Dr. ir. Mirjam Moerbeek

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer C.107
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. ir. Mirjam Moerbeek

Universitair hoofddocent
Methoden en Statistiek
030 253 4438

Mirjam Moerbeek is an expert in optimal design and statistical power analysis, in particular for trials with multilevel data or survival endpoints in discrete time.

She has written the book "Statistical power analysis of trials with multilevel data", of which Steven Teerenstra from Radboud University Nijmegen is a coauthor. This book was published in 2016 by CRC press and is accompanied by a freeware computer program to perform the power analyses. This program can be downloaded from tinyurl.com/spaml.


The contents of the book are as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Multilevel statistical models
  3. Concepts of statistical power analysis
  4. Cluster randomized trials
  5. Improving statistical power in cluster randomized trials
  6. Multisite trials
  7. Pseudo cluster randomized trials
  8. Individually randomized group treatment trials
  9. Longitudinal intervention studies
  10. Extensions: three levels of nesting and factorial designs
  11. The problem of unknown intraclass correlation coefficients
  12. Computer software for power calculations
Bayesian sample size calculation for multilevel models with longitudinal data 23-01-2023 tot 22-01-2027
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Funding agencies of empirical research in the social, behavioral and biomedical sciences want trials to be designed in an efficient way, hence the motivation of sample size is an important requirement in grant proposals. Sample sizes are often calculated based on null hypothesis significance testing. This approach to hypothesis testing has received severe criticism over the past decades and Bayesian evaluation of informative hypotheses has been developed as an alternative. Informative hypothesis are formulated based on researchers’ expectations or findings in the literature and are therefore more realistic hypotheses than the common null hypothesis of “no effect”. For that reason, they are being increasingly used. The aim of the proposed project is to develop methodology to perform a priori sample size calculations for Bayesian evaluation of hypotheses testing. The project focusses on longitudinal intervention studies. Currently available Bayesian a priori sample size guidelines cannot be used for such trial designs, since they ignore the multilevel structure of the data, and therefore result in too low sample size. The methodology that will be developed in this project will be implemented in freeware software. The results of this project enable applied researchers to cost-efficiently design their trials.

2e geldstroom - NWO