Marta Massaia is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Language Sciences (ILS) at Utrecht University.
Marta's research is carried out within the Mind your Manner Adverbials! (MiMA-)project headed by prof. dr. Norbert Corver and funded by NWO. The project investigates the internal syntax and external distribution of Manner Adverbials (MAs) in a cross-linguistic perspective. Marta's research within the MiMA-project focuses on the syntax of a particular type of clausal manner adverbials in Germanic, namely similarity constructions. In addition to prof. dr. Corver, Marta is co-supervised by dr. Marijana Marelj (Utrecht University), and prof. dr. Denis Delfitto (University of Verona).
Within Utrecht University, Marta is co-organizer of the Syntax Interface Lectures together with Lex Cloin-Tavenier and Joanna Wall.
Marta is also member of the international network Adverbial Clauses and their Dependency Relationships headed by Lukasz Jedrzejowski (University of Adger), which gathers researchers from different universities working with adverbial clauses both from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.
Before getting a position at UU, Marta obtained both her BA and MA at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
Marta's main research interests include comparative Germanic linguistics, with a particular focus on the syntactic structure of the left periphery of adverbial clauses in English, German, Dutch, Swedish, and Icelandic.