Dr. Maikel Waardenburg

Dr. Maikel Waardenburg

Universitair hoofddocent
Sport en Society
030 253 9942

Maikel’s teaching is directed towards assisting students in developing personal leadership and learnership. The courses he designs and teaches are based on the principle that students learn best when diverse learning styles are accommodated and when students can actively co-create their own learning environment. He works with interactive lectures, case-based discussion, real time organizational dilemma’s, intellectual workouts, playfulness and blended learning 2.0.


  • Bachelor Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap - lecturer
  • Organisaties, Verandering & Management - supervisor
  • Sport policy & sport management - lecturer & supervisor
  • Executive master Organisatie, Cultuur & Management - lecturer & supervisor



  • B&O Lecturer of the year 2016
  • B&O Lecturing talent of the year 2008