Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N., & van Es, K. (2023).
Introduction: Situating Data as Cultural Inquiry. In K. V. Es, & N. Verhoeff (Eds.),
Situating Data: Inquiries into Algorithmic Culture (pp. 13-37). Amsterdam University Press. Merx, S., Verhoeff, N., & de Lange, M. (2023).
Creative Urban Methods for the Datafied City. In K. Van Es, & N. Verhoeff (Eds.),
Situating Data: Inquiries in Algorithmic Culture (pp. 257-265). (MediaMatters). Amsterdam University Press. 2022
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N., & van der Tuin, I. (2021). Footage Redux: Revisiting Cartographic Captures of Time. In W. Gerling, & F. Krautkrämer (Eds.), Versatile Camcorders: Looking at the GoPro Movement (pp. 93-103). Kadmos Kulturverlag.
de Waal, M., Suurenbroek, F.
, Verhoeff, N., & de Lange, M. (2021).
Media Architecture And Its Futures Implied: curatorial statement for the 2021 Media Architecture Biennale (MAB20). In
Media Architecture And Its Futures Implied
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N., & van der Tuin, I. (2020).
Interfaces (for) Diffracting Technobodies: A Science-Humanities-Design Perspective for an Algorithmic Somatechnics.
10(3), 375-396. Verhoeff, N., & Dresscher, P. C. (2020). XR: Crossing and Interfering Artistic Media Spaces. In L. Hjorth, A. de Souza e Silva, & K. Lanson (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Mobile Media Art (pp. 482-492). Routledge.
Verhoeff, N., Bleeker, M. A., & Werning, S. (2020).
Sensing Data: Encountering Data Sonifications, Materializations, and Interactives as Knowledge Objects.
Convergence : The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies,
26(5-6), 1088-1107. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Merx, S., Verhoeff, N., & de Lange, M. L. (2017). [urban interfaces]. Onderzoek naar media, kunst en performance in de stad. BLIK, 10(2), 12-15.
Verhoeff, N. (2017).
Interfaces of Media Architecture. In A. Wiethoff, & H. Hussman (Eds.),
Media Architecture: Using Information and Media as Construction Material (pp. 43-60). (Age of Access? Grundfragen der informationsgesellschaft; Vol. 8). De Gruyter Saur. Verhoeff, N. (2017). Performative Cartography. In S. Monteiro (Ed.), The Screen Media Reader: Culture, Theory, Practice (pp. 235-449). Bloomsbury Academics.
Verhoeff, N. (Guest ed.), Cooley, H. R. (Guest ed.), & Zwicker, H. (Guest ed.) (2017).
Urban Cartographies: Mapping Mobility and Presence.
Television and New Media,
18(4), 298-388. Vakpublicaties
van Es, K. F., & Verhoeff, N. (2017). Data voor discussie: installaties in de stad als interventie. Boekman : tijdschrift voor kunst, cultuur en beleid, 111, 40-43.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2016). Interfacing Urban Media Art. In S. Pop, T. Toft, N. Calvillo, & M. Wright (Eds.), What Urban Media Art Can Do: Why, When, Where & How (pp. 190-199). avedition.
Verhoeff, N. (2016).
Screens in the City. In D. Chateau, & J. Moure (Eds.),
Screens (pp. 125-139). (The Key Debates: Mutations and Appropriations in European Film Studies). Amsterdam University Press. Verhoeff, N., & Wilmott, C. (2016). Curating the City: Urban Interfaces and Locative Media as Experimental Platforms for Cultural Data. In R. Kitchin, & S-Y. Perng (Eds.), Code and the City (pp. 116-129). (Regions and Cities). Routledge.
Verhoeff, N. (2016). A Tale of Two Times: Augmented Reality as Archival Laboratory. In G. Fossati, & A. Oever, van den (Eds.), Exposing the Film Apparatus: The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory (pp. 357-428). (Framing Film). Amsterdam University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Lange, M. D., Verhoeff, N., Waal, M. D., Foth, M., & Brynskov, M. (2015).
Digital cities 9 workshop - hackable cities: From Subversive City Making to Systemic Change. In
C&T '15: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies (pp. 165-167). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Verhoeff, N. (2015).
Footage: Action Cam Shorts as Cartographic Captures of Time.
Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication,
5(1 & 2), 103-109. 2014
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2013). The Medium is the Method: Locative Media for Digital Archives. In J. Eckel, B. Leiendecker, D. Olek, & C. Piepiorka (Eds.), (Dis)Orienting Media and Narrative Mazes. (pp. 17-30). transcript.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2012). A Logic of Layers: Indexicality of iPhone Navigation in Augmented Reality. In L. Hjort, J. Burgess, & I. Richardson (Eds.), Studying Mobile Media Cultural Technologies, Mobile Communication, and the iPhone. (pp. 118-132). Routledge.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2009). Grasping the Screen: Towards a Conceptualization of Touch, Mobility and Multiplicity. In M. Boomen, van den, S. Lammes, A-S. Lehmann, J. Raessens, & M. T. Schaefer (Eds.), Digital Material: Tracing New Media in Everyday Life and Technology (pp. 209-222). Amsterdam University Press.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2008). Screens on Site: Mobilizing Urban Screenspace. Simulacrum, 16(3/4), 72-76.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2007). Moving Indians: Deconstructing the Other in Moving Images (1895-1915). European Review of Native American Studies, 21(1), 39-48.
Verhoeff, N., Piek, M., Breedijk, M., Middelkoop, M., Hornis, W., & Sorel, N. (2007). Snelwegpanorama's in Nederland. NAi Uitgevers.
Kessler, F. E., & Verhoeff, N. (2007). Networks of Entertainment. Early Film Distribution 1895-1915. John Libbey.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2004). Archival Poetics. In M. Bal (Ed.), Narrative Theory. Critical Concepts In Literary And Cultural Studies (Vol. II, pp. 388-409). Routledge.
Verhoeff, N. (2004). Westerns: Cowboy and Indian Films. In R. Abel (Ed.), Encyclopedia for Early Cinema (pp. 689-692). Routledge.
Verhoeff, N. (2003). Tijdreizen. De nostalgie van het Westen. Het Nederlands scenario, (45).
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2002). After the Beginning: Westerns Before 1915. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. eigen beheer.
Verhoeff, N., & Warth, E. M. M. (2002). Rhetoric of Space: Cityscape/Landscape. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 22(3), 245-251.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (2001). Die Bedeutung des Nationalen in den amerikanischen Pathé-Western. In KINtop. Jahrbuch zur Erforschung des frühen Films 10 (pp. 39-59). Stroemfeld Verlag.
Verhoeff, N. (2001). Het Kaleidoskopische Westen. Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis, 4(7), 129-148.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Verhoeff, N. (1999). 'Where the Real Thing Runs Rampant': Landscapes in Early Westerns. In L. Quaresima, A. Raengo, & L. Vichi (Eds.), La nascita dei generi cinematografica / The Birth of Film Genres Forum.
Verhoeff, N. (1998). Westerns in Utrecht. Domitor Bulletin, 12(1), 9-10.