Dr. M. (Mohammadhossein) Ravanbakhsh

Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer N309
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. M. (Mohammadhossein) Ravanbakhsh

Ecology and Biodiversity

Mohammadhossein Ravanbakhsh

Current position and address

Utrecht University, The Netherlands





Ph.D., Utrecht University, 2018, Microbial Ecology, Microbial modulation of plant ethylene signaling: ecological and evolutionary consequences.

MSc, Mashhad University, Iran, 2008, Agriculture engineering. Biological approaches to growing a safe plant by urban wastewater.

BSc, Shiraz University, Iran, 2006, Agriculture engineering. Soil science.



2018 – 2020     Postdoc, Utrecht University, Sustainable approach to control the plant pathogenic bacteria, Ralstonia Solanacearum, using bacteriophage-therapy and nano-technology.

2015 - 2018     Ph.D., Utrecht University, Ecology, and Biodiversity, Modifying plant hormonal balance by associated microbes.

2012 - 2015     Researcher, Shiraz University, Molecular mechanism behind plant-microbe interaction in heavy metal contaminated soil.

2006 - 2012      Researcher, Fars Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Faculty member. Sustainable agriculture in marginal drylands.

2006 - 2011      Coordinator of research society for sustainable rehabilitation of drylands (NGO).

2011- 2014      Payeshzist (startup; environmental research company). Founder and board member. Developing biological approaches for remediation of petrochemical industries.

2007- 2011      Water Management Journal. Scientific Research Journal/Iran. Scientific editor and Executive manager.


KEY OUTPUT (2016-2020)

Scientific papers                       7 papers (average IF: 8)

Valorization                              2 Book chapter (Publisher; UNU-EHS, UNESCO),

2 Reports (industry report)

Talk in a scientific conference   10 (2 key-lecture, and 4 invited speaker in 2019)

Supervision and Co-PI              3 Ph.D., 6 MSc., and 8 BSc. project


Peer-review publication

Scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals (*=corresponding author)

Ravanbakhsh, M*, Kowalchuk, G, Jousset, A*. (2020). Targeted plant hologenome editing for plant trait enhancement. New Phytologist (last revision).

This paper describes a new model for editing the plant desired traits by the associated microorganism. Editing the microorganism gene can compensate for the missing gene in the plant, and offer a new desired phenotype to the plant.

Hecht, K, Kowalchuk, G, Jousset, A, Ravanbakhsh, M*. (2020). Associated microbiome shift plants from water waster to water saver strategy under drought condition. In Prep.

This paper describes how changing a single gene in plant-associated bacteria can be a life-death decision for the associated plant under drought. This paper describes the water use efficiency component in the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, and the way by which an associated microorganism can shift this.

Ravanbakhsh, M*, Kowalchuk, G, Jousset, A*. (2019). Root-associated microorganisms reprogram plant life history along the growth-stress resistance trade-off. The ISME Journal. (doi.org/10.1038/s41396-019-0501-1).

This paper for the first time shows that associated microorganisms can shift plant growth and stress responses along a growth-stress resistance trade-off, and thereby calls for a reconsideration of the standard concept of plant-beneficial microbes. Instead of characterizing microbes are “beneficial” or “deleterious”, I propose that associated microorganisms offer new phenotypes to plants, and help plants to explore the potential phenotypic space offered by their genetic background. However, the outcome of this new phenotype for plants (either beneficial or deleterious) is determined by the environment. I had a leading role in designing and conducting the experiments, modeling the data, and writing the manuscript.

Ravanbakhsh, M*, Kowalchuk, G, Jousset, A*. (2019). Alteration of ethylene signaling by soil microorganisms prevents cadmium accumulation in plants. Journal of Hazardous Materials (doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.120787).

Bacteria modulating plant hormonal balances may offer new possibilities to improve specific aspects of plant phenotypes such as plant heavy metal uptake. This paper presents a novel approach for producing safe crops in contaminated areas by reducing heavy metal uptake. I designed the study and wrote the paper. I am the first and co-corresponding author of this paper.

Ravanbakhsh, M, Sasidharan, Voesenek, L, Kowalchuk, G, Jousset, A*. (2018). Microbial modulation of plant ethylene signaling: ecological and evolutionary consequences. Microbiome. (Doi: 10.1186/s40168-018-0436-1). (OA).

This paper proposes a theoretical model for plant hormone co-regulation by plants and associated microorganisms. Current models of plant-microbe interaction consider the plants and bacteria separately. My motivation in writing this review was to put forth a new model to understand plants and their associated microorganisms as a cohesive unit in plant hormone regulation.

Ravanbakhsh, M, Sasidharan, Voesenek, L, Kowalchuk, G, Jousset, A*. (2016). ACC deaminase producing bacteria modulate plant response to flooding, Journal of Ecology (Doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12721).

This work demonstrates that the ability of plants to cope with water stress is to a large extent due to their associated microorganisms, as demonstrated by ethylene-suppressing bacteria that prevent plant adaptation to flooding.

This study is one of the first studies to provide mechanisms through which the plant microbiome affects plant abiotic response. I initiated this project as a cooperation between the Ecology and Biodiversity and Plant Ecophysiology research groups at Utrecht University, did the experiments, and wrote the paper.

Ravanbakhsh, M., Ronaghi, A. M., Taghavi, S. M., & Jousset, A*. (2016). Screening for the next generation heavy metal hyperaccumulators for drylands decontamination. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 2350-2355.

In this study, we report the discovery of a novel plant species that shows a unique ability to clean up soils from heavy metal contaminants on a large scale. The second part of this study (which is under preparation) demonstrates the extent to which the microbiome played a role in the hyper-accumulation capability of plants.



Prior to my PhD, I work for 8 years in Fars Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources. I published several reports and book chapters at the national and international levels, including 15 research reports and guidelines for farmers and stakeholders (mainly in local language)(here is a list; Fars research center for natural resources.pdf), and online available book chapters published by UNESCO, UNU-EHS;    

Book chapter

- Mohammadnia, M., Chabokrow, G., Ravanbakhsh, M*., (2017). GWAHS (Ground Water and Human Security); The effects of groundwater artificial recharge on human security. (p 97-149).; © UNU-INWEH (ISBN: 978-92-808-6082-5). (OA).

The project addressed the threats to human security and well-being currently posed by water scarcity and water quality degradation in developing countries. I coordinated the Iranian team in collaboration with partners from Egypt, Vietnam, and scientists working in the UNU and UNESCO. The results provided a new model that shows the vulnerability of different ecosystems and society to a changing environment and highlights ways by which people can mitigate these adverse effects. Together with top-sector governmental organizations, this project proposed a road-map to increase the resilience of dryland agriculture to cope with drought.

- Esfandiari, M., Mohammadnia, M., Ravanbakhsh, M *., (2014). Innovative ways for sustainable use of drylands; AQUITOPIA (An Aquifer Management-based Utopia) (p 98-121) (ISBN: 978-92-3-001206-9), © UNESCO, 2014. (OA).

- Esfandiari, M., Mohammadnia, M., Ravanbakhsh, M *., (2012). New Insights on Managing Drylands agriculture; Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands. (p 98-121) (ISBN: 978-92-3-001050-8), © UNESCO and MAB, 2012. (OA).

I was coordinator of the AQUITOPIA project and senior author of these book chapters (and several other chapters and yearly published reports (2009-2014)), under the frame of the SUMAMAD project (UNESCO-MAB). This book explores different possibilities for control of desertification in marginal drylands exploring biophysical and socio-economic factors to enhance resilience. The project has a substantial impact on the research area, by using a floodwater spreading system to harvest the flooding water underground, help farmers shifting their conventional agricultural activity into a sustainable system, and contributed to the ecosystem and human wellbeing.


Scientific report (Industry scales)

Regarding the valorization of science, I did 4 project in interface of University and industry, including:

-Assessment of microbial based strategies to control plant pests (direct industry contract, 2017-2020)

-Increase root efficiency in Chrysanten flowers. NWO takeoff project (2019-2021).

-Increase the shelf-life in the ornamental plants (2018-2020).



Coordinator, GWAHS project grant, (15k$-2010); UNESCO

Coordinator, SUMAMAD  project grant, (700k$-2008);  UNESCO

UU Ph.D. grant, (100k€-2015); Utrecht Uni.

Travel grant (8k€-2014);  Iranian Ministry of Science

Project award  (5k€-2013) Iranian Environmental Protection Agency

Travel grant (2k€-2019),  Nanjing Agriculture University-China

Co-investigator of take-off project (40K, 2019) Netherland science foundation (NWO)

Co-PI SPARC grant (50K, 2020) Indian ministry of science


RECENT TALKS (2019-2020)

Keynote speaker at key international conferences

March 2019, Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress: Europe (March 2019); Breeding plant-associated microbes to solve hidden hunger.

April 2019, European annual microbiology society conference (April 2019); Microbial rewiring of plant physiology for resilient agriculture.

Talks in international conferences and universities (invited *):

May 2020*, Innovation in Agriculture and horticulture (On-line key speaker, conference by Iranian soil science society and Shiraz agriculture University). Subject: Trend in plant microbiome research.

Dec. 2019, miCROPe (Vienna, AT), Combining nanomaterials and phages for enhanced bacterial wilt control.

Sep 2019*, Nanjing Agriculture University (Nanjing, CN), Plant associated microorganism to alter plant physiology.

Oct. 2019*, Shiraz Agriculture University (Shiraz, IR), Local adaptation of plant relayed on the microbiome in the natural dryland ecosystem.

June 2019, Braga University (Braga, PT). Hand son Phage workshop. Using experimental evolution to increase the infectivity of bacteriophage to the Ralstonia Solanacearum.

June 2018. International PGPR Conference (Vancouver, CA), Growth-stress Tradeoff in the manipulation of plant hormone by the associated microorganism


Teaching records:

I have a strong record in teaching, including several courses at Utrecht University. I have supervised five master and four bachelor thesis at the UU and co-supervised four Ph.D. student projects in the framework of a UU collaboration with other universities.


Utrecht University



Microbial ecology (Guest lecture and course assistant, 2018, 2019, 2020)

Evolution 3 (Supervisor of the practical part, 2018, 2019, 2020)

Ecology of plant and microbe (Supervisor of the practical part, 2018, 2019, 2020)


Supervision (or co-supervision)

Sasan Mousavi (PhD, Agronomy, Shiraz University, Iran)

Mahvash Haroon (PhD, plant-microbe interaction, Aligarh University, India)

Shaibi Saleem (PhD, plant-microbe interaction, Aligarh University, India)

Hiuru Xiang (MSc. Bio-inspired innovation, Utrecht University)

Katharina Hecht (MSc. Bio-inspired innovation, Utrecht University)

Madeleine Lewis (MSc. Bio-inspired innovation, Utrecht University)

Jasmijn Otte (MSc. Utrecht University)

Jaidy moreno mosquera (Joint MSc University of Medellin, Columbia and Utrecht University)

Prior to working in IEB, I worked as a lecturer and coordinator of several BSc degree programs in "Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Shiraz, Iran", which range from the classical lecture of the first year to practical field works, and laboratory training.

Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Shiraz, Iran" (Certificate: Teaching Record FRCANR.pdf)

Basic Soil science (Course coordinator and lecturer) (2010-2012)

Plant, soil, and water relationship (Course coordinator and lecturer)(2009-2012)

Water and soil (Course coordinator and lecturer) (2009-2012)

Soil Biology (Course coordinator and lecturer)(2010-2012)

Soil Ecology (Course coordinator and lecturer)(2010-2012)


Grant for short travel visit of scientific groups

Portugal, Braga, Centre for Biological Engineering at the University of Minho, Lab of professor Joana Azeredo 2019.

China, Nanjing agriculture University, Lab of professor Qirong Shen, 2019.

Austria, Universitäts- und Forschungszentrum Tulln, Austria, 2019. Lab of Prof. Angela Sessitsch.

Leuven, Belgium, Laboratory of gene technology, Lab of Prof. Rob Lavigne. 2018.

Julich, German, Plant phenotyping center, JPPC. Dr. Robert Koller, 2018.

Liege, Belgium, Microbial engineering group, Prof. Mark Ornega. 2018.