Dr. Patrick Witte

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 6.18
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Patrick Witte

Universitair hoofddocent
Spatial Planning
030 253 7336

Conference presentations, invited talks, guest lectures, keynotes, project presentations, etc.

- Witte, P.A. (2025), WaterScape workshop: Transformatiepaden voor Klimaatrobuuste Landschappen. Workshop Management van de Leefomgeving, HAS Green Academy. 's-Hertogenbosch (the Netherlands), January 9, 2025.
- Witte, P.A. (2024), The perks of publishing with students. Research meeting Spatial Planning. Utrecht (the Netherlands), June 19, 2024.
- Witte, P.A. (2024), Part-time MSc in Spatial Planning. Study visit Aarhus University. Utrecht (the Netherlands), June 18, 2024.
- Witte, P.A. & Hurk, M. van den (2023), Making sense of dense: Dutch land policy at a crossroads. Workshop GoverDENSE project. Utrecht (the Netherlands), October 26, 2023.
- Witte, P.A. (2023), From Uithof to Utrecht Science Park: transformative changes and future reflections. Invited lecture for Autumn School Randstad Metropolis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Utrecht (the Netherlands), September 18, 2023.
- Witte, P.A. (2023), Van Uithof naar Science Park: uitdagingen voor een groene, gezonde en toekomstbestendige campus. Lezing voor Utrechtse Bouw Sociëteit, Utrecht (the Netherlands), September 13, 2023.
- Witte, P.A. (2023), There and back again - discussing the human factor in transformative changes of society and technology. Key note at Honours Conference Geosciences 'Changing Landscapes', Utrecht (the Netherlands), June 27, 2023.
- Witte, P.A. (2023), Value creation in dry port stakeholder network - Final PhD seminar for Alena Khaslavskaya. Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg (Sweden), April 21, 2023.
- Witte, P.A. (2023), Governing smart and sustainable mobility - a contradictio in terminis? Lecture at GeoHouse series, Honours College Geosciences, UU. Utrecht (the Netherlands), March 14, 2023.
- Witte, P.A. (2023), Smart city & AI - 'the way of the future', of terug naar de menselijke maat? Lezing Descartes College UU. Utrecht (the Netherlands), March 7, 2023.
- Witte, P.A. (2022), Welcome to the Dutch Planner's Paradise. Opening speech for UU Geosciences MSc students at UU Welcome Week. Utrecht (the Netherlands), August 31, 2022.
- Witte, P.A. (2022), On community, freedom and angel investors. Invited speech at Farewell Symposium Honours Caleidoscope. Utrecht (the Netherlands), June 28, 2022.
- Witte, P.A. (2022), Het toekomstige verhaal van Nederland. Vrijheid, creativiteit en community in de Praktijkateliers. Lezing bij Teamdag Faculteitsbureau Geowetenschappen UU. Utrecht (the Netherlands), June 13, 2022.
- Witte, P.A. (2021), Hoe gaan we van lineair naar circulair beheer? Een wetenschappelijke verkenning vanuit vier invalshoeken. Invited panelist at public debate Stichting Managing Public Spaces. Utrecht (the Netherlands). October 14, 2021.
- Witte, P.A. (2021), Alles samen en alles integraal? Een kritisch planologisch perspectief op governance uitdagingen in de openbare ruimte. Lecture series Stichting Managing Public Spaces. Ede (the Netherlands), June 3, 2021.
- Witte, P.A. (2021), Planningateliers: de toekomst van Nederland door de ogen van de toekomst. 1e NOVI conferentie ‘Van Visie naar Uitvoering’, Den Haag (the Netherlands), March 31, 2021 (online).
- Witte, P.A. (2021), Planningateliers: is toekomstgericht ‘real life’ onderwijs nog toekomstbestendig? Alumnidag V.U.G.S., Utrecht (the Netherlands), March 27, 2021 (online).
- Witte, P. (2020), FLOODLABEL: General overview of project results. Final practitioners’ conference JPI ENSUF project FLOODLABEL. Utrecht, January 28, 2020.
- Witte, P.A. (2019), Smart tools for safe and healthy urban living: experiences from the Netherlands. Academic workshop ‘Planning Support Methodology for Healthy City Planning’, related to 16th CUPUM conference 2019. Nanjing University, Nanjing (China), July 15th, 2019.
- Witte, P. (2018), FLOODLABEL: A smart tool for governance towards flood-resilient cities. Presentation for Utrecht University’s Executive Board, Utrecht (Netherlands), October 10, 2018.
- Witte, P. (2018), Teaching spatial planning in Utrecht: curriculum design and other aspects. Exchange workshop with prof. Chaoxiang Wen, Xiamen University. Utrecht University, May 31, 2018.
- Witte, P. (2018), Connecting the dots: integrating transnational transport networks, economic development and spatial transformation. Guest lecture 'World Cities and Urban Structures', Erasmus University College, Rotterdam, April 12, 2018.
- Witte, P. (2018), Toekomst van de leefomgeving: de nieuwe Omgevingswet in het licht van uitdagingen in het ruimtelijk domein. Key-note presentation at Nationale Dag voor Aardrijkskunde leraren in opleiding (LIO), Utrecht (Netherlands), March 26, 2018.
- Witte, P. (2017), Leven in het slimme Jeruzalem: de Smart City onderzoeken en begrijpen op het snijvlak van wetenschap en geloof. Invited lecture at Vereniging voor Gereformeerde Studenten Utrecht (VGSU), Utrecht (Netherlands), December 7, 2017.
- Witte, P. (2017), The Floodlabel: a tool for more flood-resilient cities. Urbs-data seminar, Utrecht (Netherlands), November 8, 2017.
- Witte, P. (2017), Climate Change in Urban Environments. Guest Lecture at Honours Seminar Geosciences, Utrecht (Netherlands), October 10, 2017.
- Witte, P. & Snel, K. (2017), FLOODLABEL: A smart tool for governance towards flood-resilient cities. JPI Urban Europe kick-off conference, Brussels (Belgium), May 31, 2017.
- Witte, P. (2017), The Floodlabel: a tool for more flood-resilient cities. Pitch presentation at kick-off meeting ENSUF & SURF Pop Up, Utrecht (NL), April 6, 2017.
- Witte, P., Otsuki, K. & M. Read (2016), Panel organiser of 3 panel sessions on 'Inclusive Infrastructure Development'. LANDac 2nd International Conference on Land Governance, June 30 - July 1, 2016, Utrecht (Netherlands).
- Witte, P. (2016), Invited academic panel member at the Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport (GPST) conference, organized by UN Global Compact and the International Road Transport Union (IRU). Harvard Club of New York City, April 19, 2016.
- Witte, P. (2015), Corridors as drivers of the future development of regions? Towards economically sustainable land and infrastructure development in European regions. Driving Into the Future: EGEA Annual Congres 2015 on Sustainable Mobility, September 21, 2015, Someren, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2015), Creatief met Corridors. Transnationale corridorontwikkeling als multi-level governance opgave. Synthesebijeenkomst MIRT-onderzoek Goederencorridor Oost, September 15, 2015, Arnhem, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2015), Weakest link or strongest node? Prospects for inland port development in transnational European corridors. WCTRS SIGA2 conference, May 11, 2015, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Witte, P. (2015), Weakest link or strongest node? Exploring governance capacity in managing inland port-city conflicts. Study Visit Master Students Ulster University, March 24, 2015, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2015), To perform or not to perform (that’s the question). A statistical analysis of inland port performance in the Netherlands. Seminar RUG FEB Operations, February 24, 2015, Groningen, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2014), Weakest link or crucial cornerstone? Prospects for inland ports development in transnational European corridors. Key-note presentation at 9th European Conference and Exhibition of Inland Terminals. November 7, 2014, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2014), Europese corridorontwikkeling: ver-van-mijn-bed-show of dagelijkse realiteit? Scholing voor professionals – Minisymposium Geo Leert Door!, September 24, 2014, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2014), Does integration work for corridor development? From Control to Co-evolution: AESOP Annual Congress, July 12, 2014, Utrecht/Delft, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2014), Inland ports development in the Netherlands: Recent findings and ongoing work. CODE24 Corridor Development Rotterdam-Genoa. INTERREG IV B NWE Project, July 8, 2014, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. & T. Spit (2014), Working meeting Action 16: Inland ports development. CODE24 Corridor Development Rotterdam-Genoa. INTERREG IV B NWE Project, July 8, 2014, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2014), Kritisch op corridors: Nut en noodzaak van een integrale benadering op corridor ontwikkeling. Provinciale Raad voor het Omgevingsbeleid Gelderland, May 23, 2014, Arnhem, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2014), Challenges for Corridors: Future perspectives on European corridor development. Study Visit Master Students Ulster University, April 1, 2014, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. & T. Spit (2014), Corridorontwikkeling in Nederland en Europa: ‘state-of-the-art’. Provincie Gelderland, March 10, 2014, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2013), Chokepoints in Corridors: Perspectives on bottlenecks in European transport networks. Masterclass HBO in de Haven / SmartPort, December 12, 2013, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2013), The Corridor Fairytales: The economic potential of corridor development untangled. Guest Lecture Delft Technical University, September 23, 2013, Delft, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. & B. Wiegmans (2013), Corridors for customers: Perspectives on bottlenecks in intermodal freight transport. Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress, July 17, 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
- Witte, P. (2013), Tien lessen voor een geslaagde presentatie. Guest Lecture Honours College Geosciences, May 21, 2013, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. & T. Spit (2013), Corridorontwikkeling in Europa: CODE24 en de A1-corridor. Provincie Utrecht, March 21, 2013, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. (2012), Coping with Corridors: The Case of Corridor 24. SmartPort Lunch Seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 23, 2012, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Witte, P. & F. van Oort (2012), Coping with corridors: Agglomeration economies in European transport corridors. Regional Studies Association European Conference, May 16, 2012, Delft, the Netherlands.