Wetenschappelijke publicaties
ten Thije, J., & Pinto, M. (2022).
Cultural filters in persuasive texts: a contrastive study of the Dutch and Italian IKEA catalogs. In R. Supheert, G. Cascio, & J. D. T. Thije (Eds.),
The Riches of Intercultural Communication: Volume 1: Interactive, Contrastive, and Cultural Representational Approaches (Vol. 1, pp. 123-135). Brill. 2021
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M., & Frascarelli, M. (2021). The acceptability of Subject bare nouns and (non-bare) DPs in Italian. An experimental study comparing Italian L1 and Polish L1- Italian L2 speakers. Paper presented at The Romance Turn, Ibiza, Spain.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Bosch, J.
, Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2020).
The acquisition of ‘bridging’ tested with the Coloring Book method. In P. Guijarro-Fuentes , & C. Suárez-Gómez (Eds.),
New Trends in Language Acquisition within the Generative Perspective (pp. 289-311). (Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics; Vol. 49). Springer Dordrecht., M. (2020).
Advising Parents on Bilingual Education of Their Children. In R. Beerkens, E. Le Pichon-Vorstman, R. Supheert, & J. ten Thije (Eds.),
Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Organizations. : Insights from Project Advisers (1 ed., pp. 77-82). Routledge. 2019
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Palmieri, G., Basso, R. M.
, Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2019).
A Note on Lexical Reciprocity in Brazilian Portuguese. In G. Danon (Ed.),
Proceedings of IATL 34, Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2019). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. In M. Baird, & J. Pesetsky (Eds.), NELS 49: Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (Vol. 3, pp. 15-28). GLSA.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2018). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. Abstract from IATL 34, Beersheba, Israel.
Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2018). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. Abstract from NELS 49, Ithaca, NY, United States.
Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2018). Age of Acquisition Ratings validated by actual vocabulary scores. Poster session presented at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Gerard, J., Lidz, J.
, Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2018).
The acquisition of adjunct control is colored by the task.
3(1), [75].
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2017). Assessing vocabulary of newcomers and new speakers. Abstract from ISB 2017, Limerick, Ireland.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2017). Color your first intuition. A study on antecedent selection using the Coloring Book method.. Abstract from Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 13, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Bosch, J., Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2017). The acquisition of ‘bridging’ tested with the Coloring Book task. Abstract from Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition 13, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Schuiringa, M.
, & Pinto, M. (2017).
Dirlo o non dirlo? Discrezione in situazioni imbarazzanti nella cultura italiana e in quella olandese.
31(2), 28-44., J., Lidz, J., Zuckerman, S.
, & Pinto, M. (2017).
Similarity-Based Interference and the Acquisition of Adjunct Control.
Frontiers in Psychology,
8, [1822].
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Gerard, J., Lidz, J., Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2016). Adjunct control interpretation in four year olds is colored by the task. Abstract from 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Gainesville, Florida, United States.
Gerard, J., Lidz, J., Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2016). Adjunct control in 3 and 4 year olds: effects of age and similarity-based interference. Abstract from GALANA, Urbana-Champaign, United States.
Zuckerman, S., Pinto, M., Koutamanis, E., & van Spijk, Y. (2016).
A New Method for Testing Language Comprehension Reveals Better Performance on Passive and Principle B Constructions. In J. Scott, & D. Waughtal (Eds.),
BUCLD 40: Proceedings of the 40th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 443-456) Overige resultaten
Blom, W. B. T. (Author), Pinto, M. (Author), & Zuckerman, S. (Author). (2016). Taaltesten voor meertalige kinderen. Performance
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2016). The Coloring Book Method: Language Comprehension Testing and Ecological Validity. Paper presented at LACG, Leiden, Netherlands.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2016). Testing Vocabulary with the Coloring Book Method. Paper presented at Anela Voorjaarsstudiedag, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2016). Ecological Validity in Testing Language Comprehension. A New Coloring Task. Paper presented at EMLAR 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Gerard, J., Lidz, J., Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2016). Similarity-based interference in the acquisition of adjunct control. Abstract from Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 41), Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Gerard, J., Lidz, J., Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2016). Adjunct control in 3 and 4 year olds: Effects of age and similarity-based interference. Abstract from Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America, Urbana-Champaign, United States.
Gerard, J., Lidz, J., Zuckerman, S., & Pinto, M. (2016). Adjunct control interpretation in four year olds is colored by the task. Abstract from 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Gainesville, Florida, United States.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2015). The Coloring Book. A new method for testing language comprehension. Abstract from Sinn und Bedeutung, Tübingen, Germany.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2015). The Coloring Book. A new method for testing language comprehension. Abstract from Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Pinto, M., Zuckerman, S., Koutamanis, E., & van Spijk, A. (2015). A new method for language comprehension reveals better performance on passive and principle B constructions. Abstract from Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 40), Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Pinto, M., Guerra Rivera, A. N. E. R., Coopmans, P. H. A., & Baauw, S. (2015). On the L2 Acquisition of Spanish Articles by Dutch Speakers. Paper presented at Language in Focus 2015, Cappadocia, Turkey.
Baauw, S., Guerra Rivera, A. N. E. R., Coopmans, P. H. A., & Pinto, M. (2015).
On the L2 acquisition of genericity. Poster session presented at 12th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition Conference, Nantes, France. Valenzuela, E., Iverson, M., Rothman, J., Borg, K., Pascual y Cabo, D., & Pinto, M. (Accepted/In press). Heritage Spanish in Canada and the US: Ser & Estar at the Interfaces. In I. Pérez, M. Leonetti, & S. Gumiel (Eds.), Ser and estar at the interfaces John Benjamins.
Pinto, M., & Guerra Rivera, A. N. E. R. (2015). Adjectival constructions in Dutch L1 Spanish L2: what is the role of the L1? In T. Judy, & S. Perpiñan (Eds.), The Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language: Data from Understudied Language Pairings John Benjamins.
Overige resultaten
Zuckerman, S., Pinto, M., Koutamanis, E., & van Spijk, Y. (2015). A new method for language comprehension reveals better performance on passive and principle B constructions. Paper presented at BUCL 40, Boston, United States.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2015). The Coloring Task. A new method for testing language comprehension. Paper presented at Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, Madrid, Spain.
van Spijk, Y., Meroni, L., & Pinto, M. (2015). Un'analisi contrastiva dell'uso dei tempi verbali passati in italiano e olandese. Paper presented at Convegno Internazionale di Lingua italiana, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Schuiringa, M., & Pinto, M. (2015). Dirlo o non dirlo? Una ricerca contrastiva sugli atti linguistici riguardo la discrezione da parte di italiani e olandesi. Paper presented at Convegno Internazionale di Lingua italiana, Tilburg, Netherlands.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2015). The Coloring Book. A new method for testing language comprehension. Paper presented at Sinn und Bedeutung, Tübingen, Germany.
Pinto, M. (2015). Meertalig Opgroeien. Paper presented at Congres Pedagogische Wetenschappen & Onderwijskunde, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2015). Testing Language Beyond Words. The Coloring Book Project. Paper presented at Learn Your Languages, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2015). Subject pronouns and the form/meaning mapping issue. Paper presented at Language Acquisition Meeting (LAM) - Acquiring Referentiality, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M., Zuckerman, S., & Gonggrijp, J. (2014, Oct 16). Coloring Book.
Pinto, M. (2014). Dutch vs. Italian and Null Subjects. Paper presented at Acquisizione e didattica delle lingue seconde, Roma (Italy), Italy.
Pinto, M., & Guerra Rivera, A. (2014). The role of Aspect in L2 acquisition of ser and estar. Paper presented at Workshop on Copulas, Bologna, Italy.
Pinto, M., & Guerra Rivera, A. (2014). Copulas in Spanish L2 and the accessibility of inherent semantic properties. Paper presented at The Romance Turn VI, Palmas de Mallorca, Spain.
Pinto, M., & Guerra Rivera, A. (2014). Visibility of Aspectual Properties in the L2. Paper presented at TiN-dag 2014, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Pinto, M., & Guerra Rivera, A. (2014). Aspectual Properties of Copulas and L2 Acquisition. Paper presented at The 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, London, Ontario, Canada.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Baauw, S., Drijkoningen, F. A. C., Meroni, L., & Pinto, M. (2013). Selected Papers from Going Romance 2011. (Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2011 ed.) John Benjamins.
Pinto, M. (2013). Tracking reference with null subjects. Linguistics in the Netherlands, 30, 131-145.
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M. (2013). Tracking Reference. Paper presented at TIN-dag 2013 (Utrecht, the Netherlands).
Pinto, M. (2013). Aspectual properties in Spanish L2. Paper presented at Going Romance. 27th Symposium on Romance Linguistics (Amsterdam).
Pinto, M. (2013). Null Subjects and Reference. Poster session presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) (Oldenburg).
Pinto, M. (2013). Keeping track of reference in Italian. Poster session presented at 12th Generative Approches to Second Language Acquisition GASLA (Gainesville, Florida, USA).
Pinto, M., & Guerra Rivera, A. N. E. R. (2013). The role of aspect in L2 adjectives. Paper presented at International Workshop “Acquisition of Adjectives Across Languages”, Utrecht.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M. (2012). Delay in the Acquisition of Subject Pronouns. In S. Ferré, P. Prévost, L. Tuller, & R. Zebib (Eds.), Selected Proceedings of the Romance Turn IV Workshop on the Acquisition of Romance Languages (pp. 284-305). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M. (2012). Tweetaligheid: taalontwikkeling of taalstoornis?. Paper presented at Taalstaal - Koninklijke AURIS (Utrecht).
Pinto, M. (2012, Oct 12). Asymmetries in the acquisition of subject pronouns: the case of Italian. Unpublished.
Pinto, M. (2012). L1 Attrition: Representational Account vs. Interface Issues. Poster session presented at GALANA (Lawrence).
Pinto, M. (2012). Mechanism of Anaphora Resolution in Italian L1 and L1 Attrited Varieties. Paper presented at SLRF - Second Language Research Forum (Pittsburgh).
Pinto, M. (2012). Examining Variable Outcomes in the Grammar of Canadian and US Heritage Speakers. Abstract from HLS - Hispanic Linguistic Symposium (Gainesville).
Brasileiro Reis Pereira, I. (Author), Pinto, M. (Author), & Unsworth, S. (Author). (2012). Growing Up Bilingual. Web publication/site
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
ten Thije, J. D., & Pinto, M. (2011). Twee IKEA-catalogi, een Italiaanse en een Nederlandse. Lezerswaardering van een 'covert translation'. Filter, 18(4), 67-80.
Pinto, M. (2011). Competenze linguistiche all'interfaccia. Incontri, 26, 105-106.
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M. (2010). The Acquisition of Subject Pronouns: Why is the Third Person Late?. Poster session presented at 6th International Conference on Language Acquisition, Barcelona.
Pinto, M. (2010). The Acquisition of Subject Pronouns in Italian: A Theoretical Approach. Paper presented at Going Romance 24.
Pinto, M. (2010). Delay in the Acquisitional Schedule of Subject Pronouns. Poster session presented at Romance Turn IV, Tours.
Pinto, M. (2010). Early Bilingualism: Myths, Facts and the Role of the Linguist. Paper presented at Seminar “Plural Research on Multilingualism & Multiculturalism”, Utrecht.
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M. (2009). Unraveling the acquisition of third person subject pronoun in bilinguals. Paper presented at GURT 2009 (Washington D.C.).
Pinto, M. (2009, Jul 8). Coördinator International Symposium on Bilingualism 7.
Pinto, M. (2009). Subject Pronouns: How Lexical Properties Affect the Acquisitional Schedule. Paper presented at Michigan Linguistic Society 39, Ann Arbor.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Baauw, S., Drijkoningen, F. A. C., & Pinto, M. (2007). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2005. Selected papers from Going Romance. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 291. John Benjamins.
Baauw, S., van Kampen, N. J., & Pinto, M. (2007). The Acquisition of Romance Languages. Selected Papers of the Romance Turn II 2006. (LOT Occasional Series ed.) LOT.
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M. (2007). A-bar anaphoric pronouns for topic-shift Dutch-French-Italian. Paper presented at 16th NET-Symposium (Tilburg).
Pinto, M. (2007). A-bar anaphoric pronouns for topic-shift Dutch-French-Italian. Paper presented at 29th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) ‘Workshop on Anaphoric uses of demonstrative expressions’, Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Pinto, M., & van Kampen, N. J. (2007). L´acquisizione dell´anaforicità nel bilinguismo precoce. Paper presented at Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes (CILPR) 2007.
Pinto, M. (2007). The acquisition of the referential system. Poster session presented at Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, Barcelona, Spain.
Pinto, M. (2007, Feb 3). Anaphoric pronouns for topic maintenance and topic switched.
Pinto, M. (2007, Sept 6). The acquisition of the referential system.
Pinto, M. (2007, May 30). The Acquisition of Definite Articles by Italian-Dutch bilinguals.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M. (2006). Subject pronouns in bilinguals: interference or maturation. In L. Escobar, & V. Torrens (Eds.), The acquisition of syntax in Romance languages (pp. 331-352). Benjamins.
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M. (2005). Anaphora resolution: a problem for bilinguals?. Paper presented at International Symposium on Bilingualism (Universitat Autonoma, Barcelona).
Pinto, M., & van Oosten, A. (2005). Economy considerations in bilingual acquisition. Paper presented at BUCLD, Boston University, USA.
Pinto, M. (2004). De subjecten in het Italiaans en het Nederlands van een tweetalig kind. Incontri, 19(1), 63-74.
Overige resultaten
Pinto, M. (2004). Cross-linguistic influence in Italian-Dutch bilingual subjects. Paper presented at The Romance Turn. Workshop on the Acquisition of Syntax of Romance Languages, Madrid.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hendrix, H. A., Jansen, M. M., & Pinto, M. (2003). 105 bibliografische lemmata betrekking hebbend op Nederland, België en Luxemburg. In E. Malato (Ed.), Bibliografia Generale della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiana, vol. X (2000) (pp. passim). Salerno Editrice.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Hendrix, H. A., Jansen, M. M., & Pinto, M. (2002). 124 bibliografische vermeldingen met betrekking tot Nederland, Belgie en Luxemburg. In E. Malato (Ed.), Bibliografia generale della lingua e della letteratura italiana, volume IX (1999) Salerno Editrice.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Monachesi, P., Dimitriadis, A., Goedemans, R. W. N., Mineur, A. C., & Pinto, M. (2001). The Typological Database System. In S. Bird, P. Buneman, & M. Liberman (Eds.), Proceedings of the IRCS workshop on linguistic databases (pp. 181-186). IRCS.
Goedemans, R. W. N., Mineur, A. C., Dimitriadis, A., Monachesi, P., & Pinto, M. (2001). Typological Database Project. UiL OTS.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M. (1999). Information Focus: Between Core and Periphery. In E. Treviño, & J. Lema (Eds.), Semantic Issues in Romance Syntax (pp. 179-191). John Benjamins.
Pinto, M. (1999). Licensing and Interpretation of Inverted Subjects in Italian. A Summary. Glot international.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M. (1997). Definite Subjects and Inversion. In P. Dekker, J. van der Does, & H. de Hoop (Eds.), De Dag, Proceedings of the Workshop on Definites (pp. 113-124)
Pinto, M. (1997). Licensing and interpretation of inverted subjects in Italian. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University].
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M. (1994). Subjects in Italian: Distribution and Interpretation. In R. Bok-Bennema, & C. Cremers (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands (pp. 175-186). (Linguistics in the Netherlands). John Benjamins.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Pinto, M. (1992). How Free is Free Inversion? (Recherche de Linguistique Romane et Française d'Utrecht XI).