Dr. Martine Veldhuizen

Universitair docent
Middeleeuwse Cultuur

Waarheidssprekers. De mentaliteit achter opruiend spreekgedrag volgens narratieven in de eerste drukken in het Nederlands (1450-1550)

In de middeleeuwen was er nog geen wettelijke ‘vrijheid van meningsuiting’, maar dat betekent niet dat er geen ruimte was om autoriteiten te bekritiseren. Verhalen uit de vroegste Nederlandstalige drukken met ‘waarheidssprekers’, personages die verbaal tegen gezag durven in te gaan, geven inzicht in de mentaliteit achter subversief spreekgedrag.

Afgesloten projecten
The Power of One: Towards the Representation of Unheard and Unseen Individuals in the Hospital, Workplace and Neighbourhood 01-03-2021 tot 31-12-2021
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Current approaches to addressing the medical, financial and work-related problems of individuals in groups often fail to actually help them. Researchers and professionals focus on what they perceive as the average individual, which prevents them from recognizing those who (partly) fall outside their scope. These unseen people typically suffer from an intersecting complexity of social problems, ailments, or belonging to marginalized groups. There is a consistent lack of data about the needs of these intersectional groups. A case in point is period poverty. While this is an acknowledged problem in The Netherlands, there is no data on the extent of the problem (NOS 25/11/2020 https://nos.nl/artikel/2357978-schotland-maakt-als-eersteland-ter-wereld-menstruatieproducten-gratis.html). Our aim is to find ways to collect this type of data. We want to see the unseen and hear the unheard – people currently not included in abstract categories, datasets, or algorithms. This project will thus improve our understanding of the mismatch between the studied sample and the underlying population, and formulate suggestions to make data collection efforts more inclusive. We will do so by collaborating with professionals in the field to identify people who are not represented by the data used by researchers and governments to make decisions. We will listen to their stories and use these to inform us on how existing methods of medical, financial and work-related aid can be improved or replaced.

 Example of different, intersecting conditions, which  current research efforts fail to adequately cover. 
We concentrate on three major contexts: the hospital, the workplace and the neighbourhood. Here, we suspect, are many people who need help but are beyond the scope of those who provide it because their intersecting complexities go unnoticed. In a ten-month pilot, we will a) investigate the current methods of identifying the needs of unseen populations, and b) assess whether and to what extent these methods sufficiently reach the individuals within these populations. Specifically, we will 1) identify and learn from best practices in patient groups who have managed to make their voice heard by collaborating with scientists, 2) examine how and to what extent HR-managers listen to the voices of LGBTI+ employees (e.g., through LGBTI+ employee resource groups), a relatively invisible group in organizations, and 3) examine to what extent community projects in neighborhoods succeed in meeting the needs of low socioeconomic status individuals and in making sure these projects are inclusive. This project will create a close and sustained dialogue between disciplines, domains and fields. By means of monthly roundtable sessions for all team members, we facilitate cross-fertilization of our knowledge, experience and insights. Each session is structured according to the following steps, that are well-established in interdisciplinary studies: 1) disciplinary grounding, 2) perspective taking, 3) common ground, and 4) integration. The sessions will be moderated by Flatland Agency, a consultancy that employs design-thinking methodology and visual thinking to enable team members to arrive at the same page and devise a methodology for inter- and transdisciplinary co-creation that can be used by other researchers that are part of the alliance.

1e geldstroom Centre for Unusual Collaborations
Overige projectleden
  • dr. Daniël Lakens
  • dr. Daniël Tetteroo
  • Dr. Mathias Funk
  • Dr. Monique Simons
  • Dr. Marianne Boes
  • Manon Klarenaar MA
Vrijheid van meningsuiting in Europa (1400-1750) 01-12-2017 tot 30-11-2020
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Dit project zet een internationaal onderzoeksnetwerk op om het thema van de vrijheid van meningsuiting in Europa gedurende 1400-1750 te bestuderen vanuit interdisciplinair perspectief.

2e geldstroom - NWO NWO, - The Research Group for the History of the Middle Ages/ Department of Medieval History, KU Leuven and The Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies, Ghent University, The Centre for Mediev
Overige projectleden
  • Prof. dr. Jelle Haemers (KU Leuven)
  • prof. Jan Dumolyn (Ghent University)
  • Dr Alasair Raffe (University of Edinburgh)
Waarheidssprekers. De mentaliteit achter opruiend spreekgedrag volgens narratieven in de eerste drukken in het Nederlands (1450-1550) 01-11-2016 tot 31-03-2020
Algemene projectbeschrijving

In de middeleeuwen was er nog geen wettelijke ‘vrijheid van meningsuiting’, maar dat betekent niet dat er geen ruimte was om autoriteiten te bekritiseren. Verhalen uit de vroegste Nederlandstalige drukken met ‘waarheidssprekers’, personages die verbaal tegen gezag durven in te gaan, geven inzicht in de mentaliteit achter subversief spreekgedrag.

2e geldstroom - NWO Veni

Vrijheid van meninguiting in Europa (1450-1750)

Dit project zet een internationaal onderzoeksnetwerk op om het thema van de vrijheid van meningsuiting in Europa gedurende 1400-1750 te bestuderen vanuit interdisciplinair perspectief.