgesloten projecten
FLOODLABEL: A smart tool for governance towards flood-resilient cities 01-03-2017 tot 29-02-2020
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Floods are one of the most significant hazards in Europe. Extreme inundations threaten urban living in cities. To protect cities from flooding and other types of inundations, traditional government-led flood protection needs to be complemented by homeowners’ adaptation. Now, especially homeowners lack risk awareness, and knowledge of measures and triggers to take action. This project aims to design, test and implement a smart governance tool—the FLOODLABEL—in urban living labs. This prototype tool serves to inform homeowners about their individual flood risks and to support the planning and decision-making of experts and local governments to achieve more flood-resilient cities.

2e geldstroom - NWO JPI Urban Europe
Overige projectleden
  • Sven Fuchs (BOKU)
  • Thomas Thaler (BOKU)
  • Luuk Boelens (University of Gent)
  • Bram Vogels (VMM)
  • Marc Scheibel (HKC)
  • Anne Leskens (N&S)
Ideenwerkstatt Fortsetzung der Betuwe-Route 01-11-2010 tot 30-04-2011
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The aim of this project is to implement informal planning procedures (test-planning) in concrete locations on the Corridor 24 transportation network. In this way, an informal planning procedure in the Wesel region in Germany has been promoted by the regional association Ruhr together with municipalities along the German part of the Betuwe railway line

3e geldstroom - EU INTERREG IV B NWE
Overige projectleden
  • Markus Nollert
  • Ilaria Tosoni
  • Stefano Pensa
CODE24: Corridor ontwikkeling Rotterdam-Genua 01-01-2010 tot 31-12-2014
Algemene projectbeschrijving


One Corridor - One Strategy

Joint regional development for the north-south corridor

The INTERREG IVB NWE Project “CODE24 – Corridor Development Rotterdam-Genoa” (2010-2015) aimed at a joint integrated approach towards the future development of the TEN-T core network corridor Rhine-Alpine and intended the interconnection of economic development, spatial, transport and ecological planning and thus, addressing urgent conflicts of capacity, sustainability and quality of life along the corridor.

After five years, the CODE24 project partners presented a common strategy for the future development of the Rhine-Alpine Corridor, the main transport corridor of Europe.

The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC” shall continue the strategic initiative of CODE24 for the securing of a long-term partnership and cooperation beyond the limited INTERREG project period.

Individuele projectbeschrijving

My doctoral (PhD) research project is part of the INTERREG-IVB project, called: ‘Corridor 24 Development Rotterdam-Genoa: Joint regional development for the north-south corridor’. The specific interest of my research will be on the interconnection of land use and transportation issues in planning for transport corridors, focussing on spatial integration and the mobilisation of actors and stakeholders at the local and regional level

3e geldstroom - EU INTERREG IV B NWE
Overige projectleden
  • dr. Bart Wiegmans