Dr. Machiko Kanetake

Johanna Hudiggebouw
Achter Sint Pieter 200
Kamer 1.09
3512 HT Utrecht

Dr. Machiko Kanetake

Universitair hoofddocent
Internationaal en Europees Recht

I have ample experience in developing and delivering the courses of international law at both the Master’s and Bachelor’s levels.

Leadership roles in education

  • 2023-present Programme director, LLM in Public International Law, Utrecht University
  • 2015-2021 Programme coordinator, LLM in Public International Law, Utrecht University
  • 2018-2021 Representative for the Master’s Programme, Utrecht School of Law’s Educational Committee (Opleidingscommissie Masters)

As the programme director, I am responsible for the overall management of the programme, the admission of prospective students, on-boarding of new lecturers, and the moderation of teaching meetings and discussions therein. I put an emphasis on critical pedagogy in law, teaching of international law ‘in contexts’, and mutual support among lecturers.

Before assuming my current role as the programme director, I have coordinated the work of 25 academic staff members (junior lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors). Also, I regularly lead the University’s ‘Open Day’ and present the master’s programme for prospective students.

Betrokken bij opleiding(en)